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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. No no Tom, yall want 1 scooped............LOL
  2. Here is an old topic, but was thinking of it today, so decided to put it to the test. My 47 Chrysler has not been started for a few weeks or more, but I needed to move it outside, for some floor sweeping. I primed carb with a couple ounces of fresh gas, then proceeded to crank here over, she immediately fired right up. The garage was cool inside, but not real cold, the floor i super cold though. I have always had starting issues after this car sat for a while, and then with a 6 volt system, she would crank slow on those super cold times. I was a bit amazed as I have never made this a practice, would go out, and crank, and crank and crank some more, till she fired, this was wearing down the battery too. When I put the battery back on the 6 volt tender, it was full charged in no time flat. This car has a fully functioning scisson electric choke. The truck starts very easy no matter what, with 12 volts, and a manual choke she comes to life quite easy.....
  3. yes, take it easy, only having fun. I realize the State of Cal, has a myriad of weather conditions. Snow is 1 of them, -40 to -50 windchills, blowing snow on the prairie is not though. Those are some of the things that occur in places like Manitoba and Minnesota...
  4. I agree Pekka, if paint on the body is solid, and in no danger of delaminating, or reacting poorly with an epoxy primer, see no reason to go to bare metal either. I am sure we will get some reactions from some on this. A lot of paint shops do not want to guarantee their work over substrates other than bare metal, and there own particular product line, so understandable.
  5. Yup, life in the North is rugged, not for the faint at heart, where brutal weather is concerned. Today, I actually got a bit of sunburn on my face, from the suns reflection off the snow.Glad you were able to get out and about and experience some "Eye Candy", at the same time.....
  6. I have a lotta of fun with this old truck, the 47 Chrysler stays in most of the time now. I have hauled all kinds of items, with the truck, I have had this trailer since about 1980, would not haul these 2 to the local cruise in. I would like a nice Canned Ham camper trailer, at some point,as I live real close to Lake Winnipeg and all her beaches. I really admire what you are doing with your car Chris, drivin her and havin a blast, how many others could compete with your travel record with this car. Hey Don and Tim , how about you travel Up North To Edmonton, in Don's race ready Plymouth. Seriously Chris, you should write a book of all your adventures, and anecdotes while on the road, with your car, with pictures, it would be an interesting read......
  7. Hey Chris, my old Heap, hauls the trash to the dump today, this thing runs great inspite of needing a few items yet, should be evern better, once all is completed.
  8. Hey for Califorinia and all point in the warm south, and for the Northern Guys, Minn, ND, Wis, Montana. Here is what you Southern Guys get to miss out on, and for us Northern Stock, this what we sometimes put up with. Mondays high winds, and not all that much snow, caused major drifts in my yeard, driveway, worse than I have ever experienced. It was heavy like stones, and hard as wood, most I broke by hand, before pushing my 40 YO John Deere blower to the outer limits, I think I have worn out this engine a lot. Here is me today, cleaning off the major snow drifts on north side of my shop, this is a 1966 Acadian(Nova), took me over an housr to get all the heavy snow off the vehicle, to prevent a cave in........Lots of fun, for us Northern types...
  9. Gotta love your old Heap, like my 55 Fargo heap, use it all year round right now, just drove it earlier to pick up gas for snow blower, we had some major snow drifting, worse I have had it since we moved here. My 40 year John Deere blower, had a very hard time tackling this job, the snow was so hard I had to break it first with a shovel, some drifts 4 feet deep, some ares it blew up over 6 feet....
  10. Hey Rob, look at this snow map, you Guys may be 1 of the few areas in Canada with no snow on the ground, but it's early yet.... http://www.natice.noaa.gov/pub/ims/ims_gif/ARCHIVE/USA/2013/ims2013050_usa.gif
  11. hey ct777, that paint and patch work looks excellent. You know doubt not what the heck yall doin in the shop. Enjoyed those pics of you and your Boy, fetchin that coupe, reminds me a lot of my old car escapades with my youngest Son. Lookin forward to your progress, and rod job on the coupe too............rockwood
  12. Hey came across this ad, I am in no way connected, the price seems high to Me.. http://www.usedwinnipeg.com/classified-ad/30S---50S-Dodge-_15349942
  13. This looks like a clean straight survivor. I would love to get something like this, oh well nice to day dream. http://winnipeg.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-1951-Plymouth-3-Passenger-Coupe-W0QQAdIdZ457105167
  14. Great pics as usual Bob, boy that lake she be frozen up good. Cute little Granddaughter you have there Good Buddy, bet you and Patty are spoilin Her like crazy.....
  15. Looks good Ed
  16. Nice to see Richard Lentinello Hemmings Classic Editor, has a good idea once in a while and runs an old Mopar....
  17. Hi Ed, yes with an engine and drivetrain in good condition should be no problem. You and I both know the cars may ride and handle better at faster speeds though, but that is too be expected with the truck solid front axles, and heavier suspension, no weight in the back end. I just came back from running an errand with my truck, drove on highway at 55mph, very comfortable speed, pushed her up to 65 mph, got busy and some vibration at that speed. I need new tires, and balanced rims, and gain tie rod ends are a bit loose. Speeds between 50-65 mph were attained very easily, this truck had lots to go at 65 mph..
  18. At 60 mph with your present set-up, with 28 inch diameter tires, you would be at 2556 rpm, 27 inch tires, 2650 rpm. At 55 mph with 28 inch 2349 rpm , 27 tire 2429 rpm. This is why 55 mph would be comfortable, and 60 mph begins to sound busy, add fan and wind noise, and things are louder, rpm is not hugely different...
  19. I am going to have to wire in a cheap tach, and see where I am at. My set-up is 12 volt. This old truck is chilly even with good heat from heater box, gonna have to insulate and stop drafts.....LOL
  20. Hey Reg, gotta love these old trans, still stump pullers in 1st with high gears in the backend. Hey what kind speeds you cruise at on the highways? What size tires you runnin?.......Fred
  21. My 2nd gear must be helical cut, you can downshift into 2nd gear from 3rd while moving
  22. Hi Merle your correct, and 2nd and 3rd don,t skip or jump out of gear, no issues you downshift into those gears while moving too. Like the rest of Mopar engineering probably built tough as nails. i love drivin this old truck short wheel base just the feel of it. I actually enjoy it more than my 47 Chrysler...
  23. Hey Merle, no howling, a little whining in 1st and reverse. There is all fresh oil in it, no metal shavings were ever found by me. There was a gear with teeth missing. It shifts well, no problem with downshifting either. Just too truck to General Store, no noises from trans,shifted well also. it is only 8 above, the truck with no insulation is cold on the highway, heater box is throwing heat, but has a 160 t/stat, would be much better with a 180.....
  24. thanx, yes i understand this, and even with 3.23 gears, 1st is still for a load, and not everyday driving. My question is more of a are there other 4 spd transmissions, that have even lower 2nd and 3rd gear ratios, cuz what I have now, is tolerable..
  25. Thanx Tim, i do not need to use 1st at all, even with 3.23 gears, takes off in 2nd like nothing. Can even take off in 3rd, not well but it can. I am hoping to possibly get another 4spd, and use it, as mine has some chewed gears.I have no idea when I might try a 5 speed trans plant, the need is not as great with a 3.23 diff.
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