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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. To bad political correctness came around.
  2. I agree Merle. But we still go out in the—————-.cold and do our job. And most of us just do our job without whining about the weather. Just keep in mind by Sunday the weather will be 60 degrees warmer than yesterday. Man I love Wisconsin!!! Just a side note about 10 years ago it was 60 degrees out on January 12 so we decided to go for a motorcycle ride. Everything was fine until we stayed in the bar until way after dark and the roads froze over. I ended up getting a very expensive ride in a helicopter with a broken neck. And yes Merle I know you teach bike class and I am sure that you would not have advised my decision. And yes I learned my lesson.
  3. You would think the amount of work it took to move that cab they could’ve just made the frame 6 feet longer.
  4. It’s in amazing shape. It’s hard to believe no one is jumping on this. Around here we deal with salt and you never see a truck body in that good of shape.
  5. I am thinking the cold weather is getting to you, you have been kinda crabby lately. I have been working all week in and outside all day long. It’s Wisconsin!! It’s ok. Don’t start wearing a hat and gloves in October, you get soft and depend on them. You won’t see gloves or a hat on me until it hits zero or if I riding in a Ford so no body recognizes me.
  6. I have trained many of my competition over the last 33 years.
  7. Simple solution! Ratrod!!!! ?
  8. When I first got DC Pete (1949 B1B) resorered in 1980 my drunken buddy backed into my drivers door. I ran to the local junkyard and got a new door and the body shop installed and painted it. It wasn’t until years later I realized I had a different door than the passenger side. It was off of a 51-53. So when I built my 53 Semi I robbed the drivers door and put on the semi. A few years ago when my son started getting DC Pete painted (again) I gave him a 50 1.5 Ton door to use I robbed off a parts truck. The body shop could not get the hinges to work so some very nice gentleman on the forum sent me a set of hinges from a 49 and it fit perfectly, I apologize for not remembering who sent me the hinges but he refused to let me pay for them. I believe the hinges may have varied within the three years.
  9. I heard on talk radio a while back a phobia called FOMO. which stands for Fear Of Missing Out. Maybe that’s why you can’t sleep.
  10. I will never forget the look on Marks face when his nephew stepped on the running board on our way to back to the fifties. “Priceless”
  11. I could see a cool place set for my Grand kids on my land out of an old plane.
  12. Back in the early 80’s my dad told me to go get a temp gauge from our local salvage yard. I had a hard time getting them through the firewall so I just bent it a few times until it broke in two. I noticed the alcohol smell but didn’t know any better. So just to make sure I had a good one I grabbed two. Took them home and my dad wanted to slab me. Overall my dad was proud of me, but not that day.
  13. I agree. I can’t speak for all of America but The only reason there’s 2% unemployment in Wisconsin is because those are the 2% of the people that don’t want a job. Glad to hear you are back on the road.
  14. I also believe it’s normal. I think it has to do with camber and toe
  15. I am glad I screenshot the original joke. We have tons of laughs with it in my circle of friends.
  16. Does any one know why dodge skipped the vowels in the codes. No B-1-A, E or I.
  17. Plymouthy is describing knob and tube wiring. There never was insulation on the wire just the porcelain insulators were used. I see it on most older remodeling jobs I do. Many still in use today.
  18. I was remodeling a house once where I tried to arc the wires and pop the breaker for the dishwasher. Kept on arcing and it wouldn’t pop the breaker. Pulled the 200 amp panel cover and the “Electrician” wired the 12 gauge wire to the top lugs were the power comes in. “Never assume”.
  19. I remember a slow moving vehicle sign put on your truck. Who would do that???
  20. I was at a show once were two boys around seven years old we’re riding their BMX bikes in and out of the park cars and people. I finally had enough and told the boys they should be parking there bikes outside of the show and be walking. One of the people walking by yelled at me because I scolded the kids. That did not go very well with me and I gave that mother a piece of my mind. Several cheers from other car owners followed.
  21. Incredible workmanship
  22. The title will have the engine numbers
  23. That sucks. Glad no one was injured other than your pride. Did anyone ever tell you that your voice sounds a lot like Red Green, leaving the cotter pin out also sounds like Red.
  24. Mark is the only engineer I know that doesn’t have to where Velcro shoes.
  25. Welcome to the cult!! That would make a cool camper.
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