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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. Dodgefran,the cast block number of my truck engine is:"IND251 69661C":cool:
  2. Thanks greg g for your help.
  3. De Soto 1951 Carry All Utility.
  4. http://www.t137.com/registry/help/otherengines/indengines.php DodgeFran in this same link you can see only especific about engines,like this pic with a HOBART welder.
  5. The hollow bolt that attaches the brake line tee block to the rear axle.
  6. This is my situation now.Next tuesday I & my friend will remove all the springs in two days of work.He works in a spring shop.In four pics we see the following situation:Pic nº 208-front left-not original 8 leaves,pic nº 209-front right-think it is all original 10 leaves,because the leaves are very thin,pic nº 210-rear right-not original 7 leaves,pic nº 211-rear left-not original 6 leaves.Any B3-B springs original pics to help me is welcome until next tuesday.I intend to photograph all the job to transmit to all of this forum.Thanks.
  7. Dave72dt,did you know about springs pressure machine?When you know it,you will get the answers(proofs) you want "pressure or weight applied","tension rates" and "rearching is a temporary fix"......
  8. Remove the rear & front springs and turn them upside down on a level surface. Now measure the center of spring to ground. They should be the same.If they aren't the same, rearch all the leaves in a proper machine.
  9. Rear Springs Pics. Right(image 190)=7 leaves Left(image 187)=6 leaves.
  10. Ok,Thanks Merle,Grey & Dave.This subject is very dificult.I will ask to my friends here to learn more.
  11. Dave72dt,mine has 7 leaves on right side and 6 leaves on left.
  12. Merle my truck is a B3-B(52-1/2 ton).B springs(F&R) are not the same as C(pics).Mine not have the auxiliary spring.I only would like to know the original number of leaves(F&R).
  13. Ok,I am not in a hurry.
  14. Merle good morning.Can you help me with an original pics for my B3-B front & rear springs?Thanks.
  15. Where is the correct(original) rear axle vent?
  16. Ok Alberts,good explanation.Thanks.
  17. Ok Merle.I did as you explained to me.It is very good now.Thanks very much.
  18. How can I reput oil in my 2 ton hidraulic jack?Any experience for help?
  19. In this pic we see only one bearing(down) in each side of the front axle(1/2 ton).In mine has two bearings in each side(up & down).What kind of damage could occur in this manner?Any help could be welcome.
  20. SHIN'YO was a suicide japanese boat in WWII that had a Chevrolet 6 cylinder engine.
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