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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I would think this would be a great thing to have on an engine, should be a tough coating, and look great. I have my rims and a few other items powdercoated, and very happy with them. I say if you really can afford it, why not get the block powder coated, would sure look great, and be unique..........
  2. Hi Greg, want to make one of these contraptions. How do you operate these. Now the Miller or ammco tools you measure inside the drum, then how do you adjust the tool to measure shoe adjustment minus whatever is required to allow drums to fit over. Or can you please explain the whole process?..........Fred
  3. Cool truck Bob, could use that up here at my place all summer long for hauling this or that, country living means more work.......LOL
  4. Freddy boy, has been working on this site for years, and the other site, is 15 minutes from where I live. My handle Rockwood, is after the Rockwood RM, where the prison Stony Mountain Pen, and Rockwood Minimum security, are located. Not a very original name, not sure what I was thinking, but too long and too late to change it now.............LOL
  5. Hi Shel, I think these old flatheads are prone to some oil leaking. This drain plus all of a sudden got to be a bit much, so gave the drain plug a coating of permatex #2, stopped the leaking so far. I will pull the oil pan and correct, either a swap or send in for repairs. The oil pan bolt hole seat, where the plug and gasket sit, is somewhat distorted, no wonder it could not seal, the threads could have been a bit tighter too. So by coating with the permatex, no doubt is stopping the weeping of the oil, at least for a while, or at least a slow down. I see no leaking so far, been about 6 hours. Undercoatney, certainly would not hurt....Fred Pic of the extra plug, 1 copper gasket, 1 nylon NAPA gasket, 1 steel, that was on the plug on my engine, the metal gaskets all lok roughed up, the one on my engine had a rubber type surface on it, not sure if someone tried RTV before I got this engine....
  6. Norman that is one you are going to have to test -fit, are they the same well no, may require some modding to wrok, or maythey will fit right onto the 48s bumper brackets. I have thought of using other bumpers for my Chrysler, at least on a temporary basis. Norman do you have any pics?
  7. This could be part of it, but I had a good look and feel, the opening where the drain plug gasket seats into, is distorted. I have used some permatex 2, on the threads, and bit on gasket. So far no leaks, but it has only beena short time. I will pull th pan again for correct repair when time permits, the Wife is not amused with all my time being spent on this car this past week. Michael thought of teflon tape, as the threads are not super tight, and no doubt is leaking around them.....Thanx to all for the help, will complain againlater, if leaks begin, I can live with some drips, but not if it is an ounce a day, thats a quart a month.............Fred
  8. Wow, I was 45 when my youngest was born, or just about 45, she will be still young , when I am extremely old.......
  9. Hi Joe, I use this stuff also, but should I be using this on the threads of the drain plug? I guess will have to clean it up evrey oil change......Thanx Fred
  10. Okay I have some of this, just a light coatingon threads and gasket? Hey Aero thanx for trying to help me out........
  11. Hi Aero, it is seeping right around the bottom of plug. I think it is that, maybe there is a crack or pinhole, but do not see anything. What permatex sealer should I use?.....Thanx Fred
  12. Hey all, tried different gaskets today, have a nylon replacement drain plug gasket on now. This plug will not stop dribbling. I have no idea how now to correct this. Could or does anyone have any ideas, not sure why this has started to leak as bad. Thanx Fred
  13. Bought some nylon drain plug gaskets at NAPA, think they are way to thick though. Anybody have any idea what is the correct gasket for the oil drain plug. I have a bit of a leak coming from it now......HELP
  14. Hi Don, I agree with what your saying, using my current oil. I still have a drain plug leak, the gasket is old a little beat-up. I am going to try a new drain gasket tomorrow, maybe it will work. I can see it is leaking around the draiin plug, and nowhere else........Fred
  15. Michael, you had a car like this and no pics:rolleyes:........
  16. The gold is in the snow lake area, 500 miles north of Winnipeg, nearing the sub-arctic terrain, but very heavy timber, rock and bush country up there. The oil tarsands are Alberta, not sure if we have them or not. Most of Manitoba oil is from the Virden Pipestone area of south western Manitoba
  17. Hi Greg, not sure, I used an old copper gasket on the drain plug, waiting for a new nylon type to come in from NAPA. I can't tell if it is the drain plug seeping or not. The good news is my pan gasket and the seals are not leaking. How critical is it to have a fresh drain plug gasket to prevent seeping?
  18. Always been Oil 3 hours( modest amount of wells) to the soutwest of Winnipeg in SW Manitoba along North Dakota border. As far as gold, Manitoba has gold, this ain't no Klondike, or Alberta, just modests amounts of both , unless there is something I am unaware.
  19. Hi Rob, mentioned after Michael Warshaw's post, was able to quickly uncrew the drain plug , and place another in, only lost a couple of ounces of oil. Still dripping, slightly, must be a leak in the pan around drain plug, will monitor, and pull a pan for this........Fred
  20. Okay Michael beofre you get yourself in a "tither", I was able to unscrew the drain plug and quickly swap in another, lost maybe 2 ounces of oil. Michael this ain't no 1200 hp race engine, there is only 150 miles on fresh Shell Rotella T 15 W 40 oil, and new filter, okay. All is okay, still a slight drip, could be a leak in pan around drain plug area, not gonna worry too much, will get another pan , and swap....Fred PS got any pics of the aforementioned Nissan
  21. Michael, please state reasons, as I don't open the wallet that easily?
  22. Hi all, I have to drain my fresh oil, it has a bout a 150 miles on it. I need to put on a drain plug gasket on the pan, it has a drip. Can I or should I re-use this fresh oil, maybe filter it through a screen. Or should I open the wallet and start again with fresh stuff?..........Thanx Fred
  23. Hi Rob, I agree, and that's exactly what I will be doings. Hey this newer speedo does the colr change thing at night, very cool, my Son noticed it before me, on a night ride last night. Hey I have put on a 150 miles on the car the past 3 or 4 days........Fred
  24. Bob, I had a 1972 Duster Twister too, 340 4 spd, great car, took out a lot of Chebbys and Furds with that machine. I had headers and few other itmes on it too, went like crazy...........Fred PS only had it about a year or so, around 1980
  25. Most of your items don't care if they are run + or - grnd. The radio, needs to be pos grnd, the rest would do okay with - grnd. If you choose to return to pos grnd, you have to polarize the genny, switch some wires around on the ammeter,coil, and battery, pos grnd to engine, - bat cable to solenoid and starter motor. If your system is working fine on negative ground, just buy a new battery and continue to operate that way, or return to pos ground, does your radio work?
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