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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. My first b1b that I had in 1980 (aka D.C. Pete). I gave it to my son 12 years ago when he turned 16 and I FINALLY am seeing the finish line. My son and I helped my painter buddy put the hood on yesterday. It is getting closer, soon it comes to my shop for the wood running boards and box boards and then back to my buddies for the interior. My son is going to buy primed wheels and paint them the dark brown with babymoons in the middle. I cannot wait until our luau next August so some of you can see it. I was upset my son changed the color from midnight blue but now I absolutely love the color. Before and after pics.
  2. VERY nice looking truck. I really like the fact that it is a daily driver. I used to use my b1b for hauling my tools for years until I gave it to my son. One thing that sends me is when someone spends a small fortune on a truck and they trailer it to a show. DRIVE IT! the bugs wash off. Awesome job..
  3. I am restoring an old set of playground horses. They have what appears to be 4 rubber tubes around a square tube like a torsion system on some trailers. The way they are designed there is no way without grinding apart the base to get the rubber replaced. Can I soak them in something to soften the rubber. They are so stiff the horses don't rock. Thanks Todd
  4. You lucky dog, if you don't want to rent a trailer I could haul it to my shop.
  5. Nueskes have at least 5 of these route vans. All the same, sitting all over Wittenburg used as advertising. He may have more that I am not aware of. To my buddies I met at Merles get together, I am picking parts today and my wife will have in route tommorrow. Sorry it was'nt sooner.
  6. I was asked to bring my truck to Nueske's Meats 80th Celebration yesterday. I made it 10 of the 20 miles and my truck stopped again. If I leave it sit for 5 minutes she is raring to go. Then it starts starving for fuel again. I need to tank my tank out and clean the little chuncks of crap out. I also had a chance too see my old camper again. Great turnout considering the weather forecast was rain and more rain. Somebody should mold a new tank for theses dodges. I would be interested.
  7. I totally agree with Jeff, my 88' one ton dump I bought new with a 350 has gone to hell and back, pushing 400k and still going strong. I also put a 327 in my b1b 30 years ago and I can still burn rubber in the first 3 gears.
  8. Welcome, Looks awesome, You will find after you get it out that there will be a lot of rust on the floor boards. Sitting on the ground in WI climate draws all the moisture in. Hopefully I am wrong about this one because it does look cool. What is the School bus behind your truck? I got dibbs if its a dodge. Todd B, also a wisconsin native.
  9. Not all knobs are brass underneath. I sanded down a few before I found a complete set of brass ones for my b1b. The other ones are a redish color.
  10. I also want to thank Merle & Teri for the great day. I was very upset at first that I could not get my truck there but everything worked out perfect. Awesome Bean bag toss game, I am glad we were not keeping score because we would of had to turn the lights on and probally spend the night. Thanks again and I hope this comes a tradition. Todd B.
  11. Where is Up North
  12. That is one of the coolest things of this site. The freinds you make and how people go out of there way to help you, kudos to Jeff. Merle, I am in for bringing some good old Wisconsin Cheese, Whitetail Sausage and a home made apple pie. Its a long trip and I hope there is some food left when I get there. Offer still stands for parts I can bring along. Todd
  13. When it rains it pours. I took my truck to my freinds shop last week and asked if he could see why it has no power and adjust my brakes. On friday he did not start on it so I was going to drive it 4 miles across town to have my glass guy look at the window leak. I got a mile from there and I thought it was running out of gas so I coasted into the gas station. Tried to leave and it would not start. So I called my speed demon son to pull me back to my buddies shop. My buddie got the truck running great, points were bad, plug wires loose, the timing was off, & the fuel line from the tank to my electric fuel pump was bad. Then he looks into the brakes and finds both rear wheel cylinders leaking and one rear pad is cracked off. I found a place in Green Bay and ran the parts to him just before closing tonight. I promised his a stick of vension sausage if he had them done by Friday. It sounds like the bribe will work so I can be back on the road for Merl's. Keep my truck in your prayers please. Todd B
  14. merle the game looks very cool. Maybe it is just a northern wisconsin thing but I would of called it a bean bag toss game. as far as "Corn Hole", WELL I am not sure if GTK will kick me off the site for what I thought it meant.
  15. I still like Midwest Gathering
  16. You can roll around or 2 guys can flip the cab up 90 degree. Made of heavy wall 2x4 tubing. Works great and I have no need for a few years.
  17. I have one for the cab and also the frame. Not sure of your location but you or anyone is welcome to use it.
  18. Merle, Planning on being there with my semi, it looks like there is no way for my son to get there with the B1. Its in the paint shop with primer and nothing done on the interior. Does any one need any items, I have several parts trucks and a 22' empty trailer. Not much power to pull it the traler so keep it light. Todd B
  19. When we restored my B3-JA the vacuum system was all rusted through so I removed it. We just made a bracket to lock the axle in high range. I never pull any weight in my trailer so the need of a 2 speed does not interest me. If any thing I could use a higher gear. I found a good vacuum system and someday want to put it back as original. I have hydralic brakes to the truck and I installed an air pump from a 1946 truck. My air trailer brakes is controled by a lever oppiste the blinker switch. When I am hooked up to my trailer I use the trailer brakes to stop me. It works great and I can stop quickly. My dad called the trailer brake a "cliff hanger" valve. My cliff hanger and my foot pedal both control the brake lights and both will stop my truck and trailer.
  20. I just use my GPS to verify how fast I am going. I do agree with Merle, the Gophers/Vikings do have a history of showing up last.
  21. I always questioned the low speeds everybody talks about, my first b1b in high school had the original 218 (bored .030). We changed the rear end to something from a car of that era. Original 3 speed on the floor. I would run at 65 all the time, screemed a little, but it never failed me. I had several tickets for speeding and "display of power" with that motor. I actualy told the cop once I did'nt understand, "display of power" it is just a flat head 6, he saw no humor in that. Merle, interesting formula to calculate your speed. I will stick to figuring square feet of wood.
  22. I am glad you came back, I responded to your thread and then checked an hour later and it was gone. I thought I did something to make it disappear.
  23. Very nice Mark, How are you enjoying the horn ring? I am very close to taking mine off. I am so used to leaning on the steering wheel and i constantly bump that dam ring. Your truck looks amazing! Are you coming to Merles?
  24. Thanks guys for the offers, I went to fastenal and this cute little thing sold me some "Elevator bolts" They have a big flat head with a carrage bolt design. There is no screw driver slot but I am hoping my body guy can make them work. Mar-K wanted $90 for 10 plus shipping. I paid $6.00 for 14. They are black and will have to be painted box color but I would have painted the stainless ones anyway. I gave them to my my body guy at lunch and forgot to take a picture. Todd B
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