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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Oh....OK. Do you know if the owner also has the two piece dual exhaust manifold that would have been on the truck with the factory dual carb manifold ?
  2. I'm confused. Your photo of the truck engine only shows a single carb manifold.
  3. I have a head with the bump. If interested send me a PM.
  4. Wow ! I can barely touch my toes on a good day.
  5. So......maybe 13 isn't an unlucky number afterall.
  6. Yup, no need to cut the firewall. Here's a photo of a 50 Chrysler 251 in my 52 1/2 ton. I used a radiator from a larger truck I guess(been too long) and actually had to move it back towards the fan with spacers. I added metal tabs to the front motor mounts that reached back 2" to the mounting holes on the front cross member. The third thing I had to do was take a chunk out of the back edge of the front cross member to clear the Chrysler oil pan sump. THE RADIATOR MOUNT. You can see the 1/2" copper tubing couplers I used as spacers to move the radiator back towards the fan blades. The notched out cross member. The front motor mount feet.
  7. I didn't cut the plywood into strips. I used a full sheet I got from my brother in law who works for Capitol Plywood in Reno.
  8. Well Young Ed. I did purchase some new bed strips and will be installing them one of these days. Yes, metal cross members. On your older truck with the wooden cross members I'd probably use oak for strength but maybe not being frugal and all. Douglas fir might be just fine. I used the sheet in full. No cutting into individual strips.
  9. I cheated and used 3/4" marine plywood painted black. I'm cheap...I mean frugal.... and wanted to be able to use my truck in my construction business. It's held up well since I installed it in 1998.
  10. I have that style of mirror on my 35,38,42 Dodges and my 49 Plymouth Suburban. Got them all on eBay though so not sure if they are exactly like Bernbaums. They work great. Roberts has them for $16 ea. http://www.robertsmotorparts.com/truck_parts.asp?Action=search&c=Trucks+%2D+Accessories%2C+Miscellaneous+%26+Chemicals
  11. Yeah....a 6 volt gen. puts out a little over 6 volts and a 12 volt gen puts out a little over 12.
  12. No, the Dodge truck engine is 2" longer than the Plymouth engine.
  13. Bernbaum has them. $22.50 + shipping. Scroll to the bottom. http://www.oldmoparts.com/l.htm
  14. Looks real nice Jon. Got a spare speedo? Mine looks like crap.
  15. Those rear jump seats can be obtained at most boat supply stores. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/WISE-Folding-Fishing-Boat-Seats-Boating-Seats-Seats-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1c14fe1cd6QQitemZ120611282134QQptZBoatQ5fPartsQ5fAccessoriesQ5fGear
  16. I have these two sets. I don't know which type they are for or even what years they are for. The shorter pair has the numbers 82433 and 226 on them and the longer pair only has the number 11 on the short arm just below the wiper bezel.
  17. Well....there's Lake Powell, Arizona is named after John Wesley Powell, a Civil War veteran who in 1869, lead a group of explorers down the Colorado and Green River. Lake Powell is 186 miles long. It has 100 side canyons and 1, 960 miles of shoreline. The lake was created by the damming of the Colorado River. After Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Arizona is the second largest man-made lake in the U.S. One O these days I'm gonna plop my patio boat in it.
  18. I'm with Greg. I have several old L-6 powered MoPars and once the radiator spits out the over filled amount nothing leaks out again winter or summer. The old radiators aren't made to hold pressure.
  19. Is that the one that is tubular like windlacing around old car doors ? If so you could make that by wrapping some rubber gas line with black vinyl. Just an idea. Like this ?
  20. You should...at $250 a rim you'd be a Thousandaire
  21. I think these were even optional for cars in areas that a car or truck needed more ground clearance. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330520318616&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  22. Roberts Motor Parts sells it. So does Andy Bernbaum. http://www.robertsmotorparts.com/truck_parts.asp?Action=search&c=Trucks+%2D+Rubber%2C+Weatherstrip+%26+Related+Parts
  23. 52NowWhat, Can you post a photo of the dash board ?
  24. There was another process posted here a couple of years ago. The material came in spray cans. Anyone have that one ? Edit. I found it with the search function. http://www.alsacorp.com/live/view_killerchrome_demo.html
  25. I noticed that grape fruit sized rock in the other photo you posted. That could have made a mess of a tailgaters windshield.
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