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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. OK Ed.....I know...I know...I'm just being a bad boo bird I guess. I must say though that I think a 50 caliber would have been more fitting. Maybe both sides and front too.
  2. I say we all chip in and get this covered trailer for his creation.
  3. Maybe the owner would sell you just the emblem on this fender if it doesn't sell on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-54-55-56-truck-D200-fender-LH-Driver-pickup-PU-/200455919199?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2eac1a965f
  4. I feel sick. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140490292440&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123#v4-37
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140490292440&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123#v4-37
  6. I'm not sure now. It's been over 10 years but I just found these with Google. http://www.speedwaymotors.com/1933-1940-Ford-Bumper-Bolts,3018.html
  7. I bought this 49 Club Coupe about 6 years ago and was told by the sellers that is was the car they used in the commercials. The gave me a newspaper article with Clara sitting in front of the car. I didn't buy the story but I did buy the car and named it Clara for fun. Shoot....I guess I sold the article along with the car.
  8. Well OK then Bob. I have taken your advice and installed the Hairy/Horney style.
  9. Bob, Can you verify that part number for the horned ornament on the ornament on the purple towell you posted ? Thanks. I too thought they were all the same from 48-53.
  10. Hey...that's right in my neighborhood. Wish I had some funny money.
  11. Using your id worked. Thanks.
  12. My sister in law ended up passing away so I am leaving it alone for a while.
  13. So you're the guy that popped my blow up dollie !!!! And all this time I thought it was Don C.
  14. Sorta reminds me of a few clients that called me out for a bid on a home remodel job. I never knew how to say you might want to think about DOZING IT AND STARTING OVER .......delicately.
  15. Wow......It sure is rough !
  16. You can make a Spitfire head a little more special by having some metal removed. Then......not only do they look extra special......they are.
  17. My 42 has a vibration too but I suspect a low cylinder is causing it. When I depress the clutch at speed the vibration goes away. #1 cylinder has 70 lbs and the rest are around 110. I think you said the vibration persists when your clutch is depressed so probably not your problem.
  18. If they'll work for a 42 Dodge coupe I'd be interested too.
  19. A piece of rubber molding probably available at Steele Rubber Products. Filler 12-02-6
  20. This note made my face go........when I read it too. Did you mean it doesn't provide as much cooling as diluted antifreeze ?
  21. What are they asking for the 54 mail carrier ? I call second dibs.
  22. The crease on the 48-50 door extends farther back than the ones on the 51-53.
  23. '36 or '46 ?
  24. Looks like a 35 or 36 Plymouth.
  25. Here's a photo of my parents all duded up for a Sunday stroll in "The Big City" dated Jan. 1940 shortly after they were married. Hey.......what's that door man looking at.
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