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Everything posted by BigDaddyO

  1. I would like to see the drive system on this thing.
  2. 125 ponies and stock exhaust...on a Salt Flats vehicle?
  3. Thanks Tim.
  4. They are pretty cool looking.
  5. Dang. I like cake and coffee.
  6. Here's my favorite trucking company. I laugh every time I see one.
  7. Yeah, both ends of the cow.
  8. Aircraft manufacturers used to hire "little people" as riveters for working inside tail cones and such. That's all I meant, I don't want no wrath of the little people.
  9. You did the right thing. Nice ride. Enjoy it. My biggest problem with the 440 is keeping my foot out of it. I love to hear a 4 barrel open up.
  10. Cool. Thanks for the schoolin'.
  11. Any idea what this is?
  12. ebay Find_ Ferrari Enzo V12 - One Of 399, $76,000 - Plus Freight! - EngineLabs.html
  13. Oh, and a little somethin' somethin' for the truck guys.
  14. Went out for one of the last rides of the season (on my new tire, I might add) and came across a small piece of heaven. There was a drop top DeSoto parked next to a Dino Ferrari with a Hudson 8 in the backround, a '57 TBird next to an old Mini,and a Terraplane inside, up on the rack. Also inside were a crap load of machines for milling and machining and doin' all kinds of car fixing things. What a great old shop! Great find and not too far away. A lot closer than Grahamsville which has a very nice garage too. Oh yeah, and for the rail fans, an old track car from the New York Central Railroad.
  15. What do you have there? A brake for left bends and a brake for right bends?
  16. If you go to Scotland, you might want to check out the Falkirk Wheel.
  17. I want to know the name of that bar. Sounds like a great place for a beer.
  18. They didn't want to wait for the library to open.
  19. He should have gotten a medal. Probably got a ticket for blocking a fire hydrant.
  20. $60,000.00 should do it, if you do a lot of the work yourself. Looks like a fun project.
  21. No you don't...
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