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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. If you can get brand new AC588 fuel pumps at $15- 20 each then can you order me a couple. All of the local NAPA stores in my area cannot get them anymore. Airtex did make them but they have stopped production on these models and they are not remaking them. The have gone throught the roof if new. They need to be new because of the neopream diaphram because of the enthinol. Let me know if you can get some and I will pay you for them plus the shipping. Looking for the ones with the glass bowel. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  2. If the generator is totally bad then you might also think of replaing with a 6v positive ground alternator if your car is a driver and not a show car. Just a thought. And then you could get the gen fixed and keep it on hand to go back to originality for the next owner. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. Looks like you had a great turnout of old vintage cars. Love the tail fins on the Desotos and Chrylsers. I like the 39 Chrysler because I am partial to that year. I have a 39 Desoto. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  4. Since the pump is defective ask them to reimburse you for the postage or for a UPS pickup slip so they pay the shipping cost. You should not have to pay to return a defective item. Kanter makes major bucks on their items. Rich Desoto1939@aol.com
  5. Another book is the Flat Rate book for repairs. They show pictures of the cars and also list the major parts and also part numbers that the shops mostly replaced. This also a good cross reference manual. It also does have sections on how to replace and repair certain mechanical on your car. Rich Hartung
  6. What you are probably sees are Master Parts Manuals. They ususaly cover a 5-6 year range. The dealerships had these in their parts department to help when ordering parts and to also let them know which certain parts from specific years would fit on other years. Example the water pump for the 38 desoto fits the 41 desoto same part number. These are great cross refernece materials for the car owners now. Since you are are 42 owner I would think the 36-42 might be more useful. remember that in 42 there was limited production and then it did not start again until 46. Contact me at my home email I have a lot of cross refernece material and catalogs that might be helpful to your cause and I have these on CD's instead of paper. These manuals covers ignition parts, water pumps, clutches, brakes, brake linings fuel pumps, gaskets, etc. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  7. I have a 39 Desoto so this is how I remove the knobs on my switches. Look under the knob there might be a slot about 1/8 wide. If you look up inthe slot there is a flat spring clip that put pressure on the shaft that comes out from the switch. Take a small screwdrive like a glasses screwdriver that you use to tightn the small screw on your glasses. Put the blade against the flat metal spring and put pressure on the spring by moving the spring forward this then loosend the pressure on the shaft and you can pullthe knob off the shaft. There might be a set screw on your knobs not sure. But this might help. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  8. I know you stated that you have bonded brake lining. I listed the lining thickness for the riveted but both riveted and bobded will be the same thickness. Did you measure the length of the shoe??? rich hartung
  9. Ok the car is insured by an antique car insurance company good move. You have it valued at 20K. So if the total amount is under the 2ok then they should be paying out the 13k to fix the car and not totaling it. You are covered for 20k worth of damage. If they totl it then you want the 20K approach them on that figure. The car has not gone over the total amount you have it insured for. You are getting ripped by Haggerty. Call your State Government an ask for the person in the state captial that handle all insurance companies and get to talk with them. Let them know whats going on and you might get a different reply back from Haggerty. Seems as if Haggerty is running you up the flagpole. Keep us posted. Rich Hartung
  10. Here is the info on the linings. This was taken from my Thermoid Brake catalog The lining number for rivited is 1213 rears and front is 1106B 1213 data: drum diameter 10 inches width 2 inches thickness 3/16 length 2- 8 inches and 2 10 1/2 inches rivet size 4-5 and 36 are used 1106B front drum dia 10 inches width 2 inches thickness 3/16 length 10 1/2 4 pieces rivet 4-5 qty 40 Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  11. Rodney, Yes this is a 40 Plymouth sedan delivery. This plymouth was 1 row over from my site on the Chocloate field. I taled to the owners It was done very nicely I have seen over my years a 1939 Ply sedan delivery. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  12. When at Hershey this past week my buddy that shares the spot with me gave me what has been identified as 1942 Chrysler rocker moldings. These seem to be NOS or very close to that aspect. Ther are no dents or scratches in the molodings. I have a pair. Does anyone in the club have a picture of the 42 rocker modling so we can verify and also these are also up for sale. I need to verify before listing them and also listing pictures. Not sure if the Chrysler is the same for the Dodge and or Desoto or Ply. ANy help is appreciated. Would like to get these to someone that can really use a nice pair of rocker moldings. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  13. I will look in my wagner and termoid brake catalog and get you the measurement ont he brake lining for the 50 plymouth to verify that you have the correct shoes. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  14. Sorry that I missed you. They never mentioned that someone had stopped by. Maybe next year. We should be inthe same site. Rich Hartung
  15. I also saw the same setup but my car 39 Desoto is not setup for Duals and i did not want to spend that amount of money to try it. I missed you at Hershey you did not stop by my site in the Chocolate field. Rich Hartung
  16. Yes you are correct it is 9 1/4 and not the 9 1/2 inch clutch . My mistake I was trying to go from memory. Rich
  17. There were three clutchs used 9 1/2, 10 and 11. The 11 was used for the taxi's. The 9 1/2 more for the plymoyth anbd the 10 for regula such as Chr, Dodge and desoto. My 39 Desoto uses the 10 inch clutch. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  18. If your battery has the caps that can be screwed off then get a hydometer to measure the acidic value in each cell. Or have the battery tested at a local auto supply shop that sells batteries. it sounds as if you have a dead cell. Rich
  19. Ok, you got quote from a shop to fix the damage. But who is insuring the car, what is the value that you have on the car. Is the plicy actual or stated value. If the car cost to fix is more thatn the stated valued that you have insured on the car then the insurance company will total the car. I hope you are insured with an antique car insuracne company and not just your local guy that insures your everyday car. Always, Always use the Antique car Collector insuracne conmpany you will get the better price and also the better coverage. We all need more info on this issue. Rich Hartung
  20. Ok. Where is the leak that you have found. Switching to a heavier oil will not stop the leak. If a gasket is going bad then the break inthe gasket will get worse over time just as in a modern car. Find the leak and fix the leak. Again puttin on a filter on the car that did not have a filter and used straight weight oil you will have a build up of sludge in the oil pan. The use of a detergent wieght oil 10w-xxx either 30/40 is a detergent oil will cause the sludge to breakup. Stay straight weight oil until you rebuild the engine and then go to a multi weight oil. You will have an clean sump pump and oil journels and a new engine that can handle the 10Wxxx oil. Rich Hartung
  21. These engine were originally design for single 30 or 20 weight oil. If you have an older engine and it has not been rebuild then I woud not recommend a multi viscosity oil such as 10W40 or 10w30. This is a detergent oil and the use of this will loosen the sludge that is built up inthe old engine. Does it have a filter onthe engine. Is there any indication on when the oil was last chnaged and also what was used in the engine. If old engine then I would recommend straight wieght 30 oil. But this is my suggestion only. Other will chime in. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  22. I have used Rhode Island wiring and they have a quality product and their staff is very easy to work with. Look in their catalog or online to see what they have in stock. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  23. When you did the brake job did you move the eccentrics cams? These control the inward and outward movement and positioning of the heel of the brake shoe. To get the proper arch to match the drum the use of the ammco 1750 brake tool or a tool that can be built will help to get the shoes to match the arch and the drum. Refer to the tech section on the use of the Ammco 1750 brake gage and the miller brake tool. I have one that i rent out. Contact me if you need to rent it. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  24. Ok. Great hobby and great detail inthe locomotive. With his asking price that is a real nice home down payment or retirement amt. If I bought that my wife would have me living in it and it does not look very comfortable to sleep in. Just kidding along. There isa gentleman in Hockhessen Delaware called the age of steam that has built a steam locomotive on his property and he also is the biggest collector of Stanley Steamers. His father had a stanley Steamer Dealsership in Delaware and they were into steam to run their factory. It is quite an impressive collection. http://www.auburnheights.org/ Tom Marshall is a very interesting person to talk to about the Steamers and is the authority on Stanley Steamers. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  25. I just watch the series for the drama and support the team that is the closest to Philly when in the Series but not the Yankees if they are the closest team. It just over grown adutls playing a game and gettiing paid big bucks to play a game. When you look at it as just a game then and when it does nothing to help with the everyday issue of life then its still a game. And when inthe series the home game ticket prices are sky high and the local fans that support the team are forced to take other seats that they have had for the entire season and they are then put into the nose-bleed section and the big wigs that come in from out of town, like movie stars, hip-hop rap singers get the seats that you had for the whole year. They do not care who wins they are there to just show their face. Oh well off my soap box. Play ball and let the best team win and enjoy the entire playoffs and the World Series. Rich Hartung
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