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Everything posted by BigDaddyO

  1. Mission accomplished.
  2. www.carbibles.com/additives.html If it doesn't come thru...
  3. I was only being a smart acre as I know what a 'hot button' this topic is. I have used Marvel Mystery Oil in the past on stuck motors and it seems to work as well as anything else I've tried. I liked the can it came in. Now I use kerosene almost exclusively to loosen things. If this article I am trying to post comes through, it explains things fairly well although there is no mention of MMO in it that I saw. Car maintenance bibles_ Oil Additives.html
  4. I'm with Don on this one.
  5. It lubricates the piston rings and keeps them from making scratchy noises on the cylinder walls.
  6. Practice, practice, practice.
  7. Good luck with your move.
  8. Put your fishing gear in a motor boat and catch a tuna fish.
  9. The only thing that stands out is the K-Bar knife I found under the front seat of my '47.
  10. Thanks. Great place. I remember seeing the Turbine Car running on a small track at the Worlds Fair in New York when I was a kid.
  11. I like your wire wheel. Good luck with your project.
  12. I got yer squashed bug right here; http://www.carpixtube.com/videos/47/ultimate-low-rider-the-woodruff-special/
  13. The IHOP in my town has a cute little chinese waitress. She said her name is Irene. Her one leg is shorter than the other.
  14. Arrgh! V.I.N. Number.
  15. MoPar will fit Ford Ford will not fit MoPar. Center hole is too small.
  16. That was great! Thanks for posting. I just spent the last hour checking out other videos of that car. There is a half hour clip of the building of the transmission. He also did a quarter mile run in 10 seconds.
  17. Do you have a Engine Manual or a Motor Manual? Are you a enginehead or an motorhead? Is it a enginesickle or a motorsickle? Does your powerplant rest on engine mounts or motor mounts? Oh the humanity.
  18. Joel Torres over on The HAMB did something similar on his 47 Plymouth.
  19. The trunk caught fire...?
  20. OH crap!
  21. Use a broom handle 3 or 4 feet long as a stethoscope, even a long screw driver. Stick one end on the block, the other end in yer ear, but not like the idiot in the 'Wax Vac' commercial. Obviously a little common sense is called for here. My dad told me not to put anything in my ear except my elbow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONvpWa-8moY
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