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Everything posted by 1just4don
A caller called in and asked him if all advertising venues was discriminating against him,,,and wanted to know if they HAD to run his advertisement. You have seen the talking and singing fish??? Well this guy invented womens breasts that sang. Called them "Jingle Jugs". The guy 'Handle' bout rolled on the floor,,,and no they dont HAVE to take your ad for such stuff. Why cant I 'invent' something catchy and what every body HAS to have for a novelty!!! ???????? Handle wanted to buy half a dozen for his friends!!! Guy said lots of people are buying them and sending them anounomusy to Iraqi soldiers,,,they have a fit over such "BAD" stuff!!! Sales were 'brisk'--just don--
That they multiply like rabbits and SOON a whole 'harem' of them soon appear. Must be midnite mating goin on!! Gestation periods seem to VARY according to area owner and space available!! Some must even be born premature since it is not ALL there,,,sometimes!!! Also in direct proportion to a towns rules for outside storage of such items also!! Works best in country atmosphere!!!
How often does this happen. Was looking at cars on the bay,,,this nice 48 Desoto looked good, I scrolled down the pictures and lo and behold what jumped right out and bit me!! The car is located in Mount Vernon Indiana. THE license plate on the back of the car,,,close-up is the exact county and state where I live 4-500 miles away!!! It is a charity auction for 'Relay for life' so imagine it may go higher than I would like. Whatca think THIS car is worth??? http://flash.lymenet.org/scripts/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=017479#000013 I am wondering if I go into our small town court house and 'show' them why I am asking,,,and they TELL me who used to own it here with those plate numbers??? Spose I can sweet talk them out of an old plate number(using THAT),,, and finding old owner??? They would have best info on what the car really is!! And maybe a story to go with!!! What a SMALL world we live in. One time I was in Hawaii on vacation,,,three people were scheduled (signed up)to go on this charter boat scuba diving. I recognized the voice of the other person walking in the door with my back turned,,,we worked in same profession and he lived in a bigger town 80 miles down the road!!! Otherlady was from Alaska,,,I didnt know her,,,but sure knew the guy from close-by I bump into 2000 miles from home!!! Wierd!!!-just don--
Norm, Me thinks the solution to the counting question is SOOOOO obvious. She HAS to be a blonde that cant count that far,,,even with all the aid of fingers and toes.
They have had this stuff back here for years,,,I bought a new 79 Granda one time and always ran the ethanol blend,,,it actually improved its milage. Those figures of 1.5 to 1 ratio of benefit are WAAAAAY outdated info,,,and was put out by the anti-ethanol people. It is FAAAAAAR better than that and quite positive to boot. I understand nationally we are burning about 6% ethanol as a whole. Care to guess what gas prices would be without that 6% supply??? As to the comment that it has driven the price of corn up TOO high. Anybody work for LESS than they did in the 1940's and 50's??? Corn was higher back then than recent give away prices. With costs going so high,,,cant corn follow?? On an adjusted for inflation number,,,corn is still way to cheap compared with years ago. Would you work for wages of the 50's??? Why should farmers that raise crops we ALL "NEED" And corn raisers ARENT making more,,,the greedy seed corn companies,fertilizer suppliers,ALL inputs,even landlords can smell a dime and want YOUR share as well as there own!! It all goes as a pass thru. MUCH more risk tho. here is my next point. Soon they will come up with a cheaper better process to make it and corn will go right back to where it was.,,,or less Back to the original question. Yoiur friend is VERY astute investor. The HUGE profits being made by ehtanol investing is very rewarding. The worm may turn as fast tho. I have heard of returning investment in like 3-4 years. pay off all debt in about same time,,,hope they do. Tanks and equipment wear out VERY fast, very corrosive. Too many plants built(and they are trying too) and an oversupply and boom their goes the market,,,or new technolgy and boom, all done. My guess is get in,make big bucks,,,get out and do over,,,stay with NEW technology!!
,,,is it is not far off to get back to boot legger days and make your own. I would think for fuel use it would NOT need to be so pure. I already talked to a guy in Kansas who was squezing his sunflowers and burning straight filtered squeezed juice in his diesels cut with 8-1 ,,,'gasoline',,,I alwys thought gas was BAD for diesels. Evidently not. He says it took 500 acres of crops to pay for fuel on his farm. Now he gets all the years diesel he needs from 120 acres of sunflowers and uses the other 380 acres of crops to pay other bills,(which are always too many). BUT thats alot of difference,,and this was when fuel was CHEAP,,,better yet now!!
...any prankter buddies that are trying to YANK your chain??? I know not the condition of your ride, year etc, but IS there a remote chance that your timing chain slipped few cogs?? Wasnt a mopar,,but we went to strange town long ways from home.(to buy cars from somebody that they knew) This guy gave us a ride down there.(in his trusty old ride,,errr boat.) Stopped at a gas station, shut it off, gassed and tryed starting,no go!! Slipped timing chain. Had to ride home with us in cars running that we bought. Had it fixed and went back after it. I thought that was the strangest thing,,,to strip the timing out sitting at a gas pump,,,OFF!!!(actually probably on restarting it)
Withthe simple carb set up,no elctronics,no sensors no nuttin on the old Mopars,,,,how hard would it be to get them to run GOOD on E-85 ethanol??? How would you have to tune it?? Would you have to change carb jets?? Timing?? What a cool thought,,,everybody driving OLD cars to use the E-85. First thing I KNOW it would have to be done,,,go thru and every place fuel touches rubber, or o-rings etc. you have to replace cause the 'old' rubber melts really fast with the stuff. Kinda like the state patolman that stopped by here one day years and years ago,,, was trying to help somebody out when styrofoam first came out. Motorist ran out of gas,,all they had between them was a stryfoam cooler to put half a gallon in to get to town. Ran in the top,,,ran out the bottom. How old of cars do you need to run straight ethanol? When did all the sensors and puters come out on cars??
Just a thought,,,is the zip code wrong or could be mistaken for yours??? More mail is misdirected because of un readable,,,or miswrote ZIP codes. I HAVE done it myself, not thinking,...Have got lots of mail with missed zips and the correct one had to be hand written in or stamped over. mail man does GOOD job here,,,rarely a mistake. Most mail is junk mail anyway, no harm,no foul. I think I even got mail addressed to a different town where I used to live once,delivered by name. (and NOT forwarded like for 6 months or a year like normal) IT was strange. Definition of a small town---dont need blinkers,,,everybody KNOWS where your going!!! heard of that letter that got mailed during WW2 that took till recently to get delivered. Must have found that one in the cracks somewhere. How would you like to have the job of dead letter office person??? They open the mail there to get a clue as to who it belongs to,,,if they cant, it stays there. My bet is more wrong,incorrect,incomplete addressing by sender than people THINK!!!
She worked at a local bank. Was a REALLY nice lady. She married a guy with last name of Hoar. I would think MOST ladies would have second thoughts on doing THAT!!!
I heard last night that ALL USA automakers are in basicly the same problem. EVERY car they make cost them like 1300 bucks or so for pensions and health care (and related) for the auto workers. Toyota does the same thing with 100 bucks or less per car. WHY the huge difference?? Wondering cause I remain--just don--
...it was a weasel peeking out at you?? If it was about dark around here,,,much more likely to be those darn pesky woodchucks. They dig holes everywhere. I have one in the live trap right now I have to dispose of. I havent seen a weasel in YEARS!!
Maybe taking a benadryl 15-30 minutes before cutting the grass will help more than wearing a mask,,,or both may help the most. Have you checked under the seat for this snakes girlfriend?? Maybe they were having sex under there!! Just kidding,couldnt pass it up. Do snakes have sex??? Snakes and me are okay as long as they are out in the open where I can see them. Sticking your hand in someplace and finding one is NOT appreciated. Good news is we have mostly all garder snakes here. have to go a 'little' ways to find a rattler. I would NOT like those. I was camping last summer about 200 miles west of here and their was this colorful little snake at the water hydrant. Looked like a coral snake or what I thouht they looked like. hard to imagine one that far west and dryer than a popcorn fluff. ( a true full fledged drought out there)
I have to work also. But there is GOOD news for James Douglas, Get out of California as soon as possible and you can probably save a buck a gallon on the price. I dont know how all you fornian's can take all those high gas prices, high rent,high house costs?? It would drive me nuts for sure!!
hope you do get some neat stories. I once went to a singles dance back in the early 90's. It was in a town about 80 miles or so from here. This lady from Omaha ,I think it was, claimed to be Larrence Welks Neice!! She was whispering in my ear,,but I resisted!! She was way country for me!! Said she went to Guitars and Caddilacs alot,,,that left me OUT!! Who knows if she really was,,,but I CAN beleive same, because he was from 'this' area!! And her close friend verified same. And she wanted me to 'sing' to her. Boy is SHE lucky I didnt!!!
I think I would do a new throw out bearing too. Clutch cover doesnt ring a bell with my brain,,,either our words are different or cars are. Unless that is the tin sheild goes under bellhousing to keep gravel out. Do you still have free play of the clutch?? If so adjustment wont help that, means the clutch is beyond its time.
Description. kemlite is aka as dairy barn liner,,aka also used in reefer trailers for easy clean outs, seen alot in public bathrooms. Lumber yards carry it in 4X 8 ' sheets. It is smooth white on one side and pebble grained white on the other. It is made like a fiberglass panel, pretty thin,,,but hard to kill if it has any backing at all. I have used it behind bath tubs and on kitchen counter backsplashes. Would think it VERY easy to glue to,good adherance. Easy to drill or shape. Can cut with a circle saw or jig saw and sand wth anything.(edges) surface needs NOTHING done. Okay you guys convinced me ,bad idea!!
in Northern O-ME-HAAAAA during the big rain the other night. Boy was that a pail dumper of cats and dogs and puppy dog tails. Never saw a street flood over and couldnt shed water fast enough,,,up half way,, on a steep sidehill. in a new subdivision. Close to da airport where they said they got 6.5 inches. Driving down the street you find a low spot and need oars. hard to see late at night in the middle of a bucket dumper!!
'Dukes of Hazzard' General Lee fetches US$10M bid
1just4don replied to PatS....'s topic in P15-D24 Forum
return that mail I got then. Forgot to look at it its such a trivial part of life anyway!! NOT!!! -
I have talked here about my 'pile' of kemlite I really have no clue what I am going to use it for. Just wondering IF I could cut panels for yall,if you want them ,,,for YOU to put your covering over the top of. There was discussion here a few days ago,,that somebody sells covered panels on e-bay,,,wonder IF their is a market for bare panels. Might also work for front kick panels and rear package shelf IF one was to cover it with something. I would NEED some panels to use as a pattern. I sure would like to try, the first pair or front and back pairs,,I would be willing to donate to somebody on satisfation guarentee trial basis. Risk would be in the shipping cost of old panel for pattern. Is their a side light business here,,,dont mean to be advertising,,,just kicking around the idea!! Whatca think?? Whats that guy get for covered panels again?? What would be a reasonable decent price for good durable stuff water wont wreck if the window gets left down?? Is that why most cars have vinyl there to repel water?? YOUR opinions welcome --don--(with toe in the water)
I dont get any personal invites to those casino places either. I think at most I left a couple quarters at one once. AND thats not calling quarter sections of land,,, quarters either!! I do know of ALOT of people who they do invite back regularly. Everybody says they dont lose much. Ever notice nobody gives definite numbers to losses,,,but always have a great number to throw out when they WIN!!! When your playing with LOADED dice and you cant ever improve the odds,,,why throw your money down a rat hole?? Like pickle cards,,,they are set to pay off a certain sum, never more,never less,,,over the long haul,,no matter how long you play them you cant ever win!! Just lose more and more!! Most gambling I do is FARM!! Thats a BIGGER gamble than any casino!! But thats winding down now too!!
You said Tulsa or bust. Does Tulsa have casino's?? If so stay out of them,,,you wont bust then!! Then you can just call it Tulsa fun!! Wish I was going,,,looked at my car for first time in 20 years last week,,,I have MORE work than I even thought. Right now it is a rear engine Dodge of 50 model,,,engines in the trunk. Window of garage where stored is broke out(didnt know that) darn kids!! anyway the window to the car was open so it didnt trap heat inside(was my thought at the time I guess) anyway it has 'some; damage from rain and snow blowing thru garage window in thru car window. guess I shoulda rolled it up while there, oh well do that next time. I found out the car was last licensed in 1972. And there was glass broken I didnt remeber from when I put it in there 20 years ago,,,but I almost forget my name so it might have been that instead!!
You should, could, be better off to use WD-40. It lubes as well as fires quicker than gas. I tried starting my mower after all winter, ran it for couple minutes on the help of wd-40,,,THEN it ran on its own. Ether you can damage a motor, and OR lock it up with too much stuff,,,wd-40 even sorta fixes flooded plugs.
Never thought of it in that way. There is a Dodge county in mid eastern Nebraska. Now to carry that a bit farther,,,"Did Matt Dillion drive a dodge when he lived with Miss Kitty in Dodge Kansas???" Never saw a hoss of that color and brand. BTW if your looking for Dodge county in Nebraska,,,best look around the Fremont area for best results!! These counties were named and laid out in the mid later 1800's long before Dodges were a glint in our great grandpappys eye. Wasnt there a great statesman these were named after??? Of that era?? Must have been a GREAT family name!!! Omaha's main drag is also called Dodge Street!! And there is a BIG real estate firm there of N.P. Dodge. Yep, must have been a very GOOD family name of local ancestors. just thinking,from just don!!
using kemlite aka dairy barn liner aka what you see bathrooms lined with'alot'. It has a pebble grain side and a smooth side. I would think the smooth side would adhere well with glue etc. they are tough and hard to wreck. Cutting them is easy and has small fibers that slightly itch your neck(if you get a good dose of it)(but NOT necessary). Alot like fiberglass insulation. They use tons of it inside refrigerator reefer trucks. It doesnt delam like plywood or cardboard does. I am sure places like Menards or any lumber yard can get you 4X8 sheets. I have some 8' by 20-30 foot rolls of it. Blem stock from a truck construction place locally. It is SOOOO versatile!!