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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. 55 Fargo


    Mine may be a bit lighter without the fluid drive and M5 trans, maybe a 100 lbs.......Thanx BTW Fred
  2. 55 Fargo


    What about a 1947 Chrysler Royal Club Coupe?
  3. Thanx Bob, hey did you attach it to the door, or along the body. I do know Roberts sells this stuff for our car doors for about $35.00 for both doors.....
  4. Hi Greg, just looking at a 47 Chrysler speedo, could the speed be adjusted by making adjustments to the speedo needle shaft, and the needle stops, not sure if that is what is done to correct these.......Fred
  5. So do Models on film:eek:, beleive me she don't look that great up close and personal, she is okay, body work is not great:o, flaws in paint,runs etc. But she is presentable, and will look much better with polished SS and re-chromed bumpers. I am almost sorry I installed the rocker trim, it's pretty beat-up on the left side:o..............fred
  6. Took me close to 2 years to get a 888 set, have a 777 on my Van. I went to a DMV place last summer, again I was told no 888 plates, then I was walking out to my Van, the Young Lady came running out, and had a set in her hands, she had found some. 888 is my favorite number combo.......
  7. Hi Bob, any way you could post or PM a pic of the weatherstrip your using. I don't know how you could be getting such lousy weather, we are 900 miles straight north of you, and should be 40s and sunny go figure...
  8. Hey all, 2 weeks ago I installed new speedo glass, itno my dash, I also swapped in a different speedo. This speedo works well, the other would bounce more, and the odometer was stuck. Now the donor speedo, the needle does not bounce much, both the trip and regular odometer work. I do find this speedo seems to register actual speed better. Is this possible, because the odometer is working on this speedo? I have not verified it with a GPS yet. The old speedo was registering about 8 to 10 mph too fast, this speedo seems closer to actual speed.............Fred
  9. Hey Tim, No kiddin, not sure how it got it's name, think they did that in North Dakota. Actually it is a muddy river, looks just like the Missisippi, Winnipeg in Ojibway means muddy waters. Actually you can drive a car truck,ATV snowmobile,boat, semi-truck, or land a plane on this body of water. There is so much traffic on this thing in winter, the government wants to make restrictions. This river flows into Lake Winnipeg about 12 miles north of this site, a large lake,10000 square miles, 10th largest in the world.........
  10. Hi all, don't want to bore anyone with my simple goings on. Here are some pics I just took on a 20 mile cruise near home, this is Breezy Point Raod, Selkirk Manitoba. One pic is in front of a 19th century limestone house, the along the Red River facing toward Sugar Island, 10 days ago this very spot on the river was covered with Ice Fishing Shacks, tons of Tophy Walleye in those waters. It was only about 20 outside, my car could sure use door weatherstipping.
  11. Did you bench bleed the MC first?
  12. 2 days ago I had a 60 mile drive with the 47, it was around 45 outside. Last night after work took a 10 mile drive, and it was cool outside about 25, turned on the heater box and enjoyed the fun..........
  13. woodent a crakt piep leek
  14. Noap,wut duz thiss meen
  15. I have never done this job Aero, but do know there is a gasket on the case itself, and do not think the rubber insulator pads are gaskets, they simply cushion the box to the frame, from what I have read..........
  16. I suppose you could use the expandable plugs, if you so choose,or do what I did in-car, and to date have never had a leak, I simply used a sealant on my plugs, then set them with a very short brass rod(about 1 inch thick), seemed to work well........Fred PS the brass plugs are softer and may dimple set better
  17. The box is not a sealed unit as per say, as there is a gasket on the front where the 4 bolts attach to the box, there is also a shaft seal
  18. Hi Aero, the tie rod ends that attach to the pitman shaft should be able to move some, do not think it will affect the toe-in. It should not affect Camber in anyway............Fred
  19. Holy Smokes Aero, hope all is getting better after the storm, hopefully you get driving weather next........Fred
  20. Same smell here north of the border, drives the family crazy when my clothes smell up the house. Just the perfume these old girls wear, years back this was a common smell around cars and trucks........Fred
  21. I came across this post that Norm's Coupe wrote a few years ago, it was in a thread I was searching. Enjoy Your Car While You Can -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We should all enjoy our cars while we can. You never know how long you have to enjoy them until it's too late. Just found out on New Years Eve a member of the old Ford V8 club locally was given only 3 months to live. Has cancer. Real nice guy and would do whatever he could to help a friend. He did get another opinion and that one gave him about a year. The guy owns a beautiful 46 Ford convertible that he restored his self. Also had a 36 Ford Coupe project going and another project Ford about the same year next to it. Just a few months ago he also bought a 48 Nash coupe that is just a nice old car that is just ok for driving around. He has all kinds of nice parts laying around in his shop too. In fact he gave me a real nice pair of NOS aftermarket universal rocker panel moldings (stainless) still in the wrapper a few years ago. He thought I was missing the left side for mine at the time because it was off when I drove the coupe to the Goodguys show. Told him I had the stainless, but.........he insisted I take his NOS rocker stainless. He also had a real nice pair of 49 Plymouth bumpers on the rack in his shop that I could have had real cheap. The list goes on for the stuff he has laying around. Now, he's sold the 36 Ford project he was working on. Has a buyer lined up from the NSRA show for his 46 convertible and is also selling the other Ford project. Sold the 49 Plymouth bumpers to someone else he knows last week for only $100 for the pair. Said he wants to get rid of everything he can so his wife doesn't have to contend with it after he's gone. He's going to hang onto the Nash to drive around in as long as he can though. He has gotten a lot of enjoyment out of his 46 convertible the last 6 or 7 years. He drives it quite often. The point here is, not only should we have fun with the old cars while we can, but try not to have a lot of extra stuff for the wife to get rid of when we're gone. That can be a real burden to a wife, especially if she doesn't know anything about the cars and parts, like most wives. __________________
  22. Valve stuck open on cyl 1, head gasket is bad. I suggest you pull the head and have a look, see what you need, this happens, and is not that bad of fix, if just a gasket. While your in there, you can clean up the top end, and have head shaved a bit........let us know what happens
  23. Thats too bad, he can't do your Bumpers . We have a few shops here in Winnipeg, one shop does everything, including pot metal, stainless straightening and polishing too. I have only seen pics of his work, looks good, I need to do what you have done, and tour his shop..........Fred
  24. Hi Tim, I agreee, time for this box to get overhauled and sewn back up. I do have some of the lube and grease still in the case, lots did leak out over winter, so will keep adding the thick stuff, till I can pull this box out for work. I have a spare box on parts car, maybe wil pull it for rebuilding, then doa clean swap........gonna try STP, and grease to refill
  25. Hi David, I have heard of this product. I did use a mix of greae and gearlube, into a purable viscosity, still a lot leaked out. This was a recipe from member Tim Adams. On my steering box, it is also leaking from the case gasket, somaybe nothing but grease would leak out.....Fred
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