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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. All the best Tony, to your Mrs, from North Of the Border........Fred
  2. This is very sad Robin, I work in a prison as a Correctional Officer, fact is a lot of cons exist out there and have no conscience when ripping off there fellow man. Obviously we did not expect this to happen here, as were a pretty tight knit group. I am glad you are going on a holiday, put this out of your mind, renting space in your head to people that do these types of dirty deeds are not worth it. Enjoy your holiday, I hope someone on here can help you get a radio, even if it means you have to have it refurbshed to work properly.....All the Best Fred
  3. Hi all, just got off the phone with an engine rebuild place, was asking some questions. First ? I have a 251 which has been rebuilt once in 1956, stamp says Using the "Chrysler Method". My ? was, can this engine be rebuilt again, or would the cylinders need to be sleeved. His answer was that it shouldn't be a problem. 2nd ?, what can my current engine handle, as far as rpm is concerned, the engine is a 218 long block, not rebuilt, oil pressure is 40 lbs idle, 55 lbs at 50 mph, compression is 100 average, engine does not smoke. His answer, the Chrysler Flathead 6s had an inherent flaw in there oiling system, running over 2500 rpm sustained will kill the engine. I am not sure if I buy into the last statement, not sure he knows these engines all too well, he knew the 251 ci engines, but when I mentioned the 218s and the 228s, he didn't think you could get parts for them, but I know for a fact you still can. I would like to pull this 251 out of the car it's in, and strip it down, have the block cleaned, and possibly get the machining done ,and then put here back together myself, I have the head off the engine now, it's currently seized, there is no sludge in the valve chamber, so that may be a good sign. I seem to be afraid to drive my 47 with the 218 over 50 mph, I don't find the engine that noisy at this speed, I am afraid of blowing her up, being that she has miles, and is not rebuilt. You guys with unrebuilt engines, what spEeds/rpm do you guys cruise at....................Fred
  4. Sorry Norm, I never indulge in any of that stuff, although I have tasted it in my Youth. I stick to coffee,water and the soft drinks.........Fred
  5. Thanx Gary
  6. Nah, they were up here for a hooch convention, they make the finest shine in these parts, how do I know, my Grandfather sold shine to make his General Store in the country survive, during the 1930s and during the war in the 1940's
  7. In Norway the price may be higher of course, because of the limited availibility. The engine, is it still in the car, is it running, does it need rebuilding? The fluid drive coupler, did you see this already, most likely a 3spd trans with it, not the M5/6 semi auto trans. How much does the owner want for it?
  8. Pat, I would think Princess Auto would have them too, will check next time I am there, they do not show the in there catalogue. PS, when are you gonna get that engine fired up, been waitng for you to post that it's running, where you at with it.......Fred
  9. Hi all, and especially Don C, spotted a car heading toward Grand Beach Manitoba yesterday, Tennesee tags on the car, Davidson County, anywhere near you Don. The lead car was from Kansas, see a lot of Kansas tags here, but not Tennesee to often........Fred
  10. Just plug in the little 6 engine, it's battery storage unit charges, and away you go.hehehheheheh. This is my 228 long block engine from a 1955 Fargo Truck, it was run on a regular basis till 3 years ago. It may go into the 47 someday when my current engine dies out, or I may buy a 265 from a local farmer, and use that.......Fred
  11. Maybe in Canada they did not put on dates for the long block 6s.
  12. On mine Ed, in large print is F 8 1, is this the casting you are referring to. What would F 8 1 indicate.........Fred George no ? is Dumbass, LOL well almost, but we still try and help each other a lot on here........
  13. Both, require adjusting to work properly. On the brakes themselves, if the pedal is low, and it's not soft and spongy, and you are sure there is no air in the lines, then your brakes need to be adjusted both major and minor adjustments, once the brake shoes are adjusted correctly, you will have a high pedal. On the ebrake, there is 2 adjustments, you need to adjust them in order to get your ebrake to tighten, when you pull the handle under the dash, I jst went and adjusted them until I was satisfied, there is a spec for clearance, but I did not do it that way. Hopefully someone else will chime in with some good advice on doing the ebrake adjustments.........Fred
  14. What are you looking for? Send me an email or PM, see if I can point you in the right direction, might be a source near Hartford Ct, also there is a complete 48 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe for sale in Grand Forks ND, for $700.00......Fred
  15. Chet, you are absolutely right, I will not do another basket case again either, it's a lot of work, and money too. You are better off IMHO, to buy a decent driver thats running and perfect it from there, the basket cases take more money, a lot of time, to get them just road worthy and running, when you could pay a few bucks at the start with a decent driver...........Fred
  16. Allan, the gloves are ripped on mine,where they join with the mounts, any idea where I can pick these up in my Part of Canada........Fred
  17. Greg, your right, this technology in the Transportation Industry, is in it's infancy. But look at technological advances over the last 30 years, things can change quickly. So I do believe we could see a alternative to fossil fuel for cars in the not oo distant future, what that maybe, is still a mystery
  18. Don, "You been everywhere man", are you sure you haven't been to Kelekis Famous Hot Dog Restaurant, in the Winnipeg's North end.
  19. Thanx Bill, any idea how much HP the 228 had for the 1954 1955 model years. I made a mistake when I typed in the engine # it's T335 2184 C, so mine is a 228 ci............Thanx Fred
  20. Hi all, yesterday on Trans Canada Hwy #1 between Winnipeg Manitoba and Portage Manitoba, we spotted a solar powered test vehicle. It looked like a little UFO, was going about 40 mph, it had a pilot vehicle and a trailing vehicle, all from the University Of Michigan. My 6 yo son , really thought it was a UFO landing onto the highway, the driver of this rig had on a suit and helmet, my Son said look Dad a space alien is driving that little UFO. Apparently they are there way to Calgary Alberta, was nice to see this vehicle going down the highway............Fred
  21. Hi, this is an excellent price, heck if I can run my 12 volt car stereo, maybe an a light or 2 and a gps, this great at $55.00. All the others I have seen are in the $200 range.............Fred
  22. Hi Chet, glad to hear and see things are moving along again. Hope you are able to make good progress this summer..........Fred
  23. Yes the valve covers had Molson Canadian labels covering the embossments of the Red Ram, okay well maybe Bob and Doug Mackenzies did, eh. On the serious note, the heads are off, so I did not get a look at the Valve Covers, hope to phone my Uncle soon and get all the info on the engine. I do know one cylinder is damaged and will need to be sleeved, not sure if this would apply to any of the other cyls. At this point in time it's a pipe dream, I really do love Flathead 6s the best, and may just stick with those, opr maybe a SBC for another old car, you never know............Fred
  24. It looked like the bellhousing was a bolt on, but I am not 100% sure, will ask my uncle, I do not want a white elephant, to waste time and money on, thanx for the heads up, Ed..............Fred
  25. Hi all, yesterday while checking out my other flattie engine at my uncles, I discovered he has an early Mopar Hemi. I might buy this engine, he did not know it's year and/or displacement, it has a fluid drive couple on it with no trans. Does anyone know, which Hemi came with a fluid drive on it, I would imagine somehwere between 1951 and 1953, or so. If I buy this engine, it may end up in my 47, or it may end up in a nice 1950 Plymouth Biz Coupe I happen to know.........Fred
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