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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. Where you able to use the mopar number that I sent you to cross reference to the Precision U joint? Like I said before by buyin the old catalos can save alot of time and uess work. I have a long shelf in my basement with all of these catalogs in binders. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  2. The 39 Chrysler had a starter seliod that mounted ontop of the starter motor since they used a starter button instead of the floor mounted push rod that was used onthe 39 Dodge, Desoto and Ply. I do know that the appropriate stater selinoid for the 39 Chryeler is extremely hard to find and Frank Mitchel had one on the bay for around 400-600 dollars. So make sure of what you are using because the 39 Chrysler stuff is getting hard to find and also very expensive these days. The good old days when the Mopar items were cheaper has gone bye bye. Let me do some checking in my Autolite catalog to determine the starter motor and seliods that were used and also my Hollander book. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. according to my Borg-warner u joint book you use the 114-521 type s u joint. There currently is one on ebay. is your mopar number 1321115 then BW 114-521 rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  4. are you doing triple show chrome or two stage chrome plating (Nickel then Chrome) Rich HArtung
  5. for some metal that has pitting and you have wire brushed the metal but the rust is still in the pitted area Eastwood sold a chemical that you could brush on and then it would go into the small areas where the rust was still visable and then remove the rust back to clean metal. i do not remember what the product was called but if you contact them or even go on theri web page would should beable to find it. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  6. Austin: I have to agree with you. The cars have chnaged and are more soffisticated, BAck yard shade tree mechanic is gone and that is hurting the hobby since dad can no longer work on a car then his son or daughter then has no interest in cars and the hobby is not getting the younger crownd to join the clubs. I remember going with my father inlaw and during a tour with his 1915 Willys Overland the fan belt broken which was a wide leather bealt the hooked together with metal clasps. Luckly we were a friends house and he went to the front door and they gave him a pair of pantyhose, yes pantyhose and we were able to get enought grip onthe waterpump and the fanblade assembly to get the fan to spin and keep the egine cool. These are the times that I will always remember with my still living father inlaw not the time when we had to take the modern car to the garage. The old times wer ebetter in some ways and also harder but it all made us a better person and we all came out to be great people. I like talking to the older set to see what they have experiecned in their lives. When working in a major hospoital i met a gentleman that was born inthe early 1900 and w discussed al lthe things that he had seen and how the USA chnaged with horse/buggy to cars, planes, truck, jest goint to the moon, electric, phones highways and just plain life. HAd a great time also learning from him. Rich Hartung
  7. Yes the good olde days. Gentleman and I do not use that term kightly. I am sorry but I did not have the same experiecnes that you did out in the mid west. You had lived the hard life with very little if no convienceces. Our kids of today would never beable to survive if we just took away their cellphone let alone their laptop Ipad's and link to the internet and TV. We have become the very soft generation. We no longer can think, we no longer can go out a play in our neighborhood with our other children in our back yard. we all need organized sports. When was the last time that you saw a groups of boys and girls go down to the ball field on a summer day and then get a pickup game of baseball. The kids now have to 100 dollar gloves, batting helmets, batting gloves, special sliding pants, the jersey with some orverrated ball players name onthe back. In your time you made you fun, played with the neightbors, play hide n seek, hirse, kick the can, jacks, kick the can checkers and ran around a got tired at night. Might not get a bath or shower every night. Clothes were not washed everyday and they were hung out to dry with the wind instead of a dryer that used electricity and gas. Cooked with wood or coal. You all learned how to survive and counted on each others help because help could not alwyas get there when needed. Even thought times were harder to live and make a living I still think you had it better then the kids of the current times. I feel there was more respect for other peoples proverty and rights. Our fron doors were left open and if you got in trouble you got punished by the neighborhoods mothers and then you got it again when you got home for just embassing your mom and dad. In todays world every kid is an ANGEL. If you repremand a kid this is corporale punisment and the county is called in to investigate and then you have a record as being a bad parent. Just like the kid in Colorado that got kicked off the debate team for threatening his teacher and his parents never did anything to their kid and then he comes back and kilss his classmated becasue he could not cope with punishement because he did not get it his way. Yes the old days were hard but sometimes I which we could go back in time just to let our kids and also some adults understand how great and I say this with tongue in cheek they have it now. The hard times are what you remember and these times are what got most of you throught life and I applaud all of the people that lived throught that time period because you are what made the USA work and were all proud of being an AMerican and a US citizen. There was different work ethic that we have lost over the years. I do rememeber some of the things that you talk about becasue of conversations with my grandparents and also my parents that lived throught the great depression. I am only 62 so close to some your ages but did not experiecne the same things. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  8. The wood graining technique uses a base cost of paint. Then there is a plate that has the specific grain design that you want to use on the modling. Then you pull across the plate the color of the graining that you want the wood affect to be onthe molding. The grain effect is transfered via a soft rubber roller on the modling and this is do in sections. After the oil or water based grain has dried then you spray is with ( users preference at this point) a high gloss, or mediuk gloss or flat gloss urethane spray. This then sets the grain so it will not move or rub off. Now you have the base coat the grain effect. To darken the color then apply a regular wood stain on the metal on top of the gloss. Let this dry also can wipe of some to get the wood staingin affect, or let it dry then stain again to get a darker color. When you get the color that you want then respray witht he finish top coat of the clear to set it. The grain-it company based in Florida who is the company that has taught all of the other professional out there that do this process has a homeowners kits with all of the various grain plates and rollers and base stains. I have done a couple of window garnish moldings. it is now a hard job but takes time to master, rmember if you do not like the way the grain looks you then wipe off the grain and then do it again. This can only happen prior to spraying the clear coat. If you spray a clear coat then you have to strip or bead plast the moding all over agina and start from scratch. This is a fun project to do if you have the time and want to save some money. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. Ask most members are stating these are probably clear glass. But when yo go to replace the glass you can change to a tint if you want to, remember its your car. If you are not going for points judging then do what you want. Also check with your local glass guy to see what is permited in your state for tinted and how dark of a tint is permitted. Most states and probably all do not permit the blacken galss in the front windshield and only a certin dark tint on the side and rear windows. Safety glass will have to be used when replacing the glass. Rich Hartung
  10. I just signed on to Parts Geek they have you new MC for $89.95 sign on to www.partsgeek.com search under 1949-1950 Plymouth Deluxe Brake MAster Cyclinder - A1 Cardone 13-33241 the last 4 digits are the same 4 numbers that I get from my EIS and Wagner brake catalog Shipping is 8.95 for a total of 95.00 Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  11. according to my EIS brake catalog your would have a model E3241 the fits from 1946 to 54 Plymouth Wagner uses the number FE 3241 same master cyclinder. Rich Hartung
  12. Frank, I also enjoy my car when driving to an event but I like to be with other people in a local area that have the same type of hobby. I as a personer prefer to be with a group of friends so that you can exchnage ideas and this also helps when you have a problem with your car. I have seen some clubs that are very active and other that are not active. The idea of of a club is to bring togehter a group of people with the same aspirations, to enjoy each other friendships, travel as a group to events. We were not put on the earth to be loners. As humans were all have an intrinsick need to be with people and this includes our wifes even thought we joke about this. Just go spend a whole week in your house alone, by yourself without anyone communicating to you it is very strange if you like that situation but for me I prefer to be with other people and to enjoy their company. I have driven my 39 Desoto with my wife and 9 month old child from Valley Forge PA to the National Desoto Convnetion that was held at the White Post restoration facility and then drove the car back home. So no I am not afraid to go alone but driving with other old cars is more fun and people then give you more room on the highway when in a group. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  13. Greg: I had been a member of the WPC, but again this was just a newsleter for me since there was no local club that was active in my regional area around Philadelphia. What we are all seeing is that the local antique car clubs are getting older and they are not getting any newer members. Therefore the club activities are starting to die, local runs and events. Since we are all having issue with getting the newer members Larry is trying to open the doors to get the exiting mopar owners involved to keep the hobby going forward. Yes the POC is made of some very staunch, set in the wool die hard, prueist members. But if they do not change then they will see their club slowly die away. The world of the antique car/truck hobby is changing very quickly and I have seen this over the past 25 years that I have been involved in the hobby. Take a look at the NDC Natioanl DeSoto Club. The online webpage is basically a shell of what it was in the past. There isa local NCPC National Chrysler Product Club that i might join to see if they have anything going with their club. I can remeber when the AACA would not permit a Drivers Class on the NAtioanl Meets. Now they permit this class at Hershey, HAve also maded the HPOC Historic Preservatiion of Original Condition class to permit the owners with not fully resorted cars to exhibit their car on the show field. They realized that no everyone has the dollars to do a 100 point car and that the real hobby is being made up of the guys that have drivers andattend local events. When you go to Hershey in the fall yes there are the 100 pointers but most are owned by big buc guys. Then look at how many people attend the event that are the regular guys trying to restorea vehicle, More doing this then really showing their cars/trucks. Consider 8-10 thousend vendors andthen how many lookers from across the US and Europe. This shows where the hobby is going. I hope Larry can make some inroads but i feel he will run into alot of people that are set in their ways. When I hosted teh Nat Desoto Convention back in 1998 we made changes to show field to permit Modified and Hotrod Desotos to be shown on the field. We gave each participant all of the same information and dash placques, etc but they could not recive any awards. But they were invited to show becasue we felt that at least the car was saved from the crusher and the vehcile body style and some of the original features were being displayed. ALso some the neat things that these guys were doing was very impressive. Have to have an open mind as the hobby changes so see what is innovative and also safety changes for our cars. If the POC allows seat belts or third braking lights then they really are not pureist but have chnaged becasue the AACA has made this change. Rich Hartung
  14. Larry and I have been presenting seminars at the Annual AACA meeting that is held in Philadelphia every February. We spoke the other night about what LArry is trying to propose to the POC board of directors. Since I own a Desoto and a pre war one, I am very limited in having any opportunity to run with any marque club. In the greater Philadelphia area we really do not have any active Desoto Club, there is a local National Desoto Chapter, but they also have limited runs. Larry is trying to have a chnage to permit the Mopar sister and brother cars and trucks to participate with the POC. The POC was a club that was originally setup to preserve the Plymouth marque and they were setup to run and judge Plymouths that had 100% matching number cars espcially if you were going to their annual car show and wanted your car to be judged, very similar to what the AACA format is for judging back to originality. PArt of the problem is now that the plymouth line is no longer being made, so no more new cars that can come into the fold. The older cars, and when I say this I mean the Prewar cars are now coming out, and we can all atest to this at the local shows. The Older cars were driven by the guys that ususually had one of these when they we a young guy and wanted to relive their youth. These gentleman are getting to the point they can not drive the cars becasue of age, the speeds on the highways and other factor's. The guys that are now restoring the after wwII cars are now wanting to make modifications to the cars such as disk brakes, speed equipment and more modern updates to make the cars some what more road reliable, but the POC being the purist do not want to accept these changes. The POC, needs to make some chnages to keep the club alive and to help bring in the new members. The main objective should be to preserve the Ply line and also the other members of the MoPar line which include Desoto, Dodge, Dodge Truck, Chrysler, Hudson, AMC,etc. Any fellow Mopar marque shoudl be permitted to the join the POC as a member and alo run with the club because in some areas of the country there only might be a local POC club, but as a Desoto owner I currently do not feel confortable running with the POC club. I states this becasue I would be the non POC mmarque on their run, but LArry is trying to make the chnages so that any MoPAr car is welcome to run with them. The idea is that no matter which marque you have the basic engine, frame, and working components of the MoPar marque cars/trucks have the same baisic working components. I am very supportive of what Larry is trying to do and I would suggest that we all try to back and support Larry in his endevors. This is going to take some time to turn the tide with the odl regime but this can happen. All thoughts and ideas are welcome to be posted in a reply to this forum or even back to me as a PM. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  15. Yes you are correct. Take out the pipe fitting and then install a manual shutoff valve just like what is on the rear of head. This way if you have to disconnect the heater you then shut off the water flow at the back of the head and at the water pump. then you only have to drain the two hoses to the heater instead of draining the radiator and then have to put this all back into the rad. The time saved willbe worth the cost of the extra shutoff valve. Also if you heater hose springs a leack you can shut thos down and still drive the car or truck until you get a new hose at a local auto store while you are on a trip and not have to tow the car home. Saftey point. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  16. So when trying to modify our antique vehicles, cars or trucks, the first thing to always consider is the cost of doing the modification and then how will these modifcation make and improve the car/truck with these changes. Also need to consider the amount of time and then the amount of time that you will use the car/truck to get the return on investment. When we bought these older cars/trucks we all knew that they are not the fastest item on the block. We were going back in time when life was slower paced and these vehicles were reflective of the time and the driving conditions and the roadways. So my big question is why do we all want an antique vehicle to act and have the same speed opportunities that we have in a modern vehicle? If you what the modern feel then just buy a modern car to go fast or realize what you have sit back and enjoy the nostolga and enjoy the sites around you and take the time to smell the newly mowed grass, smell the roses, look at the clouds and enjoy your surroundings at a slower pace and take the time to get out of the rat race for several hours. Life is going to quickly, so enjoy what you have and do not rush our lives away. We are only on this earth for a short time. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  17. If the NAPA and the Summit have the same pump and use the same number then go for the summit and get free shipping and save some money. As summit if this is a USA made pump or Foreign made pump. Since your existing oil pump broke an failed on you what would you want to rebuild it sin ce everything is internal in the engine block. Go with a new pump and then index it and put on new prelube and install it. Save the time and effort and then you cna have a good feeling that you are good to go. Just my two cents. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  18. same question that Ply Admas is asking if the motor was rebuilt 5 years ago and has never been started then why would there be so much junk in the oil pump? I would have thought that the builder would have cleaned the oilpump during the rebuild. Or at least would have removed the cover to inspect it. Something is not correct here. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  19. I know that Art Gould up in NY state rebuild water pumps and fuel pumps> Here is his link to his webpage: http://arthurgouldrebuilders.com/ rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  20. At last years AACA annual Meeting there was a car restoration seminar from a local shop up in the Allentown PA area. This young man that did the restoration is a perfectionist and he show how he tackles the task of doing a full body off resto and this includes bracing the body and includes doing the painting. To get into areas like the rockers and other inside areas he likes to get a coat of rust proofing paint. He showed us that he uses a regular outdoor garden sprayer and then can insert the nozzle and the wand into the small areas that his large gun cannot reach. If there is a section that needs access and this is no opening then he drills a small hole and then paints inthe inde of the body and then fills the holes with lead of other compound to seal off the opening. His cars that he has done have all won AACA 1st and Grand NAtional awards. I have seen his work and for a young man thais is quality information. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  21. you can contat a gentle called Dr dampener and he rebuild them. When i spoke to him about rebuilding mine for my 39 desoto I think it was around $100. Here is the link to his site: http://www.damperdoctor.com/ Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  22. You should beable to pull the glass and bezel off as one complete unit. Remember that this might have been never removed in several years and that the inside might have some rust build up on the flanges. Try to grab the unit at both ends and get a grip of two finger under the bezel and then pull. It will come off. I have the same unit on my 39 Desoto. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  24. You will also need the approriate tools to work on the brakes and a good drum puller for the rear braskes since they have the tapered axle. If you have the Lockheed brakes then the use of a borrowed AMMCO Brake gage tool to help set the toe and heel on the shoes. Might also nees new oil seals and inner and outer bearings. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  25. Joe: I just thought about your issue with the rear window and the wire around the opening. I figure most headliner manufacturers would not cut the hole dor the window opening and a slot for the wire because they would have to know the exact location of the window in relation to the headliner roof rods/bows. If they were off just by a fraction of inch then the headliner would not fit properly. When the unit is not cut then you or the installer has some lee way to make sure of the proper location to fit your car. When I had a front rug made for my 39 desoto the maker did not cut anyof the holes for the sterring column and pedals and also the gas pedal. He put a small mark on the carpet where he thought they holes should be cut. He left that up to me to verify but he was pretty darn close. Remember the factory items were made with specific patterns and these dies or patterns have been lost so we can only get what is available. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
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