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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Ya..... Schmierkase
  2. I've used up all the "expansion slots" on my belt this winter. It's time for rice cakes with dry tuna,fruit cocktail and no fat cottage cheese. Crap ! I'll be rewarded by having to use the "contraction slots" on my belt hopefully.
  3. Very nice ! The truck appears to be in great shape and it even has the factory rear bumper. The paint looks like it might clean up too. Does it run ?
  4. I've been told several times over the past few years that I could turn my 315 Poly in my 58 Sweptside into a HEMI. Is it really true ?
  5. Do the rims 15" have hub cap clips? Hows about some photos Jon.
  6. Thanks Andy. I checked the receipt again and it says Poly 315,not 318. My bad.
  7. Welcome back Todd. Don't be such a stranger.
  8. Nice photos! Your car's a beauty and looks kind of at home docked there. Did you get to go on board any of the other boats ?
  9. Yeah, I keep a sticky note on my 38 coupe gauge with the mileage at the latest fill up. I only dare to go around 100 miles between fill ups cause I think the pickup tube must be way off the bottom of the tank. I have run out of gas several times and it only takes about 8 gallons till it overflows. I hate walking when it wasn't planned. Or worse...having to do this.
  10. Very cool. There sure were a lot of fins on the HWY. I got a kick out of seeing the car hauler loaded with brand new 59 Ramblers.
  11. I agree. I use to get a lot more projects done before this box got me hooked. I'm going to TRY and sign off now.
  12. Wait !!! I have to flush her out too. OK....now I'm out also.
  13. Pat, Here's a drivers side manifold from a late 50's poly. Is this the same as your 62 ? If so and you are interested I'd let it go for $30 which is what I paid a few years back. PM me if interested. Reg
  14. I measured the one in my 50 Chrysler 251 and it's 15" seated in the bell. The dip stick tube is attached to the oil pan....not the block. I also have a Long block 236 from a 46-47 1.5 ton and it measures 17 1/8" fully seated. The dip stick tube is attached to the block, not the oil pan. To be sure drain and refill your pan with the proper amount of oil and then insert a dip stick and mark it. You can buy an adjustable one at NAPA. The bell slides and can be tightened to the proper level.
  15. Yeah, I have to scrub her pontoons clean whenever I take her down to the bay.
  16. I hear ya aero. I was out charging the batteries on mine today. Can't wait to get out there and do a little boat camping.
  17. Someone liked it $29,500 worth and hit the Buy I Now button. Waaah.
  18. I was thinking that too. My brother and I have the identical tester and his reads about 10lbs higher than mine. I like his best.
  19. Yup....I had to use those two items (card & phone) last weekend 60 miles from home. Before we left I was kidding with my wife and said. " Every time I bring a tool kit nothing happens. This time I'm not going to bother with one." and she said " Oh great....you've cursed our trip" We both had a little chuckle and headed out.
  20. Yeah, and I sure could have used that front bumper before he took it on a little test drive.
  21. Thanks Tim ! Looks like some new trucks there this time. Who's nice green 53 flat bed ? Sorry I missed it.
  22. Yeah...come on Tim and Bob. They're lapping us.
  23. Look out 49D...you're gonna scrath the patina. My 58 Sweptside and my wife and I got a tow back home Saturday from Sacramento. ~60 miles. Hate it when that happens.
  24. Like this ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CHEVY-FORD-Replica-Rebuilt-Car-Side-Rear-Mount-ANTENNA-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4aaa2f8de5QQitemZ320682823141QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  25. Well........I just wanted to be the first poster of a photo for the 4th annual Pilot-House BBQ. We made it almost as far as the El Camino off ramp on hwy 99 maybe half way to Tims place when the truck didn't want to go any more. I coasted over to the right as far as possible with cars flying past us. Got out and opened the hood thinking out loud to my wife Lisa....oh,it's just a lose coil wire or something simple Dear. Relax.....we'll be on our way in just a minute. NOPE !!! No gas to the carb. CRAP !!!! But just then a good samaritan pulled over and asked if he could help. He just so happens to have a tow strap in the bed of his Fword Ranger and hooked onto my front bumper and towed us off the freeway to a VW shop parking lot. After a little trouble shooting by the good samaritin (Jeff)and myself we determined that the fuel pump had given up so I bought an electric one from the VW shop. They loaned me the tools to install it and in only an hour we were on our way again. Yahoo !!!! Suddenly the 315 V8 started sounding like a 315 V5 !!!!!! OH NO MORE CRAP !!!!! We pull over again and find that the points are a special shade of charcoal and are gapped at about 0. I give up cause I've already spent too much time on my back under the truck and ask Lisa to call some tow companies. Thank God for cell phones cause she finds one right away that will come and get us and carry us and the Sweptside back home the 60 miles. We left our house this morning at 6:30 and arrived back home at 2:00 pm. Shoot...I was lookin forward to a B1-BBQed burger and seeing everyone and their trucks. Rats !!!! Maybe next year. Shoulda/coulda drivin Old Yeller.
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