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Everything posted by 1just4don

  1. When I yahooed the name,,,it said there was one in Washington DC. never been that way,,,hope that narrows it down a bit.
  2. Had a friend in Florida ship a friend in Arizona a new puter. Wrapped it right,and sent it "INSURED" Fed-Ex. It got there,,,the box was ripped half off of it,,,the case was broke and came out in pieces,,,the mother board was broke.The power portion was NOT working. Guy that got it back said it looked like it fell out of the plane,,,,three times(without a needed parachute). So you would 'think' fed-ex would write a check for amount of insurance(which was a whoppin $500,,,in other words not excessively insured for the value of a new computer) Fed-ex said tough titty for the kitty and we arent paying nothing. This same guy shipped household goods from Maryland to Florida in shipping containers. They lost about a 1/3 of it,,,what did come was in different containers,probably cause they broke the old ones and they are sorta tough,,,and even broke a cast iron lamp. Insured but lost about $15,000 worth of stuff. They said "no-pay" again. He consulted an attorney even,, but attorney says its not worth fighting. Any company that arrogant,,,sure dont need our biz,,,they need something else,,,I cant mention here!!! So long story short,,,dont use Fed-Ex and for darn sure dont waste your good money shipping it insured!!! They WILL find a way to wreck it. They need some new management there if thats how they are treating people!!!
  3. How would you like to have the following list of cars to sell? You could even buy your own personal fire truck. Tell me when you were a wee boy,,,you didnt wanna grow up to be a fireman?? This sale, they say, was advertised in local shopper with no pictures, just the list of cars,,,what a list it is. My question is what is a 1937 Chrysler Air Flow Car??? Enjoy, hope this cut and paste works including pics from their web site. It even has a proxybid service,,,you can bid from home!! The sale is 7 miles south of Red Cloud Ne. and a mile east off of Highway 281,,, which is a parallell highway to 81 but about 30-40 miles west. 81 is the "pan-am" highway from Canada to Mexico. This sale is close,real close (if not over) the Nebraska-Kansas border. Any one going?? OLDER & COLLECTIBLE VEHICLES Starting approximately 1 p.m. 1979 Lincoln Continental 2- Door, 80,000 miles 1929 Chevrolet Truck, partially restored 1925 Chevrolet Car, complete 1955 Ford Fire Truck, 5,244 actual miles, runs 1960 Cadillac 2-Door Hard- Top Coupe DeVille 1971 Cadillac 2-Door, complete 1967 Plymouth Satellite Sport Fury, 383, 2-dr., H7, runs 1963 Ford Fairlane 500 4-Dr., complete 1967 Chevrolet Pickup, chop top, restored 1963 Chrysler 300 Convertible Indy Pace Car, shedded, extra good condition 1914 Model T, restored, shedded 1937 Dodge Coupe, complete 1965 ?? Jeep Pickup, body only 1958 Ford 4-Dr. HT, body only 1958 Chevy Apache Fleetside Pickup, complete 1950 Jeep Pickup Gladiator, runs 1954 Ford Pickup, complete 1954 Chevy 2-Dr., body only 1953 Chevy 2-Dr., body only 1952 IHC Pickup, complete 1957 Chevy Pickup, 5- window, complete 1957 Chevy Pickup, complete 1950 Chevy 1-Ton Pickup, complete 1950 Plymouth 4-Dr. Car, complete 1949 Plymouth 4-Dr., complete 1949 GMC Pickup, 5- window, complete 1949 Buick 4-Dr., complete 1948 Ford Pickup, complete 1948 Dodge Truck, 5-window, complete 1948 Dodge 4-Dr., complete 1947 Chevy Pickup, complete 1946 Chevy Truck, complete 1942 Ford 1/2-Ton Pickup, complete 1942 Ford Truck, complete 1941 IHC Pickup, body only 1941 Chevy 2-Dr., complete 1941 Ford 2-Dr., body only 1940 Ford Pickup, 1-ton express, complete 1940 Chevy 2-Dr., complete 1940s Pontiac 2-Dr., complete 1940s Pontiac 4-Dr., complete 1938 Ford 1 1 ⁄ 2 -Ton Truck, complete 1937 Chrysler Air Flow Car, parts 1937 Chevy Coupe, body only 1936 Chevy 2-Dr., artillery wheels, complete 1936 Ford 1 1 ⁄ 2 -Ton Truck, complete 1935 Chevy Truck, complete Model T Rear End and Truck Bed High Rise Alum. Intake for BBC, 2 fours w/carbs. Dual Snorkel Air Breather for 1970 GTO Assortment of Hubcaps and Beauty Rings CAMPER & TRAILERS I see the pics didnt come thru, the better cars had pics on the web site,,,I will go back and try a link to add to this,,,in case any one cares. BTW, the pics of the fire truck looks like it is very nice,,its a small unit that probably people buy up to combat grass fires of the region. It runs,so tells me they were probably using it on stand by and says only 5,200 some miles,actual. Enjoy -d- Edited to add this link http://www.montgomeryauction.com/reicks.htm This has the proxi bid info on it,,I think. Hope all these sell to collectors and not the big foot crushers in the sky!!!
  4. How in the world would you hold the tires to the pavement with that much horsepower to burn out with??? Guy I worked with back in the early 70's had a five window chevy pickup that he thought the six was too slow for it. One 'nice' Halloween night we pulled the six out,,on his driveway,,,dodging the trick or treaters that were everywhere. It was one of those rare nice shirtsleeve nites for that time of year. Couple days later he stuck either a 283 or a 327 into it. And not hopped up either,,,much,,,all it was evere good for was burning rubber off the tires,,,it would burn forever. No weight to keep them hooked up. Would make a good 'burnout' competion entry these days. I used to burn a little rubber too,,,but always wondered how many tires they go thru doing the 'burnouts'. Back in the day I even ried bleaching the tires,,,like the funny cars of the day did,,,to get the tires sticky. I never saw one iota of difference to my daily driver.(back then)
  5. Randy, You said to the point where water melts--192*. Did you mean water "BOILS"??? around here water 'melts' at 32*. If it took 192 to melt 'here' we would be in our next ice age!!! Maybe elevation makes the melting point different,,,it sure makes me uncomfy,,cause I am NOT used to it!! And I seem to boil at a lower degree every year,,,or is that called old age?? :D --d--
  6. When the lows are much higher than the 'average' high for this time of year,,,things turn fast. One week it was winter,,,straight into summer and the 80's. Flies are back, robins here a long time,,,geese here and gone again. Just wanna say Canada must not have a foot space available to park one more goose. I know its big up there but thousands,no millions of geese went past here to there. Cept for a few hundred locals that are getting thicker by the year,,,must have had good hatches for several years straight. They do their nightly dive bombing run,,,flying overhead and crapping on your 'head'. I have heard Canadian farmers calling them three toed rats. They wreck every field they land in,pull everything up by the roots!! When they are around here there isnt anything to wreck,,,they just glean corn fields for dropped kernels. Any more when they are really flying it is solid geese from one horizon to another!! And I am not really in a 'flyway'. Anyway its nice to see green grass growing and the lilacs are leafing out. Winter is always too long around here,,,and too cold!!
  7. Does yours have left hand threads on one side,,,meant to keep the turning wheel from unscrewing them. If you change side for side,,,wont the threads be wrong way for BOTH sides then???
  8. Once had a neighbor whose real name was H.Sterling Morton. Must be a historical reason for this popular,non usual name!!
  9. I am NOT familiar with grade 4 bolts ,,,here anyway. Either we buy grade 2's , 5's, or 8's here,,,never saw anything inbetween. Might be special bolts above grade 8 but not in the real world. Anything else you will get an eyebrow roll from our great educated kid store keeper dont knows,but will ask,,,,get back to ya laters. If a mature knowledgeable fellow applied for same position,,,doesnt get a stray blink. My guess is probably a grade 5,,dunno for sure. Standard way to tell is grade 2 generally has no marks on the head,,,grade 5 has three marks on head,,,and generally grade 8 has 6 marks on the head of the bolt. Never saw any different 'here',,, except metric bolts which have a system all of their own!!! Now it is said there are alot of foriegn bolts counterfited thru the USA by copying the same marks but not having the right properties. It is legal to make counterfiet bolts overseas and selling them here after going thru a half dozen bolt brokers for cleansing purposes,,,then they are all made in the USA!!! Manufactures also have there own marks. Point of this whole tirade is,,,make sure what you are using,,,bad place for bad bolts. -d-
  10. When I was a kid and too dumb to know ( read as too dumb to not take better care of the car)better I drove a 50 Dodge that had a flashing red light while the emergency brake was on. Most newer cars have them now so shouldnt be real hard to come by a switch to do what you want,even if not perfect.
  11. Our local welder is an expert at getting out broken off studs,,,even if they are broke off flush. He is good enough with the wire welder he welds a nut on to them. The heat breaks the rust and he screws them right out. I have struggled and tried it many times,,,with not nearly the success he does. Sounds like IF its broke anyway,take two hammers and finish the job. cast breaks too easy anyway. Then the stud should be long enough you can slip next size bigger nut over the stud and weld on both sides. hammer the head to break loose and carefully turn it out(without breaking off closer in yet). IF not cooprating yet,,,heat to cherry red, then schock it loose with the dry ice trick. But pounding on the head loosens better than anything else.. Tap, try turning,,tap more, try again, repeat till you run out of daytime,then start the night shift,,,keep soaking with PB blaster,,,WD-40 is for starting fluid for your lawn mower when nothing else will,,, and the sqeauky storm door.
  12. instead of seal drivers,,,I thought thats exactly why they invented sockets of different sizes,,,works for me!! I even get into the 3/4 inch drive sockets alot for this job,,,havent found one yet I cant match up to what I got!! I drive new bearing races with them, just the same way. like said an extenstion or a round rod/bar can be used well for knocking them out.
  13. Are you positive your wheel bearings are okay??? OR your (flex part)brake line hasnt come apart inside and allowing pressure thru one way and trapping it there, so engages the brake all the time. (no release of it) Even bad shoes or whatever cant make it so hot,,,sorta!!
  14. That that one isnt in my neck of the woods. I would love to have that one. But where oh where to find the doors and starter it requires?? Dont think they have those locally!!!(At NAPA). Are parts very HARD to come by for the older more rare cars??They SURE ARE COOL!!!!
  15. Yes, sounds alot like blown head gasket. It starts fine when cold cause the heat hasnt expanded where it goes yet. ANY heat expands where it is going and makes it that much worse. Also thats about the only way for the radiator to be running over too. Its full of water(okay coolant) and when you add air it is over full. Take the radiator cap off,,,maybe,,, and watch if you have alot of air bubbles coming up there. You may want to check to be double sure your head isnt warped IF you have to remove to redo gasket. I dont know the history of it,,,could it 'ever' have been overheated where the head could 'warp' or the gasket may have died of old age. May you have better days ahead!!!
  16. Four Texans can ride in the front seat of their pee-cup,,,only IF they roll the sides of their 10 gallon hats up REAL tight!!
  17. Tim,,, Havent you heard da story??? How do 4 Texans ride in a single seat pee-cup???(OLD style) I realize your a LONG way from Texas,,,but sometimes the stories float that far!! Reminds me of the stories of how many kids you can pile in a car to get to the dance in the next town(back when cars and gas was precious)
  18. Thanks for the info,,, guess its a moot point for NOW. I was watchin this local car on the bay and the pic had 'spitfire' on script head,,,and the description said it was an original spitfire too. Guess somebody transplanted the motor IF they didnt come that way. THIS is the car,,,I think,,,I went to see and the guy wouldnt let me lift the hood,raise the trunk lid or open the doors. Oh well,,,guess he took it off at the last minute,,,again,,,for the second time. It will probably be back ,,,again. Maybe IF I get that way I might swing by for a 'second' look. Good solid car,,,but a ton of work,,inch by inch,,it all needs done!!! Brightwork is the brightest I ever saw on an OLD car!!! Thanks for the info---don-
  19. That looks like the best use of a heavy duty woman I could imagine. I used to be married to one of those models. Used to be ---'key words'. She used to LIKE to throw her weight around. Be surprised how big of punch can come from those 'ladies'!!!
  20. Is the Desoto 'spitfire' a special engine or did they all come out with those(in a 46)?? Whats the dif between those and a regular Dodge or Plymouth?? It would have a fluid drive behind it,,,right?? Were spitfires rare in any way???desireable?? Tanks berry mush fer any info--d--
  21. Okay , I saw on the bay a 46 Desoto with a engine that had script over the head said "Spitfire". Is that a 'special' engine?? How is it different than a regular flathead 6 in,, say a,, Dodge or Plymouth??? Was it all 'spit' and polish?? Or something special? Common or few made?? This had fluid drive behind it,,didnt it?? Tanks berry mush fer any info!!--d--
  22. Just saw a 50 Desoto on the bay with a hemi in it. Is that original or a shoehorn special?? I didnt realize hemis were out yet in those,,,first around here were in mid 50's only,,,I never had one.
  23. where is Curacco??? For us geographicly challenged ones??? Mostly that would be me??
  24. Congrads on the coughing and purring,,,have fun with her.
  25. Somebody told them antiques are valuable,,,no matter what it is,condition etc. Their excellent rating for the car is about right. Excellent 'original' condition,,,they just priced it at excellent 'restored' condition,,,its all a matter of words. Besides its in Texas,what ya expect, everything is BIGGER in Texas,,,even there asking price,,,just ask them!! At the rate they are recieving bids they may own it fer awhile!! And all the while pa is asking ma,,,wonder why nobody is buying our 'kar'???
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