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Everything posted by 1just4don

  1. Lee, Is the 'town' where the big auction on that barn full of Desotos,,is that public knowledge yet?? Or any teneative dates?? Was just talking to a online fried I never met yet and thought maybe this was as good of excuse as any to 'journey' over.
  2. I was trying to copy the white squirrel picture to somebody that LOVES squirrels and thinks they are one. Then I tried taking a picture from MY pictures stored on my puter and post HERE since it is pertinent. Neither one worked,no matter what I tried, Obviously I am not as smart as my puter. Anybody have a clue for me of what to do???
  3. I was thinking about this the other day and wondered how many old time drag strips are still running?? And what are reasons for closing them?? I remember MANY years ago of going to the Marion drag strip Marion So. Dakota (one time)when I was in high school. (think they called it "Thunder Vally") Is Marion drag strip still running?? After high school I worked in Illinois for the summer following and remember going to the Byron Illinois drag strip to watch 3 funny cars run side by side that day!!(They said they would NEVER do that again after the race). I read someplace the Bryon drag strip was still in the news so it may be alive. A couple times I remember going to Scribner Ne. Once was to watch the after dark show of firing up the BIG boys after dark and watching the flames and how high they shot for those few seconds. I heard Scribner closed down a couple years ago. I also read in the Omaha paer that the same guy who owned that one wanted to build a new one by Lincoln. There was great ooposition to that site and another county closer to Greenwood wanted them to come build right next to and adjoining a circle track to share facilities,,no opposition there. I am surely NOT advocating drag racing our good old daily drivers of Mopar vintage,,,they are too GOOD for that,,but drag strip memories should abound for most all of us,,,why dont drag strips survive?? Looks like they were well attended and people are greatly interested in same,,,why do so many close??? Are their any drag strips around YOUR area?? Any drag strips around Ne., SD, or Iowa??? I guess I am getting the 7 years, times something itch to go see one again!!! Must be spring(soon as it ever warms up) -d-
  4. If its that close how about either 1.pull the two front motor mount bolts,leaving all radiator hoses and everything else intact and just pick up front of motor a couple inches,,,back will swivel on the mount some,hoses will flex. 2. take transmission mount bolts out and jack back part of tranny up till it hits the bottom of the hump. This changes angle of exit some more than anything. Whichever you think would help removal and reinstall the most,,,(I) havent done this so dont know the probs,but 'space' is always a prob for ME. Hands too big and clumsy!! Front of engine can raise 'alot' inside the car without causing much problem. Just a thought,,,may not be the BEST thoughts,cause they belong to me and borrowed to you!! Other variations can work better based on YOUR experience. Old time mechanics had alot of tricks up their sleeves too!! Sometimes its better to be lucky than smart,,and stretching our luck is what lifes all about!! --d--
  5. ...."POOPS" needs a diaper. Okay I promise to set out the next three threads. From my three legged stool in the corner--d--
  6. sounds like you 'should' have some wiring 'stinking' or 'hot' if it is really discharging that much. Might check the gauge to see if it is working correctly and reading accurately. (dont ask me how to check tho). Turn on the key and feel around,regulator wires etc. Horn shorted out?? lights off? switch okay??Dome light wire??Lots of places to 'look' see.
  7. Back when I was young and dumb we used hand held spotlights'every night' either in our quest for raccoon hunting or rabbit hunting. I was so broke when young,lucky to beg borrow or steal the gas let alone put a real deal turn the handle mounted spotlight on the car. Not sure it would have been fast enough for the real world anyway. We even chased animals(of one type or another) more nights than we chased skirts. Days on end we spent our boring school or work days sleeping when we werent suppossed to and hunted all night. spotlights,,,my favorite car accessory. Hard to imagine life without them,,,on a car,,mounted,,,I would pass,,,just doesnt seem right,,or make it look like a cop car!! Altho the frozen fingers saved from having one might have been good,,,know how cold a car gets with 2 or 3 windows down when its dead of winter and below zero outside,,,and ever try to shine a spot thru a window?? Dunt work!!!we did use the 4 inch open(when extremely cold) and stick hand out and above the car.(for looking). We never heard of two heaters in one car either,,,back then!!! The 'back' seat is where you didnt wanna be then,the passengers side front seat is WAAAAY warmer!! Have some other knucklehead drive that thought he could,,,but really couldnt,,so you could 'shoot' thats where the fun was. Knotheads drove in more ditches and ravines than I could ever thought of.(stuck). But "FUUUUUUUN" ,,,those were the days!!!
  8. Jump straight to starter and it makes the starter spin twice as fast,,,so startes quicker unless you have other car ills. Put the hot to the starter first,then use the ground to contact her with the key on (NOT START) and the tranny neutral(for triple sure). Using the ground (as contact)saves arcs and scarring the stater terminal any more than you HAVE to. Switch on position turns 6 v to coil and points,keeps twelve at starter only!! Dont spin too long or might nelt something inside.(they used solder there and it melts when it gets too hot!! I have OLD 6v "M" ihc tractors converted to twelve and it starts every day with a 6v starter. (Only problem is the 12v over heats the dumb made starter button too quick,,they dont last long, any suggestions for a 12v starter button I could retro on an open tractor without looking too dumb?? Something that will take a licking and keep on tickin.??? Actually pushing or pulling a dead car will start it more quickly. we used to use a old tire to cushion the bump Or use a chain to teach it to lead!! IF the 6v. battery is plumb dead it wont start either way!!(no juice for coil and points to fire). If your solenoid,switch or starter is amiss,,,quite successful,,,just remeber to NOT shut it off or choke it off before you get home!!!
  9. My feeble brain says no to turning over the starter with the key, MY idea of proper jump with 12 to 6 IS key on,,,gear shift in neutral,are you sure its neutral,check again,,,okay remeber best to check thrice,check again. Head under hood hook hot lead to starter"ONLY" terminal on the starter.(directly) then stand with head back a bit and touch ground to something solid,,,as said will get some spark,,,stay away from battery with it. spin till start(should be quick)(unless 30 below or bad parts). Basicly I did the same thing on a daily driver in the early 70's,,,had a 12 sitting on the hump,inside, and had a cable direct to starter and another direct to ground. Left one on and only held other close enogh to make her spin. I was working at a place where I "HAD" to be there at a certain time(very early) like 5 AM EVERY morning 6 days a week for ten hour shifts(that got real old real fast)(in a packing plant no less)(defined-hard work-poor environment). Looking back I am lucky I didnt blow the inside one in my face with it sparking direct all those times. Did have one blow in my face years later with different circumstances,,,not something you ever forget,,,and I mean not a graze,,,a "SMASH" in the face with the whole battery top. Thought I was going to lose my sight for a 'few' minutes or longer. Scary,, real scary,,,but my fault for dropping a wrench that hit both posts at once. Another safety tip,,,have a cover of most anything,wood,cloth, heavy plastic,cardboard,anything to lay over the top of a battery while you are working on ANY car to prevent doing exactly the same thing. Some lessons in life are earned harder than most!!!
  10. Water puddles have ice cover again(all day long,,,not just nite time),pretty amazing when the wind is blowing 35mph(darn cold wind too). They were forcasting record all time lows last nite,,,havent heard if it made it but to gauge the furnace kicking in,,,it WAS COLD outside. My favorite place is right over the heat vent so it blows all over me as often as it can,,,with a blanket to catch and hold all the heat!! Darn shock to the system when it was 70's and 80's for a couple weeks. I realize that was too hot,,,but does it have to get THIS cold this time of year??? And the forcast says no respite clear to the end of next week. How does it stay so cold so long,,,this time of year??? And the vicious winds day after day to add insult to injury.
  11. My only additional advice is make double sure,,,no make that a triple check,,,and have the car or pickup,whatever in neutral. Otherwise it can run over things,,,including YOU,,,real quick. many an accident has such occured. These cars dont have neutral safety switches. Tractors are noted for this,,,working on them from the ground.(and some by-pass the neutral switch,,,like "ME") Had a REAL close call one time,furtherest thing from your mind while you are working on a troublesome vehichle of ANY kind!!! Sorta hate to hear of any scratched up pretty fenders here from something so simple. Hard to replace grandkids too!!!
  12. there is ALOT of misinformation and OUTDATED figures floating around in the biodiesel fuel and ethanol worlds. It DOES keep us independent of the turbin heads,,of which is a very smart move,I dont trust them any farther than I can throw em. It makes more sese to fuel from renewable sources as corn and beans than fossil fuels,,,basicly a non replacable fuel. We DO have more reserves in the North America continenet than they openly 'talk' about. The shale oil in Canada is first being tapped. I dont know the real numbers for efficency of conversion but it is getting better all the time with improved technology. Sorta like the Model T,,,there were swift and substansial improvements pretty quickly. Our cars barely resemble the T,,,look how far we have come,just in tire wear length alone. They are developing better and newer stuff every day,,,we need it,support it. It is good for us in the long run. Can we go back to the old ways of wanting a barrel of oil for a bushel of wheat??? We already GAVE them the edge here when we gave them our center pivot technology. we will ship our whole gross national product to them if they had there way!!!
  13. Anybody interested in sale results of this sale??? Here are a ,,,few,, 1914 Model T said none nicer--$$10,100 that 63 convertable(the red one) nice- $10,600 1937 Dodge Coupe,all there but original-restorable-$3,700. (isnt this a bit high for an OLD outside stored car??) The 37 airflow--rough- $900. NOW, my basic question on board here,,,I was watching this online,I am puter challenged to say the least,,,every few minutes I was timed out on my connection and got booted and had to start over,very frustrating. I KNOW there is a place to adjust your time out time but I have looked all over in frustration and cant find it,,,any clues from the puter whizes out there?? This is my first time and I found it highly NOT my favorite way to spend my time. They constantly lost there connection on there end too so was out of touch (IF) one was serious as to bdding on something,,,it would be long gone. Lots of bugs to get out of this system,,,think a highest bid left with auctioneer would be MUCH better. ANY suggestions?? Tanks -d-
  14. Only because this post appeared on April 1 would I say,,,of course grease the zerk. Your job is to find the zerk,,,you already FOUND this jerk. Heard somebody say it is a GOOD use of WD-40. IF you are talking about the vacum wiper,,,not the washer,,,that is!! Washer comes at the full service bay at the gas station. I used to work at one in the 60's for $.70 an hour,,,washed a many windsheilds back then. A dollars worth of gas and wash the windows please!!!
  15. that it didnt read pot "HOLE"?? Never heard it called potash highway,,,maybe they tried paving it with than. Always heard it as the Pan-Am highway!! Norm- What part of the state was that?? That was the good news of the great 70's,,,now a days they would want a huge buck for it!! IF it was no fault of the guy or girl, you still may get a freebie, thats how we are. Mostly I try NOT to pull people if I can help it for insurance reasons,,,Everybody thinks, these days they want a freebie pull,,, then try to sue you for scratching the bumper if something goes wrong. Use to have people constantly walk up for free gas too,,,or water,,or whatever. Ever since the advent of the cell phone,,,dont have that any more. Cept for the cement guy(whole nuther story). Course cars ARE more dependable these days. Including tires. Tim- Most people from other parts like you guys,,,still think we round up the covered wagons at night to protect us from the Inguns. They are NOT hiding behind every tree and rock,,,honest,,, they arent!! Another natural thing west of here are the "Sandhills". Pretty amazing in their own right,,,nobody really understands their history or significance!! If you want wide open spaces,,,there are 'some' left out there. I worked at a ranch when I was in high school. Imagine having to drive 38 miles one way if you needed a simple bolt,,,or a loaf of bread!!! You didnt need blinkers back then,,,everybody KNEW where you were going!!!Other way you KNOW your in a small town is you dial a wrong number,,,,and talk a half hour anyway!!!Keys are left in all vehicles just in case the neighbor needs it!!
  16. That would have wrecked all the fun we had with it. besides,have you never heard of assigned or inherited eatting spots?? Being the oldest I always got the spot on the end of the bar. younger ones got the inside cozier spaces. Now at big meals, big tables,,,I still always try to badger her by sitting just to the left of her. besides that,,, its fun!!!
  17. What do you do if it rains,,,on all that grass??? Around here it would be a sea of mud. Most car shows here stick to the paved streets and parking lots. Its great while the sun shines, on grass,,,but not worth a hoot in the "MUD". Your milage obviously varies a ton!!!
  18. My youngest dear daughter who is now grown and gone,,,still have fond memoreies of eatting breakfast every morning at the counter. Her left hand fighting for 'space' with my right. She still talks about that every time she is home. We sure have fun with it!!!
  19. Well our old cars had to travel it extensively. I cant imagine what this looked like during the 'old' days cause it is barely passable today in its improved state. It actually had concrete culverts(which was some kind of miracle 'back then'. These suicide concrete risers on each side of them. Dont think this road has been really regraded at all during the last 55 years I can remember. But even back then may have had a new inovation of the day,,,gravel. My dad says that wasnt always true either. I live on the 'modern' concrete highway from town to town. Cant imagine the pitfalls and high water state of yesteryear. This Merridian highway is one mile east of me. Runs straight with the mile roads(sorta a unusual feature for 'SOME' places of the present USA)(We actually HAVE mile roads). I own a piece of property ON the 'Meridian Highway'. It even features 2 concrete water 'spillways' for high water days(which were ALOT). I guess this 4 or 5 mile stretch of this highway is all that remains of the original Canada to Mexico, 'thrufare' I just read this morning that it was actually started by bicyleists in the 1890's. Must have been some wicked 'cow trails' back in the day!!! By the way,,,our county still have the old fashion 'cow trails'. An interesting tour all of its own. I was hoping to post a picture of the plaque they erected at the beginning of this section or remaining Merridian Highway. Wasnt one on the web,,,but it did mention exactly WHERE it is located. Here is a short link,easy load, an easy 1 minute in and out. http://www.nebraskahistory.org/publish/markers/texts/meridian_highway.htm Enjoy IF you like old history and a visual picture of WHAT kind of roads our beloved old cars had to travel. Amazing ANY of them survived. Like I said,this road this spring was passable only with a 4 wd 'tractor'. --d--
  20. I tried moving the pic of the 37 Dodge coupe but lost it someplace. I copied like always but got here and it was "gone". I did save it to my pics page. How do I get it here?? Anyway I like the styling of those headlamps being external and the piano hinge hood.
  21. Solve this old wives tale when you get done with the clock wise question. Old wives tale says the flusher on your toilet swirls opposite way after crossing the continental divide. Since this is dictated by the direction of swirl by the wittle holes around up under the rim,,,do they make toilets for east and west of the divide,,,or do they all swirl same way??? Inquiring minds want to know??(and it is the second so no more foolin either)
  22. Alot of the better cars have there own picture on the proxy bid site,,,you can bid now or live during the auction. I would think that would slow down the auction process alot,,,has anyone ever been to an auction where they did proxy or online bidding??? How did it go??? Slower?? The 37 Dodge Coup has a bid on it already of $110. T The 63 Chrysler 300 Indy pace car convertable was bid on too,like $10. or some fool thing. Maybe it was 110 bucks too,I forget. It is in GREAT shape,may not need restored to make a daily driver. Bet that one goes high. The 37 Air flow car doesnt have a bid,surprisingly,,,isnt it the most rare of all these cars??? Says the motor and trans are there and rest is called 'rough'. What do you think the parts off that one would fetch??? Sure would like to have that one in the shed and ask a 'bunch' for just one fender on e-bay and see what happens. Somebody that 'needs' one cant have too many to 'pick' from,wouldnt think!!! The motor/ trans would be regular Chrysler,,right,,,just like other cars. What say YOU???
  23. heard this morning that Burger King is having a huge run of left hand whoopers since they came out with that product for the lefties of the world(I am a rightie). They say it is much like the regular ones cept the contents are rotated inside the bun 180*. Boy, makes me hungry just thinking about them!!!
  24. Most people think of a seal as keeping fluids or grease inside. Other people think of a seal as keeping dirt and grime OUT. My problem with facing the lip towards the bearing is it funnels the dirt past the shaft and seal by pushing it thru the seal. In "NEW" conditions,,,I think it probably would work that way. In extremely dirty or dusty conditions it MAY work better the other way. It really depends alot on space to work too. IT the seal runs right up to the end of the shaft,abutting the hub or what is holding the shaft and the lip has NO room to work,,then in is the ONLY option,,,to be faced in. . "IF" there is 'any' wear on the shaft surface or what it turns on,,,I wouldnt have a problem,if it gets clearance, to try one backward to seal OUT dirt and provide the 'perfect' mating surface,,which in MY opinion is more important than ins and outs. If you dont have a "perfect" mating surface for the seal to run on,,,all bets are off and it isnt going to work well or long anyway. Sorta an inverse porportion if you will. other thing you can think of,,,you can always add grease or oil to the inside periodicly,,,but you cant get the dirt out timely!!! Your mileage MAY and CAN vary!!!
  25. I have heard of that here before,,,just wondered what years DID change colors,,,and what year did they quit doing that??
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