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Everything posted by kbuhagiar

  1. ROFL!!!
  2. Hello Folks, On my 1947 Plymouth, I need to replace the oval-head screw that attaches to the trunk lid at the bottom of the trunk handle assembly. I need the correct size fastener, which I believe is a 12-32 (oval head). Does anyone know a source for this hard-to-find fastener? Thanks in advance for any and all information.
  3. My sentiments exactly - takes all the fun out of driving a car.
  4. Interesting item on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1942-1946-1947-1948-MOPAR-PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER-DESOTO-DODG-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4aa88d48f2QQitemZ320655411442QQptZVintageQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Was this a dealer/factory option? Or merely something manufactured and marketed by the Chrysler Corporation?
  5. Thanks to everyone for all of the information. Before I forget, does anyone know where I can find the round gasket that goes between the lock cylinder and the trunk handle assembly? Thanks again.
  6. Mr. suntennis, thanks for the input. After further review I have decided not to alter the lock assembly. I will call the vendor on Monday morning and ask him to take the part back and refund my money. In the meantime, if anyone out there has a replacement trunk lock (and keys) for a 1947 Plymouth for sale, drop me a line!
  7. Thanks anyway, Mr. Dodge b4ya - I appreciate the effort. Thank you, Mr. shel_bizzy_48, your picture would seem to confirm that I received a door lock instead of a trunk lock. Question - The cylinder of the replacement lock rotates 360 degrees - do the door locks operate that way also? Just trying to verify that it is a door lock, as opposed to, perhaps, the wrong year/model of trunk lock. Thanks in advance.
  8. You know, I was afraid you were going to say that. That means the vendor sent me the wrong part AGAIN. AARGH!! Pardon me while I go off and simmer in my frustration....
  9. Hello Folks, I am in the process of replacing the trunk lock cylinder on my 1947 Plymouth. The extension rod on the new replacement is shorter than the one on my old lock, so I need to remove my original and attach it to the new lock. However, I cannot figure out how to remove the collar that holds the extension rod to the lock barrel. Can anybody help me out? Thanks in advance for your assistance and support!
  10. Well, I can't quite comment yet on this offering, 'cause I fell asleep and only caught the scene where they opened the trunk of some car (like it was Capone's vault or something). But I must admit that lately I just about avoid most auto-oriented programming. It's all about the editing (for dramatic effect) on all of these faux-reality shows. American Hot Rod (Boyd Coddington's show), Overhaulin', that other one with the cranky guy (something White) who rebuilt and sold musclecars - all those fake deadlines, all the extra drama, to the point of disbelief. Speed Channel seems to be mostly NASCAR (not my cup of tea). Pinks is edited for drama. Car Crazy isn't so bad, once you get past the Meguire guy's perpetual goofy grin. My Classic Car is OK, you get to see some nice rides, but Dennis Gage gets on my nerves; must be the mustache. Spike TVs car shows - fuggetaboudit. They're more about the hosts than the cars. Plus, they appear to be aimed at a demographic that I no longer participate in. The only one IMHO that is still watchable is Chop Cut Rebuild. No drama, in fact some may call it boring, but you get to look at cool cars being built and driven, and, for the most part, the participants seem to all know what they are doing. Sorry for the rant; as my nephew would say, I'm just turning into a GOG (grouchy old guy)!
  11. Thanks for the heads up - will tune in tonight!
  12. Gorgeous! Nice work.
  13. Once again, Barret-Jackson is perpetuating a falsehood. It has been documented that the original hearse was crushed by the Kennedy Library back in the Eighties. Further proof that some people have more money than brains... Just my 2 cents...
  14. Ordered a trunk lock cylinder for my 47 Plymouth from Mr. Bernbaum. I tried to give him the part number (as listed on his website), but he grunted and said something to the effect of, "I don't need that crap'. OK, fine. He sent me a door lock cylinder instead. I called him back and advised him of his error. More grumbling and mumbling, through which he admitted it was an oversight on his part. I sent the lock cylinder back, and six weeks later I received the correct part. Never got so much as an apology, nor did I get credit for the shipping charges incurred due to his mistake. Perhaps Mr. Bernbaum should make an effort to utilize those part numbers on his website? Might help to avoid these kinds of mistakes.
  15. Bonjour Alain, Je m'appelle Ken, je parle un petit peu Francais. (My name is Ken, I speak a little French) Pour les informations sur les voitures Studebaker, essayez-le : (For information on Studebaker cars, try this) http://autoforum.classifieds1000.com/Classic-Studebaker Bonne chance! (Good luck)
  16. Any chance that anyone might happen to have an illustration or picture showing the difference in the radiators, specifically the mounting flanges? Thanks in advance.
  17. $517.95
  18. Upon further review, I think you are right. I can see the "South San Francisco The Industrial City" sign in the background, and I don't think you can see that from Colma.
  19. Hello Don, Looks like you stopped in Colma? For those of you not familiar with the town of Colma, California, it was established as a necropolis in 1924. Current population: 1.5 million (of which 1,191 are still living).
  20. Hello Folks, I just noticed this 1947 Desoto instrument panel on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250739735981&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT Would it bolt-in to a 1947 Plymouth? Just curious. Thanks.
  21. Try HammerSnipe http://hammersnipe.auctionstealer.com/home.cfm Free and dependable - I've been using it for years...I send them a donation every now and then.
  22. Looks good - here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270678858696&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.com%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3984.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D270678858696%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1
  23. Would anyone know the 12 volt equivalent of the #81 bulb? Thanks in advance.
  24. What, no second date?
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