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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. ​I am totally enamored with the colors. Hope to preserve as much as I can. This is silicon bronze brazing done with a TIG welder by my good friend Mike.
  2. On another forum I got several "smarty pants" comments about the swoopy primary pipes,....as in, straighter would be more efficient and the level of difficulty. Welllll, my reasoning is that I'm trying to use up length to get 34" equal length primaries. Note the 36" welding rod as my guide. Also, the 180 concept adds to the complexity. Now, before there are comments and/or the obvious question of "why",...it's because I can (with some challenges) and because I think it looks cool,...not to mention a little ego massaging.
  3. A long way from being done but couldn't contain myself,...... can't believe how cool this looks and I just needed to share it. I got this far before I ran outta tubing bends. Iii'lllll be baaack in a few days
  4. Slow but satisfying progress. Made this little die to stretch the primary tubes to match the oval shape of the opening in the header flange. - Also learnt how to MIG weld 1/16" tube to 3/8"plate, which is..............generous preheating of the plate to assure penetration before burning through the 1/16 stock. Makes perfect sense. The tubes are just tacked on the outside. They will be welded on the whole circumference on the inside and ground smooth. Finally the outside will be finished by brazing the perimeter. - - I'm livin large!!!!!!!
  5. Been starin at this thing waaaay too long! Awful lot of tubes to stuff into this space,...pretty intimidating. I could not see the solution looking at the mockup so decided to bite the bullet and weld up the manifold that goes beneath the pan in order to make some progress. Now I've got a "stake in the ground" that's non-negotiable. - The coming week will tell
  6. Here's another where I could find a specific thread http://trainfanatics.com/c-o-614-engineer-lays-whistle/
  7. I retained the original face and had my amp meter converted to a volt meter by Red Line Instruments.
  8. Almost never too low, long's critical components don't make contact first!
  9. Good job Linus! All too often we see great images but don't take the time to record or share them. Thanks
  10. I am anxious to experience the sound. Hope it doesn't sound like an Import 6
  11. Finally got the primary connections figgered out. Understanding the timing of/for 180 degree headers sure was elusive for me. I asked several folks and the stock answer was a question, "why would you want to do that?" ,..followed by a comment of how difficult or expensive it is to do. So, I am going forward just the same!
  12. "Honey, I shrunk the tubes!" Got to thinkin,....why not try shrinking the tubes instead of the rather tedious job of enlarging the holes. I only needed to change the dia. of either by about .015". So, I got out the trusty acetylene torch, squeezed the tube to an oval in the vice, heated the high spot to cherry red and hammered it down. Took a coupla tries and extra work to get the tube back to round but I'm now going forward. Thanks to all for your ideas. I will keep them in the que for the next challenge.
  13. Hmmmm Good idea! Tx Worth a look.
  14. Not really. Local hardware store. I was encouraged to do that from my young friend Mike who advised, "turn it as slow as your drill will go." I thought I was pretty smart by anticipating I'd need another saw before all the holes were done. So, I bought a second and began alternating in order to give each saw a rest. Problem is,.....I discovered that the saws are not real precise. The second one gave me holes @ 1.620/1.630. The original one got me holes @ 1.630/1.645. Not a big diff. if you're doing carpentry. But that diff. means my so called 1-5/8" tube does not fit into some of the holes. Gotta figger how to enlarge some holes by .010/.020 or shrink the tube by that amount.
  15. Ah, the challenges of being a family man and going to school. I did that. Yeah, it's tough but in about 20 years you'll be glad you did. Hang in there! Good luck! Best wishes!
  16. Haven't been snoozin! So,..back to the "Hemi Build". ​Along with the cowl steering that I've always imagined, I'm also intrigued with the idea of 180 degree headers. Therefore to the next project I have inflicted upon myself. And to those who may ask "why",...as in the case of the steering modification,....just because I like the looks and/or because I like the challenge of doing something I've never done before and maybe also because it's a little "off the wall" I scored some scrap steel,.... 46# for $9.00 to build this header fabrication stand. - Figgered I need to get the engine up to a good working height. Got four primaries running under the pan. Also decided that if I can get the headers roughed in on this stand, I can still drive the car for a few more weeks before pulling the old engine. - - This is the beginnings of the flanges for the four pipes that traverse beneath the engine. The plan is they will facilitate a "drop-out" to accommodate dropping the pan and/or pulling the starter.
  17. If you can carry four, you're a stud!!!!!!!! and that's a deal. Two, not so gouda deal.
  18. No guts not glory!!!!!!!!!!! There is a cost for looking cool but in this case it's extremely minimal. In my opinion, 1 coil cut and 2" blocks will make the car look like it should,..... for a stocker. Most folks won't even notice the diff. I did this years ago and ultimately went lower. No issues with the springs falling out. You may bottom out on an extreme transition but anticipation usually prevents that. That being said, the car will ride a little stiffer. However, if you also do shocks as suggested, the ride and handling will be a little more crisp, a little more like a modern car. And, noting that you are in the UK, your norm for comparison is for a "crisper" ride than what we in the U.S. consider normal. It still won't be a BMW
  19. That's just awesome! Love the color! I look forward to seeing it on the road to Victoria in 2016.
  20. That whole scene is just precious,....and rare! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
  21. 'Tho it triggered the vision, the VW part turned out to be too large and required too much work. So, I made something similar and that was a pretty easy and satisfying project.
  22. Noooooooooo.........! But I should be boogyin w/the Hemi 'bout then and looking for excuses to give rides.
  23. Understanding that your car a year or two newer, this is what I did to mine in that same area to retain the stock look.
  24. Definitely the fun stuff! 'Tho taking pics is time consuming and interrupts progress, they sure are a joy to behold. Keep 'em coming
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