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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. Dodge engines finished in WWII.
  2. Dodgeb4ya,these are my washer measures.;)Thanks.
  3. Thanks to all of the helps.I found the washers(not Mopar but the same dimentions).In the left side I put one washer and in the right side I put two.Tomorow I will do the road test.Regards.
  4. Thanks TodFitch.:)I will look for the washers.
  5. Reg I understood all you said.Thanks to you.Merle, my cotter pins aren't lining up its hole.Can I put more washer before nut to line up the cotter pin with its hole?What kind of washer?It should be very strong,no?What material?
  6. Yes,the castle nut that holds the hub & drum.And about the 45 degrees?
  7. 1)Tighten rear wheel bearing adjusting nut then, back nut off 45 degrees2)Turn wheel hub by hand to make sure hub turns freely(jacked up)......Am I right? Don't have the B3-B maintenance manual.Any help?
  8. This inner oil seal was made in Argentina:p
  9. Only testing my new telephone camera.
  10. Inner Oil Seal Puller Tool.
  11. I made two gaskets same as aforests.Found bearings,inner & outer oil seal.
  12. Is this gasket(aforests) with five holes preached in manual?
  13. I had to pull the axle drive shaft to remove the differential case to put a new bolt with nut wich was broken and was leaking more by the hole. Thanks to Merle.Now I will have to find the inner and outer oil seal and the bearings.Who can send me the parts number of these?
  14. Ok Merle.Thanks for your help.
  15. What kind of puller tool(original) to withdraw the axle shaft?(PIC)
  16. Don't know.This welder is not here in my city.My Dodge pick-up 1952 has a "IND 251" engine with 25" head.
  17. I saw this pic with a Dodge L-head engine in a HOBART welder,probable with prefix engine number "IND".It's a rare pic.I have other pics.
  18. No,I don't know if it's still running.
  19. Found this pilot house in Taquarembo-Uruguai in my vacation.
  20. Putting new wheel color(red).B3-B series(1/2 ton,1952).Santiago-Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil.Gaucho field.What's the original wheel color of this kind of truck?Regards.
  21. http://www.46chevytruck.com/46restoration.htm Have a good luck in your restoration too.Let us know.
  22. Looking the rear axle drive shaft it is a 1/2 ton.To me it is a 108 wheelbase?
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