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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. I think,..... '14 or '15?
  2. Swap meet score...........
  3. The closed end of the stainless is toward the rear,....the cowl.
  4. I'll check mine later this morning. Still dark here,.....and raining, believe it or not
  5. Sorry, I'm tardy on the pics. Life got in the way. Maybe in a few days.
  6. Damn!!!!!!!! Missed that. Wished I'd seen the interior. I like it,....kinda. 'Tho I'm favoring the "Steam Punk" theme, this is a little beyond my tolerance.
  7. I borrowed 'em from a friend. I'll shoot you a pic after the weekend.
  8. finally got all the dots connected and the structural kick panels done. Taking a few days off. - -
  9. You been sittin at too many stoplights (or is it signal lights?) on Woodward
  10. I like it, irregardless of what others think.
  11. Previous pics were of the mockup which allowed me to connect the dots to get everything where it needed to be. Like everything is connected to everything else and to get the steering wheel where I wanted it and the angle I wanted, about a gillion factors came into play. It was a lot of in and out, back and forth and finessing small dimensions in three planes. The following images are the real hardware ' tho there is more connecting elements to resolve as well as finish welding and detailing. And,....soon's I get a backordered shaft seal, I'll be blowin apart the box to reverse it thus having the input shaft exiting the box where the red dot is. - -
  12. The mock-up pic is a little misleading. There is good room for both brake and clutch feet. I worried about that from the beginning. The box, the lowest part, is located pretty much on center between the pedals. - Haven't exactly decided yet about pitman arm attachment. Big goal is to reduce the amount the shaft extends from the cowl. Current thought is to cut off the thread and much of the spline, turn the shaft diameter down to yield a shoulder just proud of the casting, make a sleeve whose ID is a 1:1 fit with the new shaft dia. and whose OD matches the nut whose threads have been bored out. Then the three pieces will be pinned or through-bolted together. I've run the idea past others who are smarter than I and they see no issues. As a side note, I looked a half a dozen cowl steering setups at the recent Grand National Roadster Show and feel pretty good about what I'm doing.
  13. more salvage stuff to facilitate the pitman connection and allow me to shorten the amount that it protrudes from the cowl. -
  14. Huh! No one commented on the swap meet score?????? The red stamped part may become the transition from the cowl surface to the pitman shaft opening. The wrench is going to be the pitman arm. Huh! Again. Photobucket is down.
  15. I put together a little show each year for like minded characters. Nice collection of fossil fuel burning machinery. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/wstory/slideshow/2015%20Cable%20Event?sort=2 -
  16. The box will be bolted "solid". And except for a fabric anti squeak strip on the frame, the body is bolted solid too. It's a pretty primitive car, i.e. no creature comforts except the A/C,....... and that's on all the time Here's the status so far......... - -
  17. Little history on the Poly, by Ron Ceridono, in the current Street Rodder. Covers both versions. I had no clue
  18. We had to put down our Rotty Freda some years back and just recalling her presence about brings me to tears even now. She had an abused life before coming to us. She was "skitzo" and didn't trust anyone nor did we trust her with anyone (you know the Rottweiler rep.) But I loved her and she loved me. She seemed so emotionally fragile. Nothing but my kids have touched me so deeply. Your Red can never be replaced. I wish you comfort with his memory.
  19. I am going OT from the subject of this thread for those who might like to ride along. Respecting that many here are less interested in deviations from the P15 focus, I also suspect there are a few who enjoy witnessing the process of solving mechanical problems,.... whatever the marque. I think most know that I intend to install the Hemi in my '32 Roadster. However, being one who can't leave well enough alone, I will also do several other modifications while the car is off the road. Therefore, the next order of business is cowl steering. In response to question "why",... it's because I like the look and it's another design and fab project that satisfies my need to screw around and figure out stuff mechanical. Here's where I am so far. A F150 box which has a slow ratio and a large mounting footprint. I'll need to "reverse" it so the pitman arm rotates the correct way and the input shaft exits where the red dot is. This is about what you would see looking under the dash. - Before committing to the project, the concept was mocked-up so I could feel good about the appearance and the approx. geometry. - - Foot room was always something that I worried about. I think I have that issue understood and under control. - The centerline indicated shows where the pitman shaft will pierce the cowl. This location gets me adequate foot room and the input shaft of the box aligns with the steering column. - As mentioned, the box is relatively slow ( good in this case ) however things change pretty quickly when the geometry comes into play for the appearance I am after. It would be real easy to end up with a go kart kinda response. Soooo, the following is a full size mockup with pitman and steering arm lengths that yield a slightly quicker ration than what I now have,..that's the plan. That which looks like a garbage can lid is looking down at the sidewall of the tire. The triangle shape is the steering arm and the white spot is king-pin center. - Finally, the sketch below illustrates the concept of how I intend to build the steering system's supporting structure. [/url]
  20. Just returned from a wonderful Holiday with kids and Grand kids. I am truly fortunate with those possessions alone and I never forget that. However, I am additionally fortunate to have some pretty neat stuff in my garage and a wife who tolerates my addiction. - -
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