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Jerry Roberts

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Everything posted by Jerry Roberts

  1. The tractor parts places also sell the heavy cables . There are still a lot of 6 volt tractors in use .
  2. Can the arm be reversed to line up better ?
  3. Even though you carb is new or rebuilt , all it takes is a couple of small particles of debris to hold that little valve open when it should be closed . This is the little valve right at the front where the gas goes in . The debris could have come from your fuel line or gas tank .
  4. On the horns that I have seen , there is a round half circle cover on the horn that pries off . Under that cover there is a pair of adjustable points . The points might need cleaning and adjusting . They are very touchy .
  5. For sure they would have charged extra for that .
  6. Thanks for posting the fix , that is very interesting and may help another guy in the future .
  7. Try Rare Parts in Stockton , California . They advertise that if they don't have the part , that they will make it . Their prices are a little higher than others but for me and the stuff that I bought from them , the price was the same as I didn't have to pay for shipping , I just drove to the other side of town . They advertise overnight shipping available . 1-800-727-8740 www.rareparts.com or email rparts@rareparts.com " weather it is outrageous , obsolete or ordinary , Rare Parts has the suspension parts you need "
  8. Well thank you . That wasn't necessary . That must have been about two years ago .
  9. In the above photo you can see two heat shields that will probably help to eliminate your percolation problem . Both shields are home made and both are held on with wire . The aluminum cover on the float bowl is made from a soda can . They seem to be doing the job for me . For more information and larger pictures go to the truck side of the forum , page two and Hot Starting Issues .
  10. I had two good used coils sitting on the garage shelf . After a few years each one started to leak oil and I threw them both out .
  11. Heat shield further progress . I also put a heat shield over my exhaust manifold . After a long drive and parking for 15 minutes , my fuel bowl was still almost too hot to touch . I then placed the bottom third of a soda can over the underside of the fuel bowl . It is held in place with a thin wire along the side , i could also wire it over the top if necessary . That seems to be helping a lot . Note ; my intake manifold is different than the others pictured previously as the others had the heat shield going right up to the base of the carburetor . Also my engine runs at 160 degrees , my inner fenders are vented as are my hood sides .
  12. Reg , Your photo of Don comes through OK .
  13. There is a photo of a home made heat shield under the carb float bowl posted by Conroe Powdercoating on July 6 th 2014 . Posted on the car side of the foreum . Vapor Lock or Heat soak the carb no mo' !
  14. Watch out for those lengths of chain , they can tie themselves in knots .
  15. Of course you could also buy a NOS head with a hump from Vintage Power Wagons for $ 135 .
  16. Let us know what method he uses . Someone will run up against this problem again in the future .
  17. If the machine shop can plug the hole , that would be the way to go . Please let us know what happens .
  18. Is this a floor shift transmission ? On my floor shift transmission ( 1939 - 1947 truck ) there is nothing that can jump out and get lost . When I want to put the top back on , I put the gears in neutral and the forks in neutral and slide the forks in the correct groves . Perhaps your car is different though .
  19. I live in Stockton . I have a long walk and feed the birds every morning . I am 67 years old and 165 pounds . A few days ago while feeding the birds a big guy cussed me out . He is about 45 - 50 years old and about 280 pounds with a lot of muscle . I feed the birds near a marina and he didn't like cleaning the bird poop off from his sailboat . He didn't even say please don't feed the birds , just started right in with his cussing me , a stranger to him . I didn't say peep as I thought that he might attack me physically . I will continue to feed the birds and when I next see him I will try to get his boat and dock number and perhaps a name as well . I will then report this incident to the police and the marina office . I do like Stockton though , having moved here from the frozen north about 35 years ago .
  20. The bores can be sleeved back to the original size if necessary . $$$
  21. And if you don't like those shinny pop rivets , you can touch them up with a little paint . You could even fill the center hole of the rivet first . I think I left my pop rivets just plain .
  22. Glad that you found the problem . If it happens again , you will know where to look first . In other words , there might be more junk in the tank .
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