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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Here's my 49 with a roof rack.
  2. Dudes......he writ somewhere around a dozen books. Hank.....did you quit taking your medication again er what ?
  3. I vote......KEEP THE FLATTY !!! What does "flake out the tot" mean ?
  4. Down hill in a stiff tail wind and the clutch in it could happen.
  5. Actually Don dropped the Corvette body on a Scout frame.
  6. Oh Gorsh fellas.....thanks. I'm still here and I do have the patterns in paper. You can email me directly if you'd like at rego@hughes.net.
  7. What a great story ! I hope you preserve the patina on the truck and the lettering on the stake sides. I like it a lot !
  8. Maybe these http://www.ebay.com/itm/231062657300?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT or thesehttp://www.ebay.com/itm/251459665741?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT or these http://www.ebay.com/itm/111293427975?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  9. In your photos 54-56 on the left. 48-50 in the center and 51-53 on the right.
  10. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/olddodges1/Pilot%20House%20Trucks/MVC-006F.jpg bicycle inner tubes work well.
  11. Very nice truck jnicho !
  12. Tim, 48D's ceiling height is the same as mine.....12'
  13. My ceiling height is only 12' and I have no problem lifting any car or truck to my lifts highest position. Edit.....I should say that a 12' ceiling height works with my type of lift that lifts the car from the frame. The type that you drive up on does require a higher ceiling.
  14. Nope Jerry. As Merle stated they are a mirror image of each other. It's just an optical contusion
  15. I really like the look of the rounded corners on that bed. One of my first Pilot House trucks, a 50 1 ton, had that style of bed with metal corners and bent sheet metal that followed that curve. Shoulda kept it !
  16. Go to www.oldpickupparts.com for some repop 48-56 Dodge truck parts.
  17. Good eye Merle ! The buckets are modern black plastic and the mounting holes were in a different spot than the original tail light lenses I wanted to use so I drilled a small hole through the top and bottom of the bezel and into the bucket and installed the screws there. It's been over 15 years since I did that and I'd forgotten all about it. The bulbs are still burning bright......knock on wood.
  18. Oh Don.......you're just no fun any more.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong. The 201's and smaller c.i. flat 6's have a smaller diameter valve than a 218 or 230.
  20. Oh happy day ! I just answered my own question about sporadically being able to attach a photo. This time .......all I had to do was click on what looks like a light switch on the upper left hand corner of the header. I will now attempt to post a photo of my rear end. A low sided bed looks even less substantial than a high sided one. I've been thinking of fabricating some sort of gravel shield there for years but it's tough when you're the president of the Northern California Procrastinators Association.
  21. I got tired of hitting the plate with my knee in the stock location so I moved it over. No light but the coppers can't catch me with my 251 and 3.0 rear gears. Edit. I was going to add a photo but 1/2 the time I want to attach a photo the upper header where you click on the photo icon is grayed out and won't respond. What up wit dat ?
  22. Nice photos Paul !
  23. I should have said on my way back from Colorado. I'm back in CA. now.
  24. Shoot Bob.....I just passed thru Nevada yesterday from our trip to Colorado. Bummer.
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