Thanks for reaching out, PM sent, was able to muddle through it as my buddy dug through his storage and supplied the TPM from the donor that verified my method/math and on top of that, a company that used to build speedometer corrector/adapters but told me he can no longer can get the gears sent a second message later and offered his services that confirmed my calculations even though he could not supply an adapter, thought that was very kind gesture on his part. Being a British vehicle I am messing with, they do not have changeable gears in transmission to correct for differential or tires size changes, NO, they swap the entire speedometer. In the case of my build it had a 4.55 rear gear that one mile is equivalent to 1504 turns. At 36% error with my now taller tires of the Morris and the 3.727 rear gears installed, thus an inline corrector is a must.