I thought my 20+ year old garage door opener had bit he dust, did some net research and spent 20 bucks on a new transmitter and receiver, problem solved...friend had problems with her opener, more research and a sawbuck for a new sprocket, problem solved...the 1976 Maytag was having probs, research gets me a part number that the local service ppl could not find, ironically enough the $20 part was sitting on the shelf behind the counter and that washing machine is still humming along...thought I needed a new starter for The Blue Bomber, did some research and Geno's had a repair kit for a fraction of the replacement starter that took minutes to install...the Outback blew a headgasket and I thought it was the end of the road for that buggy, did some research and found that it is possible to fix without pulling the engine or needing special tools, also found the non-chinese factory reman.part# for replacement half shafts that the dealer could not find, kept that buggy on the road for half the cost of original estimates for another 2 yrs before trading it in...and best of all, Dad bought a KenTool small tire changer years ago that had no instructions with the assortment of parts that came with it, we cussed at it a ton but could not figure the thing out so it sat in the corner of the barn for a decade, we need to put new tires on big mowers that we plan on keeping so I do research and find a factory how-to video on YouTube that demonstrates the usage of each part that came with it, I have since used that changer several dozen times for mowers, golf carts, ATVs, for ourselves and our neighbors, with very little colorful metaphors...that Al Gore sure did a good job with that internet that he invented