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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. OK Young Ed......hows about this one. In '64 I raised a sparrow hawk,a red tailed hawk and 5 baby barn owls from fuzzy little chicks. I would have to supplement their diet with ground round (hamburger meat) at $0.29 per pound when my live rodent traps were empty. What's hamburger meat cost now ? PS...how could you sleep at night charging your poor neighbors that much?
  2. When I was kid back in the early 60's I use to charge $1.25 per hour for lawn mowing and general yard work. Gasoline was around $0.25 per gallon. So I could buy 5 gallons of gas for one hour of work at about 12 years old. Now at a little over $4.00 per gallon a kid would have to charge about $20 per hour for the same job. I think a 12 year old now might get $10 per hour for the same work. Poor kids !
  3. Hey Tim, I tried to call the number on the BBQ flyer and that number has been disconnected. 209-727-0129.
  4. Lisa and I are probably going to arrive in this 58 tri toned clunker.
  5. Welcome rpmgarage. I have a Dodge on either side of your 36. A 35 Sedan and a 38 Business coupe and they haven't thrown me off here yet.
  6. Tim, Do you want to sell me the one that came off of your 49? Here's a photo of my 49 Suburban with a visor and the original owner ,Elbert Meyer,proudly standing next to it.
  7. OK thanks Lanny.
  8. I'm happy and sad for you at the same time. Been there....Done that. WELCOME ! Pop Johnson.
  9. Good Work Eric !
  10. Hey yeah. Without the X it says the truck is a 1950 built in San Leandro,CA. I don't think I've ever seen a transmission cover with only the E brake hole knocked out.
  11. Can you post some photos of your 33 Plymouth. My first car in 66 was a 33 plym.
  12. The radio cutout is obviously meant for a 602/610T hybred. Now that's REALLY rare. I plugged the serial number he has listed into the serial number decoder and it comes up invalid (85300439X ) Hummm.
  13. Very cool ! A 53 Spring Special. Looks to be in great shape.
  14. Wow ! and to think your truck was way over here in Calif. just a few years ago getting ready to head to your neck of the woods. Small world. NICE JOB !!! Are you going to keep the side mount spare ?
  15. Weren't the original letters painted all the way down the shoulders of the embossed letters to the flat area surrounding the letters ? I was wondering if a precut vinyl mask and spray paint wouldn't produce a more authentic result than cut out vinyl applied to just the flat faces of each letter.
  16. Yes,I have the patterns for the interior. Included are the headliner,back of cab(3 window),door header,door panel and kick panel. I'd be more than happy to trade a set for the black tailgate lettering. Reg
  17. George, If that happens ,I'd be interested in purchasing a set in black vinyl just like Hank needs for my low sided tailgate. Reg
  18. Wow....that's one beautiful truck !
  19. Great ! regoevans@sbcglobal.net Thanks, Reg
  20. I would like (2)....one with DODGE and the other with 251 on them. PM me if you can do them.
  21. Bob, Is there a photo of the dash in the article ? Just curious if the dash is 52 also ?
  22. Bob, The front nose lettering is 51 or 52 also.
  23. Yes......what hkestes41 and Lefebvre said. Where did the air cleaners come from.
  24. Has anyone tried the Killer Chrome or the Eastwood Liquid Chrome yet ? I took some parts to a plating service the other day and they wanted $305 for these parts. I only left 3 of the 6 parts with them to save $200. The ring is 16" in diameter. I brought it and the 2 parts with the stripes back home to try the spray chrome on soon.
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