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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. I finally had a chance to put work aside and get ready. I had a list of little things I wanted to do last winter and here it is the day before and nothing got accomplished. However, all washed up and ready to go. I am getting excited. Are we taking the old dodges to Ed's for the BBQ?
  2. Looks very nice, you wont be able to sleep at night with all those bulbs
  3. I asked my wife to check, yep, very little
  4. I have always driven Harleys and my bagger tops out at 95 MPH. A few years ago a friend stopped in with a crotch rocket and I asked him if I could take it for a spin. I have never driven anything from a snowmobile, boat, car or truck that I haven't had to see how fast it goes. WELL, I speed shifted the first three gears of his bike and the front tire just floated above the ground. I was going for fourth and looked down to see I was doing 130 MPH. I suddenly backed off and turned around at the corner. Did it one more time, and again chickened out at 130. I still had 2 more gears to go but couldn't do it. Watching these videos made my hair stand up. I now think I have very little balls. These guys are insane. Thanks for sharing!!!
  5. Thanks for sharing, that was one of the coolest dodge video I ever saw. I like big trucks!!!!!!!
  6. can't get the pics to open
  7. I went to start my semi this noon to bring it in the shop and start cleaning, first time ever my battery was dead. So I got out my tow strap and my wife pulled me to start it and it fired right up. I noticed my safety retainer on my tow strap was all bent up so I thought I would grind it off. I can't believe I did it but I hit the strap with the grinder and ruined it. I sure hope my whole trip won't be like this. Anybody have a favorite type of cheese. we have a small cheese factory here that makes incredible cheese of all flavors.
  8. I will be there Thursday with a 10 ton trailer, can we go get it sometime.
  9. Are you saying the door is for your TODD or me TODD for my daughters truck??
  10. Great job! You should be very proud..
  11. I plan on leaving Saturday after the show.
  12. Awesome job
  13. Back in the day whenever I had truck problems my dad always told me to check the muffler bearings! I am thinking I finally found them on this build..
  14. After reading your response I figured the way you answered my question you must have been my old high school teacher or a politician. So I read your profile and I see you are 97 years old. That makes this build even more amazing. But my question still is not answered
  15. I should of made myself more clear. What if some pipes have 3 elbows and the others have 4 elbows.
  16. I think what you are doing is awesome!! But I do have a question. When we build houses I was told for dryer venting every 90 degree elbow adds 6' of pipe. Would the same theory apply here? You said you want to maintain the 34", do elbows mess with that? Again, very cool
  17. This might be a long shot but my Dad worked at Segrave "FWD" fire truck builders for 43 years and he always talked about a truck they built that had the same corner windows as our dodges. He said one day the powers to be said to clean out this old stock and everything went to the local landfill. I can faintly remember the cabs in parades.
  18. When I was in high school my buddies snapped Miller Lite Shorty bottle caps over all my dash knobs. They remained on there until my son started the very long journey of restoring it.
  19. I have all the dirt moved and ready to build the foundation for the windmill, I have been crazy busy at work so I put a small temporary garden in for now on a different area. Good ideas with the bucket but What scares me is if the screen plugs, will my pump run dry and be ruined. I looked into the legal part awhile back and I can pump water out of my own pond or creek to water a personal garden, this is not a business that would need permits. My garden is 20' x 50' and my orchard consists of 14 fruit trees.
  20. I want to pump water out of my creek to water my pumpkins and fruit trees. It varies from 12" to 24" deep depending on rainfall, usually 12" deep. There is a little bayou that is 3' deep. I have a 2" pressure pump that I can suck water from but what scares me is all the particles in the water plugging my Sprinklers. Any suggestions how to filter the water first.
  21. That looks like my semi!! (tractor)
  22. Very cool, thanks for sharing.
  23. Awesome find! How about naming it "U-Suck"
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