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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Will This fit on the 48 Type oil filter housing too, I would try this....Fred
  2. Yes I know of the suppliers, just looking for more frugal, locally supplied products that may work well. Thanx Rich, Roberts sells it, so does Andy Bernbaum........
  3. Thanx for the tips Guys, I will keep an eye on it for now, my speedo seams fine, and the trip odometer works fine. I am not spending any cash on this at the moment, spending it on other things. I may be able to get another speedo right here locally......Fred
  4. Nah, telephoned my Dad, this woman even had the same doctor as my mother back in the 50s. One time my parents went to this docotr, and the receptionist asked my Mother if she were going to pay her bill, they had the wrong Jean, was the other one that owed money, not my Mom.......
  5. Carl Jung, coined a term "Synchronicity", when events happen that teach us thing we need to knwo, or are destined to have........
  6. Here's one for you. I have the 47 at Gas Station in Lockport Mb, go to pay for the gas, A woman, is the cashier, a little younger than me. She looks at my credit card, we have the same last name, (not a common name at all), her mother and my mother had same first name (Jean), her father was an only Child, not related to my Father, her father's name was Alex, same name as my mother's 2nd Husband. Very strange encounter...........
  7. HI Shel, this is a section of Old Hwy #9, 4 lane undivided hwy, that winds along the Red River, from the Winnipeg City limits to Lockport then to Selkirk Manitoba. Being Sunday, and know the Queens Cowboys are driving up and down on the road, traffic was probably going close to the speed limit of 80 kmh or 50 mph. I was going along with 2 cars, I was doing about 52 mph, which maybe closer to 50 mph. I havd the old car doing 60 mph quite a bit the past few days, but she likes it around 55 mph the best..........Fred
  8. Ed, sorry to hear this sad news, I just cringe when I hear the big C death, I have witnessed it ake some of my family members, not a nice thing to see or have . I know he knew his 66 would be in good hands with yor family.......Fred
  9. Hi Bob, makes a big difference, hope to buy the real thing this summer.......Fred
  10. Hi all, found this fin seal for sliding windows and doors. Could this be used for window side sweep on our cars, it is not as wide, would have to be glued on , or a small rivet could attach it also. I used some on the front edge of the front window, where the vent window closes against it, worked great in that spot. Not sure if this will work or not, anybody got any ideas on this......Fred
  11. Hey all, took a trip to te big city this morning, engine/car ran flawlessly, was cool outside about 32, need to draft proof car a bit more, having a bare roof may keep it cooler too, need to insulate it and hang a headliner. Had no problems drove 55 to 60 mph all the way. 2 things happened though, my odometer was rolling over from 92999 to 93000, and got stuck, the speedo seems okay, bounced a little more after that, the trip odometer is working fine too. I did notice when driving on 1 highway, where the speed was posted 50 mph, I was doing about 52 and going the same speed as the other drivers, so my speedo is close. My genny also squeal a bit when it's colder weather. All in all it was fun drive, I think I am too much of a nervous type to go for a long tour with this old car though, would bea nervous wreck the whole time, now riding with others, would or might calm me down........Fred
  12. Hi Bob, this exactly how I adjusted the brakes from the beginning, the front anchor bolt arrows pointed toward the wheel cyls, the back pointed to each other. And I have adjusted the brakes as you have mentioned, by the minor adjusters. Yes the pedal is good, and brakes good too. But I am not sure my shoes will be wearing evenly, with the major adjusters and minor adjusters done in sync the 1st time together. Is my thinking correct. What I mean is this, for a major adjustment, you adjust both toe and heal, with both major and minor adjusters, then minor adjustments are performed periodically. But if I do not adjust the major anchor bolt adjusters the 1st time, will the shoes not wear a bit unevenly, or will this as you mention wear-in, then keep adjusting with the minor adjusters for maintenance. I think these brakes when set-up correctly work great, especially in flat land, and lighter traffic,lower speed condition. These brakes slow my car down quick.
  13. Hey Bob, just bought a similar product, 7/16 thick, 3/4 wide, installed as a test and temporary thing. It works quite well, drove around today, it is cool, and there was a good north wind breeze, much quieter and warmer. I plan to leave this on, until I order the right stuiff from Roberts, then will swap this out. I actually had my car up past 65 mph today, was way quieter, mind you 65 mph on my speedo is more like 59 or 60 mph.......Fred
  14. Is this a nay for the oil, I say to each his own. This oil was still pristine, 150 miles on it, double filtered, and back she is, will get changed at the 1500 mark, or possibly sooner.....
  15. I believe this can be done, I just did a feel/hear adjustment on the brakes, until I can get a tool or make a tool to align. But I have a great brake pedal now, probably not contacting all the way around, but a very good pedal, and stopping ability....
  16. Count me in, I am experimenting with the wood type right now
  17. Thanx Greg, going to either borrow and aamco/miller tool locally, or makea homebrew tool......Fred
  18. Thanx Gentlemen, hope do make up an adjuster tool soon and correct brakes........Fred
  19. Congrats on getting her driving again. The brake light switch, is either sticking or has guk up inside of it preventing it from shutting off. Go and buy a new switch, carefully remove the old switch, and immediately install the new switch, and you won't even have to re-bleed the brakes. The brake light switch, is on the front frame rail, left side, down below the battery area..........Good Luck
  20. Hey all, going to give my front end a once over, I think the king pins are okay, very little play in them and they take grease no problems, the tie rod ends seem not too bad, the 2 on the pitman shaft seem to have a bit more slop than what should be. Which is the best way to test the tie rod ends for wear, and when is it necessary to replace them........Thanx Fred PS in about 3000 miles, do not see any unusual wear pattern on the tires
  21. Here is my engine, freshened the old girl witha little paint. Re-painted engine with a small bristle brush, and Tremclad BBQ High Heat paint in black and aluminum. Now she could use new rad hoses, and she ain't no "show engine", but she does look respectible......... this took about an hour to do..
  22. QUOTE=greg g;157950]Make one of these set it to the interior diameter of your drum less the clearence, then use it to adjust the shoes to touch all the way around, then put your drum back on. I have also seen a drum with a slit cut in it so a feeler gauge could be inserted through it to set an circumforencially ( go a head look it up in your funk and wagnells)equal gap around the shoes. http://members.shaw.ca/rjsill/tech.htm With this homemade tool, designed to mimic the aamco and miller lockheed adjustment tools, how is the adjustment performed? Do you take a measurement with this, of the drums inside, then install on the spindle and adjust major and minor brake adjusters to create a good fit. I want to make one of these tools, but am not sure if they can used as the Miller or aamco tools, or does it kinda work like those tools. Can someone please explain the procedure, my brakes need to be adjusted properly as they never were, since I rebuilt the whole system.......Thanx Fred
  23. With this homemade tool, designed to mimic the aamco and miller lockheed adjustment tools, how is the adjustment performed? Do you take a measurement with this, of the drums inside, then install on the spindle and adjust major and minor brake adjusters to create a good fit. I want to make one of these tools, but am not sure if they can used as the Miller or aamco tools, or does it kinda work like those tools. Can someone please explain the procedure, my brakes need to be adjusted properly as they never were, since I rebuilt the whole system.......Thanx Fred
  24. Hey Aero, glad this worked out for you, can see doing this to my car in near future....
  25. Here is a pic of my engine used tremclad aluminum, and Tremclad BBQ paint for manifolds. I have 2 years, about 3000 miles on this since then. I have some wear on paint, and some overspray from paintint he car, going to touch this up. Tremclad is Canadas Rustoleum, owned infact by Rustoleum. Yes it could look better, the dullness was caused by dust and overspray from the cars paint job. Total coat $10.00
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