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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. This is at 300 miles including 50 or so miles of off and on crumby running carburetors. Yielded average 14 MPG. I'm figgerin a good 18 MPG when it's sorted out.
  2. I'd love to share a sound clip but my brain is not currently up to the challenge of figgerin how to do that. I'm okay with pics but have already forgotten how to do a video. Perhaps I can oblige after my world settles down a bit. - - - - for 40plyrod
  3. Finally got mobile! - - -
  4. There's a gillion things I'd like to do on both cars,....like wheel wells, interior and tunes on the Plymouth and cowl vent, interior and top on the Roadster. But,...road miles is one of my greatest pleasures, (along with fabrication). We'll see how long before I get the itch to bite off something almost more than I can chew. In the meantime, got the Roadster on the trailer this morning for the exhaust system (after a weekend thrash). Sunday evening, even 'tho I gotta ton of brass fittings, I'm frantically searching hardware and auto-parts stores, before they close, to find "the" fitting that leaked badly upon first fire. Got that resolved and several other surprise items by 10:00am today. Hoping for some serious road miles by week's end. - - -
  5. I'm gonna make it! Oops,....that was last yesterday. Next Tuesday, okay! If the last 10% takes 90%,....the last 5% another 90. Details and small hiccups take forever but my optimism,......naivete reins supreme. Resolved shocks. Figured how to assemble the Lincoln brakes w/o having one on the other side for reference. Headers get cinched down for the last time today. Next is tryin to figger which wires make the car run and installing drive shaft. Once on all fours gotta do the alignment and cinch everything down. Monday is muffler shop,.............I hope.
  6. By now I'll bet you can remove and reinstall the A arms with your eyes closed,....in the dark, eh! I found the same dilemma on my Ford wagon and the movement of the spring pocket yielded dramatic differentials in height, like 1/4" yielded a 1" diff. in ride height. Keep playing and you'll love the results!
  7. How's the overall stance of the car look? Ya know you can get a little more travel and soften the "bottoming out" by taking a hack saw to the bump stop and making a diagonal cut, leaving a point in the bumper 1/4" lower. and I tend to go with the axiom, "if it rides okay, it's not low enough".
  8. That's my car, headers I built. You see the "dog-leg" on the first primary tube on each side. That's to clear the motor mounts I made and will NOT modify. At the time I considered the Sanderson's to expedite my project. Car should be on the road next week.
  9. My application is in a Hot Rod. However, I'm thinking your Hemi engine is offset slightly to the passenger side (a Mopar trick) to accommodate the stock steering column. Since the headers project almost straight down from the heads, I'd bet there would be no issues with your stock steering box/column. The headers are called "block huggers" and their intent is to get the exhaust within the frame rails of a Model A or 32 Ford. It's a gamble well worth the cost of shipping if it doesn't work in my opinion. Summit and Sanderson's standard line is "3-4 delivery" but I'm guessing that's if you wanted ceramic coating. ​Keep us posted. Love the Baby Hemis!
  10. I just explored the use of those exact headers. They did not work for me but that's because I had revised the motor mounts and there was a min. interference there. They could have easily been modified to work in my case but, I decided to continue with my more ambitious project. The Sanderson's are a quality product. I'd bet they would work for you. And,......you can get them from Summit for slightly less (Sanderson's MSRP) and w/free shipping. I ordered bare steel on a Sunday recently and received them the following Wednesday. They accepted the return with no questions asked, and it only cost me the return shipping to get the answer I needed.
  11. I'm workin already!!!!! But, it's been brutally hot and I dither. Update after the weekend. Hope for a "putt" Tues.
  12. Great idea for a thread! How 'bout others' pics of roadside treasures?
  13. Not California,....Washington
  14. I noted a pic is gone from my earlier post. Probably 'cause I replaced it with a better view or an updated image. I'm resorting to shooting pics today because I'm burned out from working in the heat. Note the trusty P-15 "parts runner" in the background. - -
  15. That has been in the back of my mind too. However, I don't think I'd live long enough to figger it out
  16. Finally on the car. I'm likin the theme. Still much to do and it's a particular chore because of the hot weather. -
  17. Yeah, that is a great looking car. More pics please. Remember, "without pics, it didn't happen."
  18. Some day I'll make it. I did Woodward in the 50's and 60's and hope to cruise there one more time.
  19. Unfortunately this stuff happens more and more as we get older. Fortunately modern medical science helps us make it as far as we have. Hang in there. Get better. Give everyone you love a hug and get back out in the garage.
  20. You are to be congratulated for your courage to re-do a project that, 'tho turning out well, did not meet your needs. I'm sure you'll hear, "How can you do that after all that work?" Some folks just don't understand what we do,.... and never will. A lot of it is the journey. I can hardly wait to see documentation of your next adventure, w/big block.
  21. Cookin prior to the thermal coat. The color variation is planned.
  22. First fire is always a trip! Congratulations! That's gonna be one awesome hot rod.
  23. It's like givin birth to an elephant! I swear I've got 1000 hours into weldin, wire brushin and Scotch-britein. One more day of that and they're off for thermal barrier coating. -
  24. Great looking car! Sounds like you like to drive'm. So much the better. Maybe we connect one day. Son lives in WA.
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