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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. Yes the 39 Desoto has the butterfly style hood and my radiator is more into the radiator shell. Rich Hartung
  2. The Toro tractor that you have in the picture looks like the one that Arnold Palmer used on his personal property when he was doing advertisments for Toro about 15 years ago. Rich Hartung
  3. On my 39 desoto I would still have to pullthe fan blade off the waterpump to get enough clearence to pull the radiator out. If the fan blade was still on the WP I could not lift the unit out without damaging the inside fins of the rad. I know we are talking about a Plymouth that is 2-3 years later than my 39 but I would think the process of taking the WP off the car still would be the same. I will check my motors repair to see what it states about the Ply. This also has me stumped. Rich Hartung
  4. Rodney, The special tool that I am refering to see the early post with the picture is used to remove the four bolts that hold the fanblade onto the pulley. You can not use a socket and racket to get the botls out because of the small amount of space between the fanblade and the radiator. You can use an openend wrench or a box wrench. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  5. Yes the socket is deep enough to hold onto the bolt head. I have been thinking of trying to make some of these and sell them. I have used this tool several times over the past 25 years of owning my 39 Desoto. As stated in a posting snapon also had these. They do come up on ebay. If you can get one do buy one they are well worth the money and also worth not getting skinned knucles and the frustration of trying to the bolts in and out. If therer is any interest please let me know an I will see if I can get some made. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  6. In the attached picture is a tool to the right of the hammer, It is a fan blade tool. This is a thin flat pice of metal with a short 1/2 inch socket that is welded onto the bar. This permits you to reach into the tight space between the radiator and the fan to un loossen the fan blade botls. After the fab belt has been remove you then put the tool onthe fanblade bolt then spin the fan in a clockwise manner and the fan blade bolt is removed. You do this for each bolt. Do the opposite to install the bolt. I can take measuerment on this tool if needed. This is an old mechanics tool and stopps you from ahving those scrapped knuckles. I have used this several times and it has saved my hands. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  7. Rodney, i have a 39 Desoto and have removed the pump several times. This is what needs to be done. 1. Loosen the generator and remove the fan belt 2. Drain the radiator 3. You will need a 1/2 wrench. I have a fan blade tool that makes it very easy to remove the bolt without scrapping your knuckles. 4. remove all 4 bolts in the fan pul the fan off the hub. Then pull the hub off the water pump. 5. Take off allthe hoses to the pump and radiator. 6. Take the bolts that hold the wp to the block 6a. Remove backing plate watch how the bolts go onthe unit ther is one that is differnet. 7. Put the backing plate backonthe back of the pump with new gasket. 8 put the pump back on the block attach hoses and bypass on top of pump. 9 attach the hoses 10 Fill with Green antifreeze do not do not use the extended style antifreeze. 11. Add in a can of water pump rust inhibutor get from NAPA. 12. I also add in 2 pints of Radiator relief. This helps with the cooling it is very similar to Wetter water. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  8. It is now 8:45 AM here in Valley Forge PA. The storm has past and we are ok. Did not get any water inthe basement. No physical damage that i can see by looking out the windows have to do a walk arounf the house. But all in all in good shape. Wishing the best for everyone else that got hit with the storm. Please list some status if your on the east coast. Hope everyone else is ok. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. According to my Autolite catalog that cover 1938 - 51 the Autolite IGS series was used from 1938 - 1949 the IAP 49-50 and IAT 50-51. There is some over lap. If you want more detailed information on specifics and for which model is used on which car or truck I have copied the entire full Autolite Manual onto a PDF format and is then copied onto a CD. The manula was over 215 pages of data. The cost is $15 and included shipping. This is a great refernece manual for anyone that has an antique car and or truck. The manual covers Dist, Gen & Regs, Starters and switches, Speedometers and instruments Wipers and Horns and some misc information. all for $15. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  10. Woodie, I do alot of seaching and also by having several of the Miller Tool catalogs from various years I can then search for specific tools. Its like trying to find the needle inthe haystack at times or trying to find that one part for your old car that is so hardto find. I like to collect the tools that are not too large and that do not take up a lot of room. The tools that I have found are all very interesting. I which they could talk to tell us how they were used and where they came from, which dealership. The sisson tester is really cool. Now that I have one I test all of the sisson chokes with it. After getting the sisson choke manaul then I was able to know eactly what the tool looked like and also the small tool set. Rich Hartung Rich
  11. Yes I have been acquiring a nice set of the old factory tools. I figure these are items that will last and I know I can not lose my investment on them. I have these tools and will lend them to who ever needs them but always need a deposit to insure that I get them returned. If you figure how many dealerships had these tools and when the dealers went out of business Chrysler Corp would not buy back the parts or tolls, so alot of the item went tot he scrap yar since they could at least get some money for them based on the weight of the tools. It is ashame to think that so many tools have become scrap. So I keep on looking for the older tools so I can work on my car or if I have to have a mechanic do the work at least I can give him the proper tool to do the job. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  12. Here is the documentation on the 4 miller tool from the previous post rich hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  13. Ok I purchased severl miller tools that were used for our 30 to mid 50 Mopar cars and trucks. Here is what I just receive: C41 this tool was used to take the pilot bushing out of the flywheel c3181 this tool was used to inster the pilot bushing into the flywheel and then burnish the bushing c594 this was used when installing the lower control arm bushing c608 this was used when installing the upper control arm bushing. see the picture that are attached. rich hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  14. Yes I was looking for anyone that had this tool to see if I could get the demensions on the tool. Then I found a gentleman that wa selling old Miller Tools and he had the tool. Several of the members did try to provide me with the demension by taking measuments off there suspension parts. The tool did arrive yesterday in the mail and the tool was very close to the measure fron andy dodge. I used a ruler to measure the length on the tool and did not take an exact measure like another member did who had the tool. So Now I own both the upper and lower Miller tool that is used to install both of the pivot bushings. So if anyone is going to install new pivot busihng and upper or lower control arms I have the two tools that are used to insaure that you do not collapse the control arms when over tightening the bushings. i would like to thank all for their input on my request. I will post pictures of both tools. I have the carma so put in you order and you might be surprise at what arrives on your door step or at your fron door. I persaonnly know Santa Clause. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com Rich HArtung
  15. On my 39 Desoto the weatherstripping is not attached to the trunk lid. There is an impression , Channel, on the body that the rubber weatherstipping is glued to. The trunk lid then compresses againt the rubber and part of the rubber seal fills the opening around the trunk lid and the rest of the body. My trunk lid is part of the entire flow of the rear of the body of the car. If I remember correctly on the doors there also should be a channel, inwhich the rubber seal should be also glued into. The closing of the door then completes the seal against the inner door frame of the body. Every car or year might be different but just wanted to input what on my 39 Desoto. The 39 Dodge, Chrysler and Desoto all share the same body style. The 39 Plynouth had some differneces in the trunks so I can not comment on this because i do not have the experiecne with the plymouth line. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  16. AndyDodge. I just received this tool in the mail today from a guy that collects tools. Your measurement of 10 1/4 was dead on. The outside edge to outside edge on the tool is 10 1/4. I will take some pictures of the tool I also have the tool for the upper control arm. Tks Rich Hartung
  17. Joe. Is the choke that I sent you the one that you now have onthe car? If it is I am glad that it is working for you. Rich Hartung
  18. Tom, Yes the Ammco tools are very expensive when you find them on Ebay. They go for over $400 and up to $1000. As stated before in this post and in prior posts I have the Ammco tool and also the Miller MTC19 brake tool witht he sleeves. I have offered to loan out the tool to who ever needs the tool. But I need a deposit on the tool to insure that I get my tool returned. When the tool is returned I refund the entire deposit less the cost of originally shipping the tool to the person. I do not charge for the use of the tool. Some people get upset that I ask for a deposit but since I do not know the members personally I have to protect my investment. I think this is very fair. So if the members want the correct tool I have it instead of trying to jerry rig a tool you can do it right the first time and have everything setup properly. So I can not offer any more than this but the offer is out there for the forum members. The cost of the rental or deposit is $400 but you on the average get 385 returned. Where can you rent a tool to fix your brakes on your antique car for $15. You can not got the the NAPA store or AutoZone Store. We all need to work with each other when there are issues. Again I only offer but if the horese does not want to drink from the horse trough then I can not force anyone. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  19. Qustion: 1. How old is the fuel pump? If the pump is very old and has not been rebuilt there might be a problem with the diaphram. The older pumps are not able to handle the new gas. 2. Did you rebuild the pump with a NOS fuel pump kit. The old rubber will not work witht he new gas. 3. Was there any sediment in the glass bowel at the bottom of the fuel pump. 4. Do you have an inline gas filter onthe car this could be cloged. These are all just points to check. Rich Hartung
  20. I have the Ammco brake and I rent the tool out when needed. So why go to all the trouble of rigging a gizmo or ruin a drum. Contact me to get the specifics about the rental Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  21. OldDad: I sent you a PM. Please read and then get back to me regarding the Ammco Brake gage. rich Hartung
  22. You might have the new bonded style lining on the shoes. I have talked to several mechanics and they are finding that the newer bonded linings for some reason seem to get harder and then tend to cause the linings to squeak and also they then tend to pull. The lining actually gets hard. The old style rivited lining which had the softer lining did not get the same results. Do you have rivited lining or do you have bonded lining? Also there could be some brake dust in the drum. Remove the drums and clean the brakes of all dust be careful not to breathe in any of the dust. Rich Hartung
  23. I get my battery for my 39 DeSoto from NAPA Rich Hartung
  24. Greg. I have not been able to find any measurements on this section. The tool is used to insure that you do not over tighten the assembly and to insure that you have no binding. All I am asking is if someone does have this tool if they would kindly made a tracing of the tool. The metal is just flat stock bar that is bent at the proper length and witht he proper upright length. If I can get these measurements then there is a good possibility that we migt be able to make several at a resonable cost. Just putting out the feelers to see if anyone has this tool. Rich Hartung
  25. I looking for the following miller tool C-594 The lower control Arm Pivot BAr Bushings Installing guage. I am hoping that someone might have one of these tools. All I am asking is if you have this tool can you make a line drawing of the tool by tracing the entire tool on some paper. I have a friedn that can make this tool so I need all of the demensions. If have this tool can you contact rich Hartung at Desoto1939@aol.com or you can call me on my cell phone 484-431-8157
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