I have a leaky wheel cylinder (and a broken spring) on the passenger front wheel. This will be my first time replacing anything on these brakes so I have some questions I hope you can help answer. I took the drum off the wheel and the top cylinder spit out a bunch of fluid when the brake was applied so I definitely need to replace that one.
1. Do I replace just 1 or is it advised to replace both?
2. Is rebuilding worth it or should I not even bother, I'm not concerned about cost?
3. I've had very good experiences buying from oldmoparts.com, is that the best place to get replacements?
4. I believe I take the nut off the back of the top cylinder but the bottom one is different. It looks like it goes through the steering rod. Is that correct?
5. When they say "left" and "right" cylinder, is the passenger front the "right" wheel?
Thanks and Happy Father's Day!