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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. Have you the two front spring shackle U-bolt.My Dodge is a B3-B,but they look like the same of Fargo.I live in Brazil.
  2. I would like to know(sure) if the spark plug gap is 0.035" and breaker point gap is 0.020" for my flathead six engine(B3-.I need some help because my manual dont have these informations.Regards.
  3. Can someone help me about B3-B crankcase oil capacity?Regards.
  4. Can anyone send me a original B3-B hub cap picture?
  5. My B3-B has a crack underneath on drive place,near steering gear box.Its side rail was all bent.
  6. If anyone has some pics from differential internal view,I would like to see.One carrier screw has broken.I tried to extract it,but was loose.It fell within.I need to know what kind of screw is it.Thanks in advance.
  7. For me they were all the same.
  8. Job Rated 1952 in Southwest of Brazil.
  9. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=131&stc=1&d=1162161697 I owned my truck in 1987,
  10. Who can say me what UTE means.Thanks.
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