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Everything posted by Dennis_MN

  1. My first project was a model a coupe. Biggest problem was crap in the gas tank so cleaning out the fuel filter and the carb went a long way.
  2. Thanks for posting. I had a similar experience with Dale when I toured. I forget the year, perhaps 2001 when I was going from Kentucky to Jefferson's house, Monticello via the Blue Ridge parkway. He took pride in walking around with me and pointing out various features on the motorcycles on display, then he started a few. But he didn't ride them. I saw him later in the suburb of Chicago where a collection was put up for sale. He was on the TV show with Wayne Carini classic car business, he would get the antiques running for this auction. I made many recommendations to see Wheels through Time.
  3. A lotta guys will get Tired of This Thread soon
  4. Lol
  5. Some years ago I hauled home a 31 Ford Coupe, Model A. At the last of three truckloads, she called out the window, you paid $150 for WHAT! After many evenings out in the garage, I heard her telling one of her friends that that Ford was better than another woman or whiskey at the bar, at least she knew where her hubby was. After a year she remarked that maybe another woman would be better, she said "I can compete with a woman but not with that car!" After about 7 years, I got a hankering for a convertible and she insisted that the Ford has to go, these are not like a stamp collection. So I sold the Model A and bought a 1970 Dodge Challanger Convertible. I kept that for 7 years and then sold it with the idea that I would get a pickup. I made a mistake and added up how much it would cost so I bought a new Ranger instead. It took until 2005 before I found the 1948 Dodge. She does support all of my passions.
  6. https://sites.google.com/site/dennisjsullivan/train-story?authuser=0 Read my story of riding the train. I still love trains. Consider taking the real northern route through North Dakota and Montana Dennis Sullivan
  7. So I've signed off from FB last April or May and just yesterday I had an e-mail from my Daughter-in-law saying this link was interesting. Like a trusting father in law, I clicked on the link and realized that I've been had by a FB troll. Hopefully there wasn't enough time to plant a bug or to drain my computer. So now I'm going to go back on facebook and delete everything Dennis
  8. "Wetherspoons in Uxbridge" It would be easier to catch on if the place was "Hooters"
  9. I was active on the truck forum since 2005 until I sold my truck in 2012. I didn't leave the forum however. When I was active on the truck forum, it was because we had questions about something we were working on and we were seeking information. I used to scan the car side because those guys drifted into a wide area of discussions mostly off topic. One of the re-designs provided a distinct off topic area so that the car guys could drift to their hearts content. So I scan through the discussions on a daily basis and find a load of trivia going on. Where else can one find a travel log or trip report in driving a model T through Alaska or a 50 Dodge Pickup from Waukesha, WI to Nashville. Just plain interesting but still car related. Dennis Sullivan
  10. You could say that you have an appealing truck.....
  11. Here is a photo of the 70's GMC motorhome with a Olds Toronado Drive train. Vintage but still popular.
  12. This is a repost of years ago to answer a question about his phone number...
  13. Here is a picture of Don Bunn during one of the Mopar in the Park events in the Twin Cities
  14. I posted a forsale notice and saw that pictures were forbidden so I thought I would add them here
  15. I have to agree with the plumber, radiant heat in the floor from a small steam boiler, and rough in plumbing for a bathroom. You have no idea how handy a sink is to wash up before entering the house. There was a motorcycle shop in Door County Wisconsin that when I asked to use their bathroom they said I had two choices, go around the end of the building to pee or I could use the funnel and the hose in the corner. Crude but handy. You must not be old enough yet where you have a need to pee every half hour. Much handier if you don't need to leave the shop. A friend of mine also put in a shower so that he could really clean up when he was done working. Dennis
  16. I hope that your drive across the city will be relaxing for you. I assume that you landed in Fridley. Dennis
  17. I used moth balls in alum pans, two in the cab floor, three on the seat, and three under the hood. I stuffed steel wool in the tail pipe pipe. never had a problem with the old dodge but I would swap my ford Ranger for it in the summer and I did the same program with that. But when I wouldn't run right, I discovered a mouse nest up the intake venting. The old Dodge didn't have that plumbing like the ranger.
  18. Attended a car show in Buffalo Minnesota this morning and spotted the best looking Woody Looks to me to be a 1940. I'd show the rear view but I reached my limit on Megs somehow.
  19. Well, your truck made the Channel 5 news at 5:30 PM, ok not the entire truck, but a very close up of the Rams head hood ornament and the Dodge Letters on the side of the hood, and the Red back ground for both shots. Hope you were awarded better for your efforts. Dennis
  20. I'd come to visit but they charge $25 per person for looking
  21. While I was in College, I worked one semester at the Local Sugar Beet processing plant. I worked on the second floor running a bank of 6 Centrificals for spinning out raw sugar creating molasses. There was a changing room / toilet just down the aisle from where I worked and I observed that people never pulled the door of the toilet to check if it was in use, they always looked under the door for feet. So I got the bright idea to take a spare pair of rubber boots and a pair of coveralls and place them in front of the stool with the legs of the coveralls draped over the boots. It was pretty fun to watch guys go in and out of the room because it looked busy. Then I told one of the maintanance guys that the toilet must be plugged up because guys never stayed there. They went in but came right back out. It was in use they said, they'd come back later. Someone called the foreman and he finally pulled open the door and laughed his head off. Then he called the superintendent and said there was some guy in the shitter that won't come out and he won't listen to me. The super said "by god he'll listen to me"! and he came down and pulled the door open then laughed. I guess they left that set-up for the next shift as well.
  22. A couple of weeks ago my HP laser jet 6500 all in one quit feeding paper. A guy on the internet said the problem was a broken feed gear that was slipping on the drive gear. He said to get a mirror an place it in the paper supply and look up. Slide the gear to the left, apply some JB weld on the drive gear, then slide the broken gear back over and let it sit for 24 hours. Bingo, it works again, instead of hitting the trash. Yeah Internet!
  23. My Cruze has a turbo, so I assume that the cam cover has a fair amount of pressure that can leak. In fact the check engine light went on again after a mile and the dealer put on another cam cover. Said the first one was warped. My 49 Dodge was a whole lot simpler!
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