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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. GMC engines since 1937,until 1959.
  2. "EL TRABAJO ES SAGRADO,NO LO TOQUES" or "The job is holy,not touch it"
  3. I am doubt.I think this car from youtube can be a Chrysler but not 1950,look its hood (right side view) when near the gas pump,looks like a 1948.Excuse me.Regards.
  4. http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=-uix3LbpqEg&feature=related Yes,I like his musics very much.He went in Porto Alegre- Brazil this year.Regards.
  5. Plymouth P11 1941 in Uruguai.
  6. Olá Ony,muito bonito o seu De Soto 1946.Moro em Santiago-RS.Possuo uma pick up Dodge 1952 aqui.Conheço um senhor que possui um De Soto 1949 conversível em Pelotas-RS,tenho o endereço dele.Meu e-mail é "jipe42@santiagonet.com.br" caso queira conversar.Abraço.
  7. Thanks very much.
  8. Ok,thanks grey beard.
  9. Does anyone can help me(with pics) about the place of ventilator cowl spring? http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=KfjugnFrZMs&feature=related:mad:
  10. http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=_PFCgAhZEO8&feature=related:cool:
  11. http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=6FMq0iDX1yE&feature=related
  12. In the voltage regulator we have fourwires:"B+"(bat),"D+"(arm),"DF"(field) and "D-"(ground).In the generator we have only threewires:"D+"(arm),"DF"(field) and "D-"(ground).The "B+"(bat) wire of voltage regulator will go to the starter switch.Good Luck Chucky 07.
  13. http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=XKySbfgvyVw&feature=related
  14. http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=ad7z0tH0-KU&NR=1
  15. Steve,can you send me a tag pic of your 52?Mine is illegible.Thanks.
  16. Yes Merle and Mike,now I could learn this stuff well.The finallity of this forum is to learn and study.Now I saw that each stroke is different in 4 and 6 cylinders engine.Thanks
  17. Excuse me,but this tool is fited in the head ignition timing hole that Don shown for us?What does the numbers in the circle means in this tool?Thanks.
  18. Can't see this pic.Can you send other pic with flash to us.
  19. On the engine with 4 cylinders we have an angle of 180º for each stroke,because 720º/4 =180º.On the engine with 6 cylinders we have an angle of 120º for each stroke,because 720º/6 =120º.Two turns of vibration damper correspond 720º.
  20. You have to check each valve stem & tappet clearance only this.Following the firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4 you have to put each piston in compression stroke(means two valves closed) and in this moment you can watch and turn with your finger the two tappets.Checked the piston number 1,turn clockwise 120 degrees(90+30) now you have the piston number 5 in compression stroke,turn again 120 degrees now you have the piston number 3,turn more 120 degrees you have the piston number 6 in compression stroke,same with the piston number 2 and 4.Normally backfire is caused because the valve stem and tappet clearance are not adjusted.Good luck.
  21. I hooked the pedal return spring under the floor with a clip.See in the pics.Regards.
  22. Ok,thanks to Reg & Merle for the great help.Today mine has the same as Reg fited in the right fender.Now I will fit it in the firewall with a clip.See a WC-56 pic.
  23. Where is the place(in the floor) to fit the carburetor(not dual) pedal rod linkage spring(part number 14-06-01)?
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