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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. Ed..speaking of brand X girlles, have you come across a suitable donor for your car...as in leaning toward a prticular model?
  2. Sounds like it is time to remove the pivot pin and clean and regrease the bushings..
  3. I had Phil send me the picture...it did take a hit...my first question was in concern of the B post..it looks bowed out or maybe that is just the door sprung...what sayeth the crowd..
  4. Sounds like the ratchet head gears got a broken tooth and it jambed up ..disassemble the head is usually just removing a spling ring. The head pivot (for/rev) is spring loaded and has a small steel ball or spring pin..don't lose this..cleam inspect..if just one tooth you may be ok but never for real torque anymore..run up basically...but still make your tool useable..I use mine for run up the tighten by hand and if sensistive the torque wrench comes out.
  5. I want to add that the foreign model I selected is a bit larger sway bar..but as the bushing is a very tight fit requiring soapy water to install they are a good replacement fit for the slightly smaller Dodge sway bar..you can check them out you can if you wish get these in stock rubber or go with urethane busings for about two dollars more per bushing...
  6. I posted that the foreign sway bar is useable..
  7. odd are you busted a phenolic vane in the rotor...if you have a air tool repair parts house in the area these can be had for about 4-6 bucks a set of 4. Will require disassembly and removal of the motor from the housing the seperation of the motor usually by the end cap.
  8. Bob..this car appears to have the vent window removed and glass is one piece..number of rods going this route...I still like the vents though...
  9. I think it is about hot all over..this is August..Hot August nights for sure...not to mention the highs druing the day...keep hydrated if you get out there folks..take enough short breaks...
  10. nla
  11. I would think the section would fit..it would also not be a terrible fix either...price..???? that is up to you and the seller..however get it as low as you can...post pictures would get a better chance of an apprasial..based only on what is seen...
  12. On Mopar even till now this is true and same on the front harmonic bolted pulleys..offset..don't forget that you can put LA pulleys on the big block with the enlongation of just one bolt hole...excellent for shortening the overall length and getting 4 pulleys for accessories...(center hole same diameter)
  13. Lisa Coatney...Realtor...and a dang good cook also...
  14. I have not bought a Champion plug since about 1967/68 I try to get Autolite..do not care for Bosch either. I have the Autolite 306 in my vehicle.
  15. My 52 has the swing pedals and the booster/master from a 93 Plymouth Sundance...the 51 Suburban has yet to have that decision made...l am leaning toward swing pedals though... The 41 has original configuartion..less the clutch pedal..using late 80's Mercury Marquis master and porportioning valve. Residual valves both front and rear...nix the ideal that an internal valve on the late model will do the job..and as the literature say..two will not hurt if one does not seem to do the job...as it takes minimum of 75 lbs of pressure to move the shoes with the springs attached. I read where the Ford unit had this valave..but in application it seemed not to be in there ie the 10 punder on the rear.. since the above picture, the rear residual is mounted where the coupler is pictured.
  16. Pete..this is very typical of these old engines..good call to always go a bit deeper and inspect..
  17. 1950 engine..236.6 cubes 3 7/16 bore 4.250 stroke and 7.00 compression with 112 HP at 3600 RPMw/195 torque at 1600 RPM stand oil pressure @ 45
  18. Hope this saves right 17 11 5 2 8 14 20 16 10 4 1 7 13 19 ---> front 18 12 6 3 9 15 21
  19. Not an expert but my book says for 1949 DeSoto..the engine is a 236.6 1951 was first year for the 250.6 for DeSoto which was by the way largest 6 in the DeSoto However..pleae note that if your engine number does have an A or B or both A and B you have a "special standard" engine.. A equals .020 larger bore and B equals .010 under standard journals. As for the Spitfire head..looks like a swap in earlier life... Now IF the entire engine is changed... say from a Chrysler..pre 52 would be 250 and 52 on could be a 265..the 265 block should start with C52, C60-1, C60-2 or C62 from a 53 model...from then on it was V8 post your block number as found on the engind block boss above the generator...
  20. may I send you some fire ants and mosquitos to really top off your evening..maybe a deer fly or two..flour sack full of gator gnats...(large mouthed no-see-ums) I can even throw in an armadillo or two..couple dozen brown recluse spider and a black widow or two for under the handle of your outdoor faucet.
  21. there's a guy in the bathroom selling aftershave..just what is that all about?
  22. The placement of the post dictate the wiper park position...(P-15 closer to center says bades point out)...that is why some models part toward center..other park point out and some park with both point toward passenger side...the cable driven electric wiper I have retrofitted make any of these combination possible by over/under mounting of the post gear...will work stand alone simple switch and also intergrates well with late model column mounted controls with intermittant wiper boxes. However if you go too far forward you run into body control modules that are a wiring nighmare due to lack of schematics to view. Avoid these unless you have access to driveablity books and schematics from the dealership.
  23. Don't care much for the rims either..if you look close I would say first off this is a car with a clip..lowering it with the width of the front would put the fenders on the front tires..I think a set of positive offset wheels would put this cars track more in line on the front. As for 48...maybe worked on it from 4 to 8. 1949 model and it does not look bad at all with the fender spears removed..the hood appears to have been welded and smoothed therefore the lack of the ornament for you need the center strip to cover the rear tab. I still like hood ornaments on these old hoopies and have never been a fan of that style exhaust exits...but I guess the owner did it for himself...
  24. Norm...Your white Charger looks nice....It is an Eagle Vision TSI...LH platform car and introduced in 1993...it has a very rich history per say...back in them days Chrysler owned Lambroghini...you see this concept car picture on the site link and then look at the LH series..lots of them features rolled forward. The Portofino never made it to produciton and is a one-of car. One other car that I surely would have loved to see Chysler put into production...
  25. I hate them little feet
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