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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. Yes JBNeeal.Including its castled nut is not original.I think it does not have the lock washer.
  2. Hi guys.Today my mechanic tightened the NUT arm.It was completely LOOSE.Thanks to all.
  3. The last inspection today we did(I and my mechanic) the cause of more play are ARM or SHAFT SPLINES.That crack is not on the left end package.It is only in the dust cover.
  4. The drag link does not hit the oil pan.But I noticed today a crack on the left end package on it.I will try a pic tomorrow
  5. Now I noticed that my changed(cut and welded ends in 2009) DRAG LINK is not bent.What is the purpose of it be BENT?May I have to bend it?
  6. Today I encountered in my depot four square gaskets(4 3/8") each,one STRG tube & WORM BEARING CUP UPPER(part number 386642),one STRG GEAR BEARING CUP(part number 386642) group 1403 and two OIL SEAL without packaging.I do not know if these gaskets and oil seal are proper to the box.My mechanic thinks
  7. Hi greg g.I did not know about a rubber isolating pad between the frame and the steering gear box.Yes it has the center split tie rods,because my PU is a B3-B.In october 1997 I changed a piece of the shaft and bushings,not the tube w/ worm.In november 2009 I restored the arm(cut and welded).I already adjusted the set screw and nut on the cover but without results.I did with friends a travel of 170 kilometers in august 2023 got fatiguing.Thanks very much.
  8. What is the probably cause of the more play of the steering wheel? Can It be TUBE w/ WORM or BUSHINGS or SHAFT or ARM?Your tip is very important for me.Thanks.Best regards.
  9. That is true desoto1939.I did not remember.Thanks.😥
  10. Hi all.I would like to know why different lenghts IAT1035 my PU B3-B Chrysler IND251 engine and IAT4011 from 1951 Plymouth car my friend.Best regards.
  11. I found it strange this ignition timing(before and/or after).I can make a pointer and paste it in the cover.Are these two model of breaker pointer original for the DPCD?
  12. Yes.
  13. Plug hole over the intake valve.
  14. Hi folks.Since october'2006 in this forum.Throughout all these years I learned and started to admire this family DPCD engines.My IND 251 Chrysler timing chain cover does not have the pointer and when I have to put the #1 cylinder in TDC I put a little tool over the #6 cylinder hole.When this tool begins to rise means that the intake valve begins to open and #6 cylinder is in the end of the exhaust.In this same moment #1 cylinder is on TDC firing stroke.For me the paper or cork process is difficult to believe perhaps due to the pressure of my engine.
  15. After I was thinking and saw that it doesn't matter one way or the other.
  16. If you really are concerned and you want to change it. If you remove the distributor hold down bolt, then lift the distributor up about 2", rotate the rotor/shaft 180 degrees and then set the distributor back down. Then it will be what you want.(Los_Control) I ask if rotate the rotor/shaft 180 degrees to clockwise ou counterclockwise?
  17. "Since the tang on the bottom of the distributor (looks like a flat blade screwdriver) connects to the oil pump, it can be correct or it can be 180 degrees off. If it's off 180 degrees then #1 cylinder will be at compression when the rotor is at 1 o'clock. This will work but the plug wires must be rotated 180 degrees to match."(46BulldogDodge) I think this is my case.Since I am in this forum I did never hear someone explaining this.My B3-B is running very well but its #1 plug wire in dizzy cap is between 2 and 3 o'clock.Can I change #1 plug wire to between 7 and 9 o'clock keeping the firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4??
  18. Would like to know why "RICARDO" cylinder head.
  19. What are the advantages between the hot and cold spark plug? In which situations(trip or stroll)do you use them?
  20. Mine is that type.I used a FRAN C3PL or MANN H931/1.
  21. What is the element feature?
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