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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. Don't forget about the cut outs that go vertical. My B-3 semi has a vertical cutout along with 3 of my 6 parts trucks.
  2. Don, you are a character. My dads buddy had that same twisted sense of humor and he could make me laugh just walking into the room. One of my favorites is when my brother who was 17 at the time dating a girl named Dawn. We were all at my dads cabin and when my brother woke up he asked him (in front of the whole family) "So Tim, did you wake up at the crack of Dawn?"
  3. Great video, I do not do face book and have no intensions to join the cult. But how can I send that video to a buddy who builds motors?
  4. It's the Minnesota in him.
  5. I think my hands would have been better. Tail gaiting at a Packer game
  6. Awesome find, I am very jealous. Very, very.
  7. Wow, That looks like a lot of work. Definitely will be cool
  8. Mark should consider this with his TODD build. It will help with the weight of the Cummins plus be very unique
  9. What is more truck related than a bunch of people forming a get together to show off there trucks & cars.
  10. I was raised to help others in need and I belong to Lions, Civic group, Church council and 2 historical society's. I will buy most any fundraiser raffle or donate to most benefits. But when I read this thread and found out you can ask strangers to support your hobby, I almost tipped over. Get a second job!
  11. I really haven't thought about it, either Thursday afternoon or Friday. I am still not sure of my fuel tank so I plan on trailering my semi tractor to Marks and unload there (yes I am pulling it with a Dodge dually). I will drive my semi around from there. Plus 65 MPH with the old Dodge is screaming wide open. Would be honored to convey with you. Back in the early 80's all the buddies and I had CB's. My calling was "Little light foot" after my Dads "Light foot"
  12. I could lead with air horns, that will get there attention
  13. Great pictures but I couldn't help but notice Marks hand on Tim's rear when he was getting his trophy. I am starting to wonder if staying at Marks during the Back to the 50's is a good idea.
  14. My 49 camper would do the same thing when I would push it. I would lose power and if I down shifted I could red line it but as soon as I would shift into high gear she would spit and sputter. I determined it was the blinker fluid that was worn out.
  15. Found the thread. I got my number today #7441
  16. I was looking for a thread I think young ed started about this years back to the 50's. I have never had good luck with the search thing. I don't know if I have something set wrong or if I just don't get it.
  17. How do you search for an existing thread or topic. I know there was a thread on Back to the fifties and I cannot seem to find it. If I type in the little search box on top right it gives me everything but what I am looking for.
  18. What the rules on line don't tell you is never play against Mark. When I played against him he sunk the dart in my can on the first throw, which means I had to slam my entire beer. I said that was dumb luck so I opened another can and he then hit the very bottom of the can. You guessed it, I had to slam another. Several of my buddies sat in next and Mark continued to just hit our cans and smile. Mark made the mistake of giving me a set of beer darts as a gift. I have been practicing for the Back to the fifties weekend.
  19. You caught the Easter bunny on tape, I am going to show my granddaughter the proof.
  20. Mark from Minnesota has a large inventory of doors he was selling.
  21. According to the internet $5.00 in 1950 would be $41.65 today. Seems very cheap for an option today.
  22. I noticed he served in 3 different branches. I never knew vets would switch, is that something common??
  23. I am not a Vet but I have extreme respect for all of you who are. THANK YOU, for my freedom. Todd B
  24. I think there is one those in the local Historical building. I always thought is was a home made truck/puller thing. I have work to there and I will get pictures for you next time I go. Looks fun.
  25. That's awesome, I really hope I can make it next year. We are so busy at work right now there is no chance I could leave. I heard Mark is coming, everyone should where there steal toe shoes. Enjoy, Todd B
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