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Wow Ed, your dad must have a mighty big garage there,,,hope he lives in the country!! Mighty fine story there Eric!! Guess MY first car never won a race. The families old buggy a 51 2 door coupe, light green plymouth. After a year or so of contantly having to find and change my own tires and wheels with the aid of a bumper jack and a hand pump up air tube thing,, because the front end was so out of line it squealed going straight down the highway!!,,,I found a white more door(hunting purposes dictates more doors),,,hard to road hunt with a 2 door.. This car had a broken frame and flexed like crazy on washboard roads, you could feel it inside. I drug it out of a tree grove, scraped 6" of mud and leaves off the floors,,,drug it around till it started and drove it home,,,for $25. Then an OLDER guy had no more use for his 50 Dodge fluid drive more door(we used it primarily for hunting,night and day)(us kids amused ourselves pretty cheap back then). THAT car hooked me on the Mopars,,,toughest thing on four wheels,,,was slick with new snow on a curved drive in the park. Like MOST kids of the day was driving too fast and slid off the road and whammed a BIG tree about 3' diameter trunk. Hit REAL hard,,,thought Oh crap,just wrecked the car, could see in my MIND water running out of radiator front end crushed and wrapped around tree. Hit windsheild HARD!!Knee hit and bent the key. Got out to see the license plate bracket WAS bent before,,,total damage was license bracket NOW straight,,,not a scratch otherwise. When we were hunting some underage newbie driver always wanted to drive,,,I prefered to 'shoot' so we were on one side of a HUGE tree grove and the car was on the other side,,guy driving says hold on I will be right over,,,I thought he meant he was going to drive around to get us. "HE" instead drove straight thru. he avoided the BIG trees and drove over a thousand 6-8-10' volunteer trees. Ever hear what a car coming thru the grove sounds like in the calm dark and dead of night?? I swear he was driving over trees that were big enough to bring one side up then the other. The fluid drive just powered thru it all. After we got done laughing our fool heads off on that one,,, the guy driving was backing on a sand road and promptly backed right into the ditch,,,said he couldnt see where he was going!! Darn YOUNG drivers!! Other 4-5 guys got out and pushed it right out!! We had huge big knobby mud grips on the back shaped in a V and taller tires on front so it cleared MORE brush and there wasnt ANYWHERE we could NOT drive with it,,,and did regularly!! It rode like a cadilac on the highway at 30mph in the roughest of pastures,,,all night long!! MUD and snow NEVER stopped us,,,a deep ravine we fell into once did. Had a friend that still doesnt know how strong he is,,,used our jack to pick up the front as much as we could and both of us finished picking the front end up and over the edge of that ravine,,while same young driver backed it up for us!! Talk about a "sudden" stop from 40 to 0 in 1 foot space. I thought the stop killed us all,,,opened the door and rolled out and layed on the snow for a 'long' time, guy in back seat thought both of us in the front were dead for sure!! Must be AWFUL tough windsheild glass to take THAT hard of hit from the inside!! I wish I had THAT car back,,,yes I do!!!
Go find a used tire of same size on garage sales,shopper papers,junk yard,service stations for about 10-15 bucks and be done with it. IF it wears thin before the others do,,,find another,,,IF it lasts as long as others,,,buy a whole set next time. I have been running scabs on a newer pickup for years,mix and match,,(treads and brands of tire,,,NOT sizes or belted-or non),,,it works just fine and no problems. Think I would put the matched pair up front and the mismatched pair on rear,,,long as the tire diameter is about the same!! Oh and by the way,,,IF your spare is biased and tires are belted,,,buy a pair thats matched,then put the pair on and the good off tire is now your spare!! I dont think belted bias combo on same car is good. Might not give probs in GOOD weather and easy driving,,,but it only takes once!! And bad weather is abrubt sometimes!! Like getting on new asphalt that is slippery when wet,,bad enough without that mix,,,
I think I would start with a string behind a wad of steel wool(for pulling out purposes) and then duct tape ALL of the orifices to keep as much humidity out of it you can. Number one enemy is meeces,,,number 2 is rust from humidity. I cant help but think that you cant keep oil on surfaces long term inside an engine anyway Unless you can turn over by hand ever so often!! If not,,forget it and worry bout oiling when you wake them up!! Actually IF you could get gun grease squirted, coated , and distributed evenly inside would be the best!! That would only be an option really if you wanted to pull the head NOW and really grease her up then turn over by hand a couple few times to force it into the rings area!! next best thing to cosmoline. Guess I should have asked to start with,,,how LONG of nap are these to take???Planned anyway?? IF the starter is still attached or could be easy,,you could flood with oil that way too!! Oil blow by,,,carb and water outlets,,,duct taped up when your done!! Oil filler tube also!! I dont know what happens to a tight sealed engine when barometric pressure changes but sure know what happens when you dont seal them!!
Much more rust underneath than I expected to see,,,has this lived in 'salt' country its whole life?? Sure looks like it. I have a actual 28K car in the garage(non-mopar) but I caution you to NOT fall for that old line of,,,its first time around. Yeah right. IF so they better have some docs to that. Most ALL oldies like this has the original oil change stickers in the door frame. IF they dont line up to say,,,its so,,,or,,,they are all gone,,,maybe they are pulling your leg,,or dont know any better. MOST of this generation had 100K plus whats on the speedo,,,and some had 200K plus showing miles. I cant see how much wear is on the pedal surfaces so wont venture to guess,,,use your own good judgement. I see more wear on the seat than they would normally get in 49K too. Unless they forgot to close there winders and had alot of 'surprise' rain showers!! And one thing for DARN SURE,,,his 'grandpa' didnt paint that rearend that bright red as well as the driveshaft. AND didnt buy that cherry bomb muffler either!! Was the rearend painted IN the car or outside the car?? Is it for sure an original?? Or somebodys attempt to fix what ails her?? Not REAL concerned with that front door being overextended,,,they all did that,,when opened in a high wind from the back side. AND not holding on to the door good enough!! BUT for all this,,,I would be real surprised IF a family would part with it for the said 2500 buckaroos,,,might have to go a bit higher. Exposed body looks 'great'. Looks as if you can drive and enjoy,,fix as needed and possible!! Hope it works out for you being--just don--
last night on history detectives there was this guy who had this 32 ford coupe which he bought YEARS ago with this hopped up V-8(for the day anyway). He took that v-8 out and put a more reasonable streetable driving one in instead,,,kept the hopped up one in the garage(heads were off,,,pan was off. He wanted to know if this car was ever raced either round circle or on what they called dry lake racing back in the day. Since it had a crank that didnt match the block serials they determined it really was fast for its day. Said it was capable of doing 120mph or so. They didnt think that the car was ever really raced cause it didnt have evidence of a roll cage inside or a decal plaque that mounted drivers side rear of hood location stating their high speed of the 1 1/2 course with speed traps built into 1/4 mile section of it. They said 9 seconds thru the traps meant they cracked 100mph,,,which was pretty darn fast for the day and those chasis.(and tires)
Norm was right IF the pins were real rusty etc. Penetrating oil IS necessary. For 95% of the time,,,tho the 'oil' will make it worse than better IF you travel gravel roads,,,live in the country where dust is king. I used ONLY the dry graphite in locks to start with,,,in the little handy puff tubes that last forever. It is DRY and doesnt collect more grit. I had bad door hinges once on a more modern car,,,mechanic it was at, said oiling the hinges was the WORST thing I could do. He took solvent and cleaned everything thouroughly,,,then applied dry silicone instead,,,worked like a charm for about 10 times longer than oil ever did,,,then just took another poof of dry silicone!! When in doubt,,,go dry!!! IF dry graphite doesnt work to smooth up those locks,,try da dry silicone,its wet long enough to help,,,,sometimes!! Works for me!!
Journey up to Iowa in Oct. and buy that cool 33 Desoto at that estate auction,,,says nothing needed to drive loud and proud. n then you can save about 90 % of the rebuild,,,actually I am jealous,,,I agree those are a COOL old car,,,maybe one of the best. Looks like a rumble seat coupe even,,but me dunt know nuttin!! Enjoy it,,,you waited long enough!!
Portugal: and now the rest of the story.........
1just4don replied to Charlie Olson's topic in P15-D24 Forum
If each car takes a space of 7' X 16' and times 180 cars thats slightly over 20,000 square feet. That is one HUGE barn covering just short of half acre of ground. That would be a 100' wide and 200 long or better. More than likely in a OLD barn 50' would more than likely be tops in width!!(for construction purposes) then it would NEED to be 400' long, to MAYBE cover 180 cars!! Not counting support posts spacing ect. AND perfectly placed cars!! otherwise figure 10-20% bigger yet!! Now anybody that missed a barn THAT huge has to be blind or so secluded no one knew it was there. So this guy died suddenly and had NO kids or heirs that cared and sold it for the estate?? Wouldnt people that worked for him KNOW he owned a 'few' cars' and they needed to be sold?? And never ever looked inside a HUGE barn that size?? I see windows up high,,,nobody owned a ladder I guess. No Realtors, no nuttin?? Help me understand,,,I guess I just dont???oops--just don-- -
Be VERY selective on what pully you take ownership of. IF you can feel wear on the sides of the pully,,,besides polished surface where it runs,,pass and find a non groved one. As you are probably aware of,the belt rides on the sides of the pully,,,ANY wear there lets the belt slip further down into the groove and the sides NOT to grip enough,,,ensuring premature belt failure!! Then the top wears faster,lets it bottom on the pully and whamo,its gone if the top part didnt already disintegrate!! IF the top cover is ripped off an old belt,,,chances are you have one or more pullys too far grooved!! Buying used is prudent,,,buying used junk is not so good!!
I am guessing there is something magical about THAT particular oil. Even well worn diesel motors will quit using oil 'sometimes'. Its a well known fact for as many years as are on the calendar. But this is ag country!! I know guys that have used good diesel oil in their gas cars and vans for as old as they are with good results. Shell Rotella has ALWAYS been proud and more expensive than regular oil,,,like about twice,,,but probably worth the chips!!
There was a thread about this on another board. This spray plane pulled into spray a field. Planes dont take long to sray a field either. While he was there two neighbors called the field owner to complain and also the FAA. They told them to shut up and like it. This was in the Midwest and your rights may vary. They also said you dont own the air rights over your home,,,the plane wasnt doing ANYTHING wrong. Just doing his JOB. I doubt you can complain and get anybodies attention. Spray planes TRY not to disturb neighbors tho and when asked MAY be able to alter their pattern so as to NOT fly so close over somebodies house. BUT LEGALLY,,,they are in the right. I spect that is in place to keep idiots from shooting down every aircraft that flys over head,,,or someone to complain about living in an airport runway space. The ONLY difference betwen 10,000 feet and 100 feet is a matter of measurement. YOU could talk to him and get his view of the situation!! AND express your concerns!!
All I get out of that link is an email form to email that item,,or its owner I guess,,,NO info or pic or nothing. Is it me or the link???
Norm, Was that tree that fell out of the blue a maple or cottonwood?? Most of them that fall for no reason are around here!!
Isnt an OLD car like that pretty 'LOUD' painted ALL orange or even red,,,dont think they ever came out in those colors,,but whatever trips his pickle!! I used to have an orange car too but it was broken up with black stripes and a black vinyl roof. I just think a solid bright color like that looks too 'busy',,,but that is just me,,,I would still 'buy' one like that,,,just wouldnt choose to paint one that color!! Around here red (especially sports) cars get picked on and get stopped more often for speeding etc. They stand out from the crowd I guess!! Hard to miss them!!
Looks a bit weak and saggy in that one spot. How would ya like to cross that with an inch of ice and snow over the top..or a foot of snow for that matter. How would you like the job of hand scooping all snow off there?? Sure didnt use a snow plow!! I remember crossing a bridge once that had quite a few planks missing,,that was hairy!! And no sides like that one. We have "TONS" of those kinds of bridges cept not that long,,just short hopper over dry creek kinds. BUT no sides,cause they interfere with hanging stuff over the sides to cross with wide stuff!! Those wooden bridges rot from the inside out too!! Thanks for the memories!!--just don--
Are you sure that isnt a spray plane???,,,and he is spraying a neighbor's field or pasture??? Cant see the spray booms from HERE ,but may be there!! Thats how they do it here,,,a few flip and crash every year.OR fly UNDER power lines!! They are SO low flying they catch the wheels on fences,tree tops or power lines!! Not alot of room for error at that height!!
Strange way to sell a car collection and parts OT
1just4don replied to 1just4don's topic in P15-D24 Forum
I agree completely Skip,,!!! Its like the surprise package wrapped with a pink bow,,,and nobody knows whats inside!! -
Congrads on the retirement AND picking the right wife!!! Around here people who have retired says they are "busier" now than before!!
This ONLY reflects how it was back then HERE!! Your milage may vary!! This article was from our newspaper in 1950 and taliking about assessed valuation of people things they owned for TAX purposes. Back then an assessor went to every household and tabulated what they owned to be taxed. Horses, mules cows bulls, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, cameras Now remmber this was for tax purposes so reported values were the least they could get by with!! BUT in 1947 the 'average' car was worth $161. in our whole county. By 1949 new car sales boosted the average value to $290,,,and in 1950 more NEW cars boosted the average to all-time high value of $370 per auto. Goes to show what average prices and values of cars were back then. AND not so many bought NEW cars but drove pretty old clunkers,,cause they HAD too!! Life was simpler back then. The good old days---best thing about THEM is,,,I was younger then!!! Oh other thing of note in article IS it says we had 12 automobile dealers in the county back then(I think most were NEW car dealers). NOW I can 'think' of one new dealer,and two used dealers,,,might be more!! Probably a few more used in other towns.--just don--
I just saw a ad in out local shopper,,,strange way to 'sell' a car collection and or parts. bet he loses about 90% of his buying public doing it this way,,,maybe MORE!! Ad says: Selling auto collection and parts. Send SASE to TLA 84109--561rst Avenue Norfolk Ne 68701 for complete list. THATS the total ad. (no more,no less) Wouldnt it be a "HOOT" if he got requests for his 'list' from all over North America?? SO if you are so inclined,,,just for fun?? Dont have a 'clue' what brand of cars,what years or NOTHING. You know about as much as I do. Just by address I could drive right up to his door IF he thought he was hiding or something. This will cost you two envelopes and two stamps,,,could be fun!!! But all in all,,,would YOU sell a car collection THIS way???yikes--just don--
I am NOT trying to cause trouble here. Just a realist and been dar,, dun dat. Are you proof positive this stuff is HERS to sell??? Ever hear of the wife that wanted to get back at her husband and next to gave away his expensive sports car,,,just to say,yippee skippee, I hurt ya where you hurt most!! I would have been MUCH more comfy IF--you had said the poor guy died of a tragedy and left this all behind to his widow and she wasnt a car person. Maybe the divorce decree says its his and she gets the house and her only concern is get it GONE!! Maybe the divorce hasnt even been decided yet?? Lots of people say they are divorced(and they are inside their head) but NOT on paper yet. To her if he hasnt claimed it in the first week he doesnt want it!! Short of black and white decree in my face where I can read it and it specificly SAYS this is hers,,maybe prudent to speak to the other half!! After money has exchanged hands and the day after it is all moved and stored,,,ISNT the day to find out you cleaned her back yard for free and it is ALL his,,,items get returned,money does not cause its already spent!! LOTS of loose ends here!! it brings out the worst in people.
... Justin,,why NOT just buy a welder. You can easiely pay for it in savings on this one item. Do YOU weld at all??? Wanna learn?? Do you have any bribable relatives or friends?? Plenty of beer and steaks gets you a LONG way!!! The flat top welding with new steel isnt very hard. I dont have a mig welder either but always thought I "needed" one!! All I have is a stick welder and that only works best for heavy iron. Tin and light metal ,,,at best is left with holes burnt in it. My stick welder doesnt strike well at lower amps,,,think there is something wrong with it. now HERE is another idea. IF you have the metal all cut and fit into where you want it,,,can you find a common welding shop to burn it tight for you??? That should be about 40-50 bucks an hour or so and an hour goes quite a ways there. Look around and see where farm machinery gets welded up at,,,thats where you might wanna go. Our local guy just got 3rd in our local car show a couple weeks ago with his old ford Pickup!! Thats the best source of welders. I have a couple guys I know that can weld everything but a 'broken' heart and the 'crack' of dawn!!! "SOME" farmers are good welders too,,they HAVE to be!!
Sorta on sorta OT-Rubber seals vs hard steel wear
1just4don replied to 1just4don's topic in P15-D24 Forum
I used a speedy sleeve,,,never used one of those before. So I ask dumb question,,,will this sleeve last longer than original surface on the crank where it ran before?? Is it a 'harder' surface?? I did it this way so I didnt need to remove crank. AN overhaul on these is a major proposition. Costs as much as buying a new one!! Just want to throw a cork in the oil flow. ALL the head bolts twist off on these motors and you have to have a 'special' guy drill and make those good again and HIS price is as high as the overhaul labor,,,plus parts, it triples the cost real quick!!! NUMBER #2 reason I did this is it ISNT my motor!!! Just my place to make the best of a bad situation!! Just wondering how something that soft can cut something that hard??? Think that surface 'should' have been hardsurfaced from the factory. BUT they may not have known this was a common problem when this was built,,,one of the first models !! -
I ran her up to $3500 and felt NO weakness in the other bidder. He was an older gentleman AND I got the sense he may have been family to this guy OR very close friend and had ALOT of sentimental value wrapped up in it. Felt like I probably 'couldnt' have bought it for $13,500,,but didnt want to find out the hard way. other problem is brakes were zero and it was anounced and sold THAT way. How much to get them back in shape, dunno,,,but would have been fun trying it. Looked like the complete change over to dot 5 was in order with all new cylinders including master!! Thats what I would have done anyway!! havent confirmed the family or close friend deal YET,,,but plan on it!!! HOPE it stayed in the family!! Selling couple didnt have ANY children I found out but tons of great neices and nephews!!! I did get a good lead on a 49 Chrsyler tho from another guy!! He said it was every bit as good as this one,,,but family has a way of stretching things a bit also!!
I have one of my infamous dim bulb moments. IF soembody 'buys' all this,,,where is it destined to go?? IN other words,, does anyone have enough 'shed' space for the new treasures?? Or enough rental space for awhile anyway,,,till it can be sorted down??? Looks like a great find,,,how much do they 'expect'?? ANy clues?? They should discount 'some' for the work of getting it all cleaned up,,,if thats what they prefer. Look how much they would PAY somebody to haul it away IF that was their only solution!!