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Everything posted by 1just4don

  1. IF you find an old square headed bolt,,,and a square headed nut for it,,,they wont be the same wrench size. Smart people those older folks,didnt need no two sets of wrenches just to tighten down. I dont care for the newer kind,have to have four sets of wrenches(open ends and closed ends) to do same job one "metric crescent" wrench would do nicely(and NOT strip over near as easy either!!!)
  2. Werent the engines about 23 and change long?? IF my memeory serves correct the intake doesnt go nearly as far as that so 24" box should have ample room,,,better bigger than too small. Or guestimate how much shorter from the ends of the engine you need to be.
  3. IF the battery box is bolted on, it gets unbolted and either a fabed one or a pretty boughten plastic one and it gets bolted to same place,,,Number 2 option--Is there a place on the deck another box can be fastened and NOT interfer with anything,and you can get it back to stock for resale if thats a concern. Option 3 and probably the most logical way is to cut out one or two sides of exixting box and extend to fit half price batteries and IF anyone doesnt understand same process(for resale OR looks)tuff titty says the kitty, look elsewhere!! Specialty items of twice retail value gets low regard HERE!!
  4. There was a talk show host a few years back. He once had a interest in engine cleaning company that took the thick crud off OLD motors and cleaned them up,,,running wise. I think it may have been a detailing biz . "HE" said they never ever seemed to run the same AFTER taking the crud layer off. Now I am far from an expert and like to see a clean engine too,,,but MAYBE this was due to squirting water in and around the electrical parts,,mostly the distribtor, but the coil connections and wiring harness connections too. I had a car recently they washed off to find the source of a major leak. had to do serious work and replacement of electrical parts to get it running again. It makes me skittesh to get deliberate water anywhere near stuff I cant see and dont know where its going,,,,I know,,,I know we all drive them in the rain and it gets everywhere,,,but MUST not be quite the same!! OR is it the hard water deposits that come out of well water?? Minerals etc??? I dunno, Still more questions than answers!!
  5. lots better car experts out there than me. Would a bad condensor not let the coil put out thru the big termional?? If a new condensor doesnt fix it,,,I would 'try' a new coil!!
  6. Thanks Tim, thats what I was looking for. Point of clarification, your first number is a two door??? And second number,same year,,,is a four door??? How about the one seater coupes,,,did they have same number as a two door,,or there own set of numbers?? And were fast backs and two door hardtops any different??? I am saving that list forever,,,THANKS!!! Wow Norm, that allpar site is really amazing. I will be old, grey, and dead before I get all the info on that site read!!!(guess I already am 2 out of 3,,,I better hurry,,,huh???) THANKS. -d-
  7. Can you imagine how many hoops and how the neighbors would howl if you wanted to start a place like this. the 'Nimbys' would EAT you alive!! I can hear it already!! Hope this place is still old school as far as zoning and permits wise or else I bet this will become crushers all too soon. "IF" you were 'required' by local officials to cease and desist and get rid of everything within say 3 or 4 months ,,,how else would they do that?? And would city or county officials give a rats pajammas how many millions of dollars went down the drain and are lost 'forever'??? Gee, I hope this is in a real 'lightly' populated area,,,its about the ONLY hope of 'saving the relics'.
  8. But it seems I am the exception to all the rules of LIFE. If it can be broke, I can break it,,,if it can be screwed up,,I can manage,,if bad luck comes in threes,,, for me its 3 of 3's so that makes 9's. So IF a stupid question existed,,,I have asked it.
  9. I really enjoy this site. I am a realtive newbie that is TRYING to learn as fast as I can(Okay I am learning deficient). Everyone is in the know here and rattles off my P-15 or D-24, 21, 89, 69, or whatever they have. IS there a list of what years are what numbers??? IF I can find one it WILL be printed and posted on the wall,,,right here for my constant reference. I always heard there are no stupid questions,,,this one proves the saying quite false!!! :D
  10. I will SEE your $5. and raise you $20!! d~) d~) d~). HATE to ask, they have to have an asking price,,,any body have a clue?? HOW would you arrive at a proper price for this???
  11. Have you tried to hold on to the spark plug end of the wire and cranked it to see if 'any' spark comes thru??. It is also common for coil wires to be bad,,have you checked that?? Or changed with one thats known to be good. Once upon a time I changed condensors in a dizzy,cause the condensor was bad, (car wouldnt run)inadvertantly the side of then NEW condensor touched the side of the dist. shorting it out and it would not fire. I am sure you are probaly smarter than I was, still question remains, is the condensor GOOD and is it touching the dist anywhere.?? Good luck, put a charger on the battery and it should crank for a longer period,plus recharge relatively quickly. If not, might be time for new battery anyway!! Sometimes a old car will fire better when a push or pull start helps them turn quicker. Not a cure all but a quick fix for a temporary problem!!
  12. Rearview, I am at a loss,,,why must you 'resist' Norfolk Melons'? You do realize that 'only' women have trouble when eatting the seeds,,,men do NOT!! Course assuming you are a 'guy'. AND PS!!!--its all a rumor anyway,no fact to this fiction!! IF eatting a melon is my ONLY vice,,,I guess I dont eat enough of them!!
  13. Dont know WHY anybody would be traveling in the 'boonies' where I live, but I do have a pickup(soon as I get a new tranny) and a car trailer that could get 'most' cars,vehicles on and to a better repair shop,,,or I do have a ton of tools,,,waaaaay too many by some peoples accounts. I would be pleased as punch to be the right person in the right spot to "help" anybody!! I live by a small town closer to Norfolk Nebr.,,,see I told ya nobody wants to travel HERE!! Cept maybe in watermelon season,,, d;~) Home of the famous 'Norfolk Melons'
  14. get one of those quickee garages?? the tarp over bows?? Or those flimsy metal roof carports amd put some more flimsy metal sdes on it. What they want is it to be enclosed right?? How about just a 'blue tarp' and some rope to keep it on,does that comply?? Not nice to have to get rid of what you dont wanna.
  15. I love that style, Fender headlights,piano hinge hood, cool small window on the side. I would LOVE to own one 'someday'. I will take 1 lottery ticket,,,please???-don-
  16. Yes indeed everybody is different and stuff that is supposed to make people loose,,,make me stopped up too. The Osteo -Bi-Flex doesnt do that to "ME" hwever your milage may vary. MY point for posting this is exactly the reason you 'should' take extra magnesium. You can take this up to the point of bowel intolerance,,,meaning it will do exact opposite of the other stuff of stopping you up. When you get too much of this,you wont get to far from the throne. My point is find a happy medium for 'YOU'. I was naturally stopped up for 'years' ,,,but then I switched to an excellent source of magnesium and I now have to rotate between one and two a day or things are far too 'loose' if ya get my drift. BUT the extra calcium/magnesium/ AND osteo b-f REALLY makes a huge differnce with my arthritis "PAIN",,,and it might for you!! I guess I 'should' ask which kind of arthritis do you have osteo or rheumtoid arthritis???or both?? I have mostly a whole body reactive arthritis that mimics osteo arthritis the most,,,only the 'whole body ' part is most like rhematoid. I have 'zero' cartilage in most all my joints,,,especially the hands(major bones of mid hand,wrists and some fingers. Neck, back, and feet are getting to be the same real fast!!! Try some GOOD mangnesium (I take mag 400mg called magnesium oxide,,its the most powerful I have tryed yet anyway!! Hoping better health and pain free days for you Norm,,,and anybody else reading this,,,it really works,,it does,,just find what woorks for YOU and disguard what doesnt!!
  17. IF you are looking for a industrial strength magnet try looking in a farm machinery junk yard. Look for a grinder mixer,pull type and underneath the grain chute they will have a mother of all magnets or a few of them all attached to a strip of iron across which NO nail or other foreign iron material will slide. One of those attached to the firewall and anything with a side on it thats sticky to it is there for life!! most have places for two small bolts to keep them where they are supposed to be!! better have two hands to pull things off of it!! Or I like the leather pouch idea with a snap to keep it where it belongs
  18. Hey Norms coupe, I am the arthritis expert I guess. IF there is anything you CAN do its to take a couple few Osteo -Bi-Flex Glucosamine/Clondritin (sp) and the NEW stuff has Msn in it!!! Makes a world of difference to all I have ever talked to that gave it an honest try. Might take 60-90 days to kick in,,,its slow going,,,rebuilding cartilage. Also 'might' try taking suplemental calcium,,,like Citrical. All available from your local Wally world in NAME brand stuff only. DONT waste your money with the store brand stuff,forgot the name, but the stuff all over with the same name. Spring, something, maybe. Also as important if you take calcium is to find a GOOD magnesium supplement also,,, they have to be in balance. (calcium and magn.) A GOOD brand from a pharmacy only,,,and NOT store brands,get a reccomendation from pharmacist.Walmart brand Magnesium is pure JUNK!!! Cheap is as cheap does!!and wally world is all based on price,not results. But the osteo-Bi-Flex really does work wonders, thats all!! I have tried all the 'cheap' other brands and always come right back to the name brand stuff that works,find what works for YOU!!! Few days without it and I am crawling the walls and drive after it long distance at night to get it!!! Always keep a 60 day supply for now!! hope this helps---it surely CANT hurt!!-d-
  19. your freebie tire recylce place has an agreement with the tire shop(read high volume provider) and they are probably picking them up for free from them,,,OR giving them a tokan dollar or two so they can add to the Christmas party fund!!
  20. We use those old tires by the gobs around here on various farm machinery. Stick any old thing that holds air, on them. Might have saved you the discard fee,for sure, and then some. We cant get enough old 15's so have to resort to new sometimes, and we cringe when we spend so frivilously. Have many tires every summer that just 'explodes' in the strong sunlight. Probably have 2-300 tires on things around here and constant battle to have ones with 'air' in them. Some MORE important than others...sorry,,,just couldnt resist!!! Tires,,, my least fav subject, yuck!! Wont missem when they are GONE!!
  21. I think I have a box of it in the gararge from the 'old' days. We used to make fishing sinkers out of it in the winter time,,,ALL lead was saved and we melted it down. After having it hard to store I came up with the idea of making scuba diving weights from some. Think I bent a wire to slip over a seat belt and used a old regulator shell for a form ,,,and used them that way(diving) for a while. As the saying goes,,,poor people have poor ways!!!! Anyway,I have a 'box' of it that I would 'almost' offer to somebody,,,joke,,,was,,, if you could pick it up(as is) you could have it. It would take a mighty power lifter to do it. I maybe 'coulda' years ago,,,not any more. I am afraid it would rip the bones right out of the socket these days,least it would feel that way!!! Unless the box is now rotten on the bottom(wood crate),,,then look out fer ya toes!!! Think there is a few roof flashings, non melted, we could always add to it if its not heavy enough!! d : ~ )
  22. That oil pressure in an engine is directly related to the condition of the 'cam' bearings,,,thats where oil pressure is made or lost. How ever I dont think YOUR pressures are all that bad,,lots of motors dont run 'that' much, specially since its a golden oldie!!! Putting one on the motor is a good idea,,,but,,,hard to read at 60 mph,,,I cant run that fast,,,and the hood shouldnt be up at that speed!!! Better IF you wanna read pressure to run a hose all the way inside,,,LOL!!! BUT,I would drive it at those pressures,,,and save my fix it money for a better day!! When it drops to almost nothing when cruisin,then I would do 'something'
  23. Are you sure that isnt 1.4 OR read as 1 point 4??? I know radio fuses are REAL light cause they can do damage otherwise. I was thinking 1 or 2 amp was about it. I have been wrong before and will again but it still sounds like too much to ME!!! Better recheck,,,just in case!!
  24. My gosh that is a SIN what they have 'thrown' away to the trash. That could have used a GOOD home. Bet most of that rust would have cleaned right off. Was that the landlord/property owner just chucking it to get rid of it??? Or kids too young and dumb they didnt know what they were tossing?? A little 'education' seems to have been in order there!!
  25. Bob T, Biggest prob with that machine,,,it doesnt have a seat on it,,,and no headlights to finish after dark since you have such a large yard. LOL-d-
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