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Everything posted by bartenderfloyd

  1. I decided to try and fix my dash clock hoping it would be something obvious but before I get too far down the rabbit hole, I figured I'd post here. All the gears and springs seem to be intact. The transformer looks like none I have ever seen. I'm guessing that is my issue? I tested it direct on 6 volts and it does nothing. It may just be better to stick one of those quarts battery operated ones on the back. Should be good for a few years.
  2. I used these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0017UBHQS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I made my own door cards. Drilled the appropriate holes and pushed these through. I think I have a picture of them either in one of my threads or on my phone. I'll send it to you if you like.
  3. So funny. I was there last year and took almost the same pic. That restaurant was awesome.
  4. I did, and I confirmed it was pumping before I buttoned everything up. That's a good idea about layering. I'm going to go do that tomorrow.
  5. OK all fixed. I put JB Weld on each end until I come up with a more permanent fix. I really appreciate all the help this forum provides.
  6. Yeah, I could have sworn I just read it. And I did. I know what to do now. Thanks
  7. What's the best way to prevent this from happening again? The pin isn't long enough to peen over.
  8. I took my wife's car out for a spin with my son to run errands. Got to the first store, no problems. Ran great as always. Left to go to the next stop and the car died. Kept trying to start but I could tell it wasn't getting fuel. No fuel leaking under the car. Plenty of fuel in the fuel filter so I knew I wasn't out of gas. Wife gave me a tow home. I pulled the fuel line and turned the engine, no fuel. Here's a vid: I'll pull it tomorrow but it's probably time for a rebuild maybe? Hopefully it's just clogged or something minor.
  9. Beautiful car. Welcome. You will love tinkering with these vehicles.
  10. Here's how I attached the rear belts I used the same belts on the front seat too. I anchored them to the seat frame. They were really easy to install.
  11. Can you record it and post the video on youtube? You might get a better response.
  12. If you are just looking for wax I only use Collinite. 476 for the garage queens and 845 for the daily drivers.
  13. This makes me sad. He could have had a ton of content revolve around this car.
  14. This is what I use. Works great https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VTPJXH9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. Yup, I figured that and took lots of pics. Thanks.
  16. Yes, I had to see where it was leaking.
  17. I have no issue replacing all 4 but I wasn't sure if that was the norm. I know it is when changing brakes though. I can't really tell the age of the cylinders, they look ok to me but I have no reference to compare. Here's a pic. Stepped on the brake and the top one shot out fluid under the rubber seal.
  18. The shoes look good. Are you saying I should replace all 4 wheel cyliders?
  19. I have a leaky wheel cylinder (and a broken spring) on the passenger front wheel. This will be my first time replacing anything on these brakes so I have some questions I hope you can help answer. I took the drum off the wheel and the top cylinder spit out a bunch of fluid when the brake was applied so I definitely need to replace that one. 1. Do I replace just 1 or is it advised to replace both? 2. Is rebuilding worth it or should I not even bother, I'm not concerned about cost? 3. I've had very good experiences buying from oldmoparts.com, is that the best place to get replacements? 4. I believe I take the nut off the back of the top cylinder but the bottom one is different. It looks like it goes through the steering rod. Is that correct? 5. When they say "left" and "right" cylinder, is the passenger front the "right" wheel? Thanks and Happy Father's Day!
  20. Well...you have one more subscriber now. I love seeing the work done live. And the montage is great. It is amazing how much work you have put into the car. It is really paying off!
  21. I'm sure we can have a wonderful debate but I think we are getting off topic here. Are you using a pass through pump and is it a brand you would recommend?
  22. Primarily because the mechanical pump is working well but there were a few times when I had to crank for a while to start after the car sat for a long time. Also, I'm lazy and don't feel like running a return line. Actually...that's the primary reason. LOL!
  23. Does anyone recommend a particular brand pump that is "flow through?" I'd like to install one as a primer and back up but I'm reading that the Carter 4259 is not meant to be used as a secondary.
  24. I did do the lining. I also ordered it from Bernbaum's. It didn't have the holes but came with the rivets. It was pretty self explanitory and adjusting the brake around the drum wasn't too hard either. Funny thing, a month ago I saw some fraying on the parking brake cable. Sure enough, that broke too. Another order from Bernbaum's and also an easy fix.
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