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Everything posted by BigDaddyO

  1. Wow! How did you do that??? It's like magic! I didn't have to do anything... That IS much easier than doing it myself!
  2. What's a 'google'?
  3. Stick a vacuum gauge on it. Now this is a l-o-n-g shot; We had a car in the shop that had a similar situation, it turned out to be a loose baffle in the muffler. It would run fine until that baffle plate found its way to the back of the muffler and somehow flopped up and covered the 'out' port. Car would die. Baffle plate would fall back down. Car would run until whenever the plate flopped back up. It was quite baffling to say the least.
  4. How about one of these;
  5. Did you perchance mention this to the manufacturer?
  6. Excuse me...typo. 240 is the correct value as stated in the line above. Nice catch.
  7. Plymouthy, The distributor turns at 1/2 of crankshaft rotation. One complete cycle for all 6 cylinders is,in fact, 720 degrees. However, in dealing with dwell and distributor rotation, we are dealing with one complete revolution. There are 360 degrees in a circle. There are 6 cylinders in our old flathead motors. The distributor make one complete rotation to fire all 6 cylinders. Dwell (or, more accurately, dwell angle) is the number of degrees during which the points are closed. The correct dwell for a 6 cylinder engine is 40 degrees. 6 times 40 degrees equals 240 degrees. 360 degrees minus 240 degrees equals 120 degrees. 120 degrees equals the length of time, expressed in the degrees of a circle, that the points are open. 120 divided by 6 equals 20, which is the correct gap for the points in thousandths. Corrected thanks to Plymouthy.
  8. Oops. That last post (quote) was supposed to have this picture with it.
  9. Talk about a chop.
  10. It's in this heap...
  11. I think you need a huge scoop of ice cream on top.
  12. Preferably one of these two...
  13. It's the ambiance.
  14. Will it fit? Just how good are you?
  15. That must be from the vegetarian version of 'Apocalypse Now'.
  16. I found it. It was this one.
  17. Maybe it was this one.
  18. Got those for my dog.
  19. Was this 'old post' here, on this forum? Or was it on a 'Plywood Garage Floor Forum'?
  20. Either you have huge hands or a small camera.
  21. Ask your dentist if he has any old probing tools he wants to get rid of. I got about 6 last time I asked.
  22. Why would the push rod go out of adjustment?
  23. I'll bet you can't find these at McMaster-Carr.
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