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Everything posted by Sniper

  1. My first Mopar was a 74 Dodge Dart SE, which was a fancy trim for the Dart, bought it in 84 when I was in the Navy. My latest is a 1951 Plymouth Cambridge, which I bought two weeks ago tomorrow. It joins my 65 Cuda in the garage.
  2. I found that a heater blower for a 65 Plymouth Barracuda with factory AC looks like it may work, I have one on order and will update as I find things out.
  3. LEDs typically draw less current not more. I just put a set of GE NightHawks on my 51 but I already converted to 12v negative ground.
  4. Just finished rewiring my 51 Cambridge. I used the Speedway 22 circuit kit, the directions are oriented towards a GM setup and are a bit thin. But I've been tinkering with Mopars for 30+ years and have even more experience with electronics so the directions weren't really necessary for me. What's nice is the wires are both color coded and labeled. SInce i converted to 12V and plan to add AC later on it worked for me.
  5. Got it up and running today, in the middle of completely rewiring the entire vehicle. By completely, I mean every inch of wire that was on that vehicle when I rolled it onto my trailer is now in the trash. A video of the charging system doing it's thing. https://youtu.be/Y1O8mc46r-E
  6. Turn signals were an extra cost option for Plymouth in 1951. Mine didn't have one from the factory. Someone added one of those clamp on units mentioned. I just resurrected it on my 51 Cambridge today. It works fine, now, as long as you remember to cancel it as it is not self cancelling. Extra loud flashers help there, lol.
  7. Link to the write up on my web page http://pages.suddenlink.net/sniper1/Cambridge/6vindex/6vindex.html
  8. Howdy all, Picked up a new to me 51 Cambridge and in the process of trying to get it sorted for inspection so that i can register it I decided the entire electrical system needed updating. I eventually want to put AC in the car and that pretty much mandates a 12v electrical system. Not here to debate going to 12v, decision is made. So with that said, step one for your review. Removing the generator and putting in an alternator. Being a Mopar guy I am going to keep this conversion as Mopar as I can. So the alternator is spec'd for an 87 Dodge Diplomat, used own one years ago.
  9. A number of people say retrofitting a 12v motor is "easy". Got a source for these motors? Try Ebay isn't helpful. I am in the process of converting my 51 Cambridge to 12v. Need a wiper motor too.
  10. It's nothing more than a wire wound resistor. Since you know the resistance of your motors you need a resistor that is approximately the same resistance to drop the voltage in half. https://www.amazon.com/Aluminum-Shell-Housed-Wirewound-Resistor/dp/B06ZZGBHGX/ref=sr_1_36?keywords=3+ohm+resistor&qid=1568251203&sr=8-36 $3. wire it in series with the input to your motor.
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