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Everything posted by 1just4don

  1. I am a bit surprised that they didnt allow for drainage of water out of that vault!! Like a floor drain to a lower sewer line!! Or a sump pump or something,,,even an access to monitor water level and a suck out place. Most everyone knows concrete by its very nature isnt 'waterproof' but VERY porous. look how hard it is to keep water inside a swimming pool and OR out of a concrete basement. Did they even waterproof the inside and outside walls of this vault?? Seal around the lid?? IF not it was doomed to fail. Water ALWAYS wins!!!
  2. "IF" you have deer in your yards,,and that goes for anyone here, build them a 4 poster feeder with salt, mineral, or corn, just a little EVERY day!! Then rig it with insecticide flips so they rub the skin while eating. Deer have TICKS,,,and those ticks can and WILL ruin your life!!!,period!!! OR the life of your wife,kids, grandkids,best friends, right on down the line!! Having this insecticide out on the deer feeder prevents MOST of the ticks from your yard. For the rest of them you should continuaully spray your yards with a benign spray such as Tempo,,,which is made from geranium flowers and has zero smell!! You might change up once in a while and use a permitherin!!(If you arent allergic to that) Dont ask me how I know!!! BUT, tis a FACT!!! You get it, docs dont care and furthermore dont know about it,,,you dont die,,,you just WISH you did!!! It takes a VERY special doc to pull you out of THIS,,,and some arent THAT lucky!!! be well--don--
  3. You know when they race hosses they always select the smallest jockey to ride, to give them an edge. Me thinks from pics of both,,,Pete has THIS racers edge going for him. All other things being equal,,,its 'Pete' by a bolt length,,,based on that advantage!!! Otherwise I have known guys who can wrench an advantage to THEIR side,,,who's the BEST wrencher?? Da bigger jockey who know the tricks of the trade by virtue of his YEARS of experience,,or the more 'youthful' exuberance of the Blueskies guy??? Time to 'do it' and tell!!! At least in their minds!! Dont think ANY harm would come of a REAL race to cap off the great week down there!!! Even a 100 yards, would be a time to remember when!! Has to be a location that would WORK, somewhere down there,,,BUT who is doing the prerace rubdowns to keep the muscles from being TOO tense???
  4. Just wondering where the highest gas prices in this world ?? And how high on its highest price??
  5. years ago when bottled water first became popular,,,I thought that was the goofiest gimic in the world. NOBODY would buy THAT stuff,,,why pay that much for water. And people claim it tastes better. Take two bottles, blindfold a person who says that, take one new bottle and one that was out of a unchlorinated tap and put in frig overnight. bet they cant tell which is which, unless you have real BAD water. tap water has a bad rap,,,and its the safest water known to man. I was camping last year,,,a guy said they take the water right out of this spring creek to bottle and sell. I sure didnt think that creek water was clean enough,,,lots of 'floaties' and fish in there. I will take well water any day!!
  6. I am VERY glad your weather was as good as you could have hoped for,,,nasty tornadoes are indeed destructive and dangerous!! They start blowing the sirens if the tornado is within 20-30 miles. I guess I could live with that since IF activity in the area. Might be another. My biggest complaint is they break into every good tv show every 5-10 minutes with the news that this or that town is going to have a 'rain' cloud overhead in 20 minutes. Anybody can SEE which way the radar is moving and WHERE it will be about when,,,besides loking out the window and judging the severity for yourself isnt a bad option. I think there are people who are getting needlessly traumatized with constant barage of severe weather warnings moving in. 9 out of 10 times it sprinkles to rains an inch and thats about all. Those colored maps are notoriously WRONG!!! I think they could do the same thing with that trailer blip flashing across the bottom of the screen and the little map,,,they dont have to harp and harp endlessly!! Its like the little boy that cried wolf too often and nobody listened when their was REAL danger. I used to work with people,,,whenever a warning or watch was issued they about FREAKED!! I have a daughter that hates lightning and thunder,,, and one that LOVES it and would stand and watch it for hours!!! Different strokes, for different folks. But we JUST dont need scared to death and treated like we were 2 yr olds.
  7. I dont think they make a big enough pair of overloads for these. They better investigate a high grade set of 'air bags'. No joke I saw a 'young' lady and her way too skinny of boyfriend get in one of those old full size sedans of the 70's. She took up 90 -95% of the whole front seat and he had to set on the door handle,,,just like when you ride four in the front of old days. The car tilted 4 inches to 'her' side. IF he weighed ten more pounds he couldnt get the(his) door shut. I had a(former) wife that was trying her darnest to look like that. Gastric bypass saved her live,,,no doubt!! Now she looks like her high school days of playing vollyball!! Can you notice how discolored that one ladies legs are?? THAT cant be healthy!! SERIOUS health probs here!!
  8. none
  9. Put some of that silicone plumbers putty in the threads so it doesnt leak and 'easier' to get out NEXT time. OR some Teflon Tape!! Forgot to mention,,,how BAD is the gas?? Can you strain it enough to run thru your lawn mower?? IF its real bad and you dont wanna burn it,,,it works good to kill the grass in the driveway amd sidewalk cracks where you dont want ANYTHING to grow. Might not need to buy weed killer for years!!(if you have enough of it) Takes only a drop or two.
  10. Mind you this was back in the 70's,dont even KNOW if its still there. Was 105-110 in the shade every day for a week. Our meeting was right next door or adjacent(by a over the street enclosed walkway) to a 'new' shopping center. The center of which was an ICE skating rink. Spent hours of break time just watching the people skate,,,and stayed COOL the whole while!! Havent been back to Tulsa since so NO idea where I was or what it was called!!
  11. ...double as a air foil for 'HIGH" speed racing??? Never saw one folded back like that,,is that a secret technique for 'winning'??? (Just funnin ya some)
  12. On my last post I said I got 2.8" that day. 2 miles from me got 4-6". They really are flooded out. Small town south of here has been sandbagging ever since. they are still pumping basements. The local river was running down the streets,,,its VERY flat there. Lakes now where puddles are usually.
  13. you dont find an old mopar for a driver,,,I would think twice about one of those slightly older than new vw models with the diesel motor in them that get 40-60mpg. They run forever!! Fuel doesnt look like or act like it is going to get much cheaper for very long anyway,,,milage is KING!!!! For what you save on daily fuel,can fund a NICE old car for a sunny day ride!! Drive the diesel in the rain and crappy weather with dumb idiot drivers , doing there makeup during rush hour, around you!!
  14. are you REAL sure it was held tight for that hole?? Does it run rough?? maybe a leaky valve?? If everything is good enough inside I cant see why you couldnt just rering or replace that cylinder,if the piston is cracked. I have taken old motors and just put a 'set' of rings and bearings in it and ran them a LONG time. Honed the walls a bit. Opened one once a four banger and EVERY piston was broke,,that one was a bit MORE expensive but as you can imagine,,,it was NEEDED. Biggest problem is we dont run them hard enough,long enough any more. To the store and back and forth the driveway doesnt get them enough excercise,,,specially if they sat for 20 years or so in barn storage!! But back to your project,while the 'head' is off you make want to peek at whether the valves need ground. Another BIG way to be a skeeter smoker is the valve guides so easy to drop those in too IF you grind the valves,if not leavem be!! Once the head is off obvious will be what you want and need to do.
  15. Thinking HAS been dangerous for me to do. When we have dirty dishwahers or dirty glasses or dirty faucet aerators,,,we stick them in vinegar to clean them up. Is there any way OR any harm in pouring a gallon or two of vinegar in a mopar 'block part' and let it set overnight before flushing it all out??? maybe with the freeze plugs and all other plugs still in it so it HAS to stay inside. Probably have to take radiator hoses off and plug bottom one with the right size rubber expander plugs,,,or taKE IT OFF THE BLOCK SIDE AND USE THE EXPANDER PLUG ON THERE.(sorry,darn cap lock,,,wish I could disconnect that key) If you soaked it a time or two then took plugs out and really cleaned her out,it would be closer to 'new' condition. Otherwise it has considerable 'scum' inside. And a plug you could stick in the outlets with a water hose attached would blow alot of gunk out,till you got the freeze plugs out!! Like those snake things that you stick in a drain,the hosepart swells to the size of the pipe, then squirts pulse of high pressure water(supposedly enough pressure to snake/blow a houses drain clog). I would THINK the vinegar would improve the flushing of the system. Commercial flush products are made out of what???
  16. I know I shouldnt do this but we rarely get much rain and not too much at one time. yesterday noon till this morning was 2.80" Thats ALOT for us. Now watch the drought creep in,,,again!!! We can go from middle of June to september mid month with zip for rain,,,hope this isnt one of THOSE years!! Guys still trying to plant a crop here!!
  17. I have heard but never tried this myself. 95% or more non working hydralic jacks can be fixed real quick, no cents other than common. (no matter the kind of them) floor, or regular jacks,,, This guy says to extend ram as far as it will go, set it on its head for a 'day'. (this lets the air filter thru the oil to the top,,,now upside down) While still upside down and out,turn screw to lower it, releases either air or oil on back side, I forget,,, MIGHT take a couple times to getter all bled but ,,,he says in excess of 95% of ALL jacks DONT need fixed,just stood on there head!! Moral of story,,,you can buy non working jacks at auctions all day long for CHEAP!!! Fix them by setting them upside down and reselling for a profit as a working jack!!! They bring a bit more IF the grease and oil are removed and a nice coat of nice paint applied,,,then announce newly reconditioned, like, or good as new!! YOU read this here, its one of those tricks you always wished you knew, and now you DO!!! Ever notice that jacks dont work the same after they fall over(like behind the seat or in the trunk),,,its the air they get inside!!!
  18. I have been invited to a canoeing/camping trip this July 8-14th in Metamora Indianna. So logical road would be from say Omaha, east down I-80 to I-74 that angles southeast to Metamora Indianna. Be willing to meet up before or after to and fro ,,,someplace along the road for a 'rest' stop and a piece of cafe pie and iced tea. probably traveling alone. Also maybe be open to a more 'scenic' route back home!! hate to take the same road BOTH ways!! maybe take I 70 back thru Missouri and I-29 back north,,,or are there more scenic two laners?? I like the scenery of the 2 laners, but like the time aspect of the 4 lanes. Trying to decide whether to go or just stay home,,,would be 'cheaper',,,but would miss the friends I would meet there!!! Anybody close to proposed route??
  19. Just kidding but better check the family tree again for a indiscreet branch, maybe. You two have a striking resemblance. Even way back when, I am sure their were,,,affairs of the heart!! Loocally their are several people who have striking similarities,even in their laugh etc. makes one wonder since they are not even related,,,or are they???
  20. I used to like boats,but that was a lifetime ago and not sure the body would like them now as well as years ago. I used to like to water ski. Guess my skiing days are over. Driving a boat home has to be quite a feat!! And you were completely correct, that middle person definitely is a charming beautiful lady!!! I can see family resemblance between you two guys. What a trio to draw too. A good looking 'set'!!!
  21. 1just4don

    Spark plugs?

    I used to like champion plugs too,in days of old. Now they are pretty junky and liable to have half no good,right out of the box. I have old tractors that IF you screw a Champion in there and you can get it to fire at all,your lucky,,,but VERY soon,,,as in days,,it is fouled out!! Screw an Autolite 3116 in there and it will stay clean and firing forever, comparatively!! There isnt alot of difference between these old tractors and our old cars,,,about the same era!! Dont know what ever happened to the GOOD Champions but good they are NOT!!! IF your engine is 'perfect' and brand new, then maybe not as much difference!! Buy 6 tho, bet you take back 2 no-good ones!!!
  22. Congrads on BOTH counts, the graduation and the news picture/article. My LAST (youngest) child graduated three weeks ago,,,with a degree in chemical engineering. (I didnt contribute ANY brainpower to that child!!) Wish somebody had explaned back then what a degree could have done for "ME" and all the different fields to enter with one.(and earnings)
  23. The listing is being withdrawn or canceled,,,Is that what they do there when its sold and they want no further calls??? Either that or SOMEBODY told them they were way to cheap and redid it,,,unlesss it was the proverbial scam!!
  24. Buy one of those cheapee porta quickee garages. Some are like hoop sheds. Then if the cover rips put some cheap tin over it. Inside is inside around here any way!!Does it work THERE??? Or find an old garage that somebody wants to build a fancy new one in its place REAL cheap these days. Stick a old pickup inside,support to whatever several inches off the ground and drive home, while looking thru the open big door. A small truck works dandy too. If its not quite long enough put a nose lean too on it or lengthen the back a few feet. They call them Model T garages around here,big enough for those or a VW, not much else. people want tons of space these days!! Can you appease the city fathers with a silver tarp over it??
  25. Instead of using starting fluid,,pick up your can of WD-40 and try that first. It lubes things better,,and kleans plugs at same time. Cant over spray it either, like you sure can ether,,,ever lock an engine up with that stuff??
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