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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. This is what you want, the Chrysler/Ford 78-10 ohm universal sender, make to fit, and then add top plate from OEM sender for mounting... http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=276/category_id=62/home_id=-1/mode=prod/prd276.htm
  2. Hey Moose, it may be heat burned and rusty, but Cool none the less, got any vids of it running?
  3. 47 Chrysler C38 Royal Club Coupe, Gimli Manitoba, on Lake Winnipeg, in Manitoba Canada
  4. Moose,you got some talent man, wish I could make what you make. Robert it is, but has this engine been run, all looks to new, maybe been run since pic was taken...
  5. I actually painted my 47 Chrysler 4 years ago with real basic synthetic enamel. I did add a gloss hardener, and it still looks super shiny. 2 years ago I had to paint the sun visor and rear bumper pan, the gloss and paint match were dead on. Now this paint is not for everyone, it's cheap industrial enamel at $40 per gallon, but it has served me well to date. I can appreciate the better quality PPG BASF, Dupont lines, but did not want to spend that amount of money at the time. I know a Guy on this forum that painted a 50 Dodge truck with Van Sickle paint, and it looked fantastic, He lives oin the south and the paint gets plenty of sun UVs, and maybe will fade faster, but the price was right. So Jeff, your call, sure it will look great, whichever way you proceed.....
  6. Muchos gracia Senor, my 2 cents also comprende
  7. Great pic Hank, I love the color, and I am not usually a green guy, nice truck...
  8. Glad this thread ended up being entertaining, time to move on......
  9. Yes Robert, I am referring to 46-48 Chrysler with a "Spitfire", I have 1 of these heads, waiting in the wings for me. The name just was a thought. The C38S Chrsyler is a 46-early49 Royal model. I hope to have the Spitfire head on, at some certain point. I cannot use it on my current engine, as it is post 1950, with an internal water pump by-pass, but do have a 48 C38S 251 engine, complete with full flow oil filtration, sitting here at home...
  10. Best is in the eye of the "Beholder"........
  11. Hey folks, even this fun OT stuff, can be entertaining,yup was looking for new Handle, trying out C38Spitfire6, hope yall like it...
  12. good,better ,best, bester,bestest, higly subjective, and open to over use and abuse......now go put that in your pipe and smoke it...
  13. OH yay, Grumpy cuz i do not have 360 mumpths, cannot retire yet........grrrr ruff ruff frankie47
  14. I cannot post on another thread
  15. LIke I posted, 8 wire maybe a golf cart signal stat. I would google for wire diagrams, on this particular unit. 1 wire in for brake light switch, ( this wire is "hot", 1 wire from gas gauge or starter switch to flasher, then 1 wire from signal switch to flasher, to operate signals, and 1 wire for pilot light on signal stat. 4 wires, for each turn signal light on each corner of car. If you do not have a diagram, trial and error might be the course of action...
  16. We prefer "Correctional Officer", at least that's what the system says. Just remember, the Police and Corrections , spend their lives at work, trying to keep your streets safe, and to keep criminals behind bars where they belong. When I go to work, I deal with a 100% criminal element each time, try that on for 25-30 years. I am fortunate, as I have 1 of the best postings you could ask for in this system, many brother and sister officers, go to work in a nightmare, disease,violence, gangs, and mental stress each shift......
  17. Will go an issue tonight at shoppers drug mart or Safeway...
  18. This what you have an 8 wire golf cart signal switch http://www.amazon.com/TURN-SIGNAL-SWITCH-WIRE-BLACK/dp/B008H3YI82
  19. What brand is it? Most vendors have on-line schematics/instructions. Your saying it's an 8 wire switch, does it light up the unit itself when you pull on the lights, or is this a direct hot wire for the 4 way flashers when key is turned off?
  20. This what I am doing for my truck supposedy a better quality sender, and less than 1/2 the price.. http://www.ply33.com/Repair/fuelsender.html
  21. Heard the Roberts re-pops were crap, any confirm or deny, I have 1 in my car, it seems okay. For my truck, using OEM top sender plate with universal 75-10 ohm range sender, put together...
  22. Thats a real nice straight car you have there. Might be able to polish that paint back to a shine too, and even the chrome.... Here is m toy 47 Chrysler, that was a real piece of crap, when i got her. Took these pics 3 days ago, as you can tell we get wicked alaskan type winters here.
  23. Meant pics of the outside of car. When was the interior re-done? Hope you resolve your brake issues.....
  24. How about some pics, 280 original miles, this car should be in a museum, never mind fixing up to drive around. Is this a hoax.......LOL
  25. Yup, there is the Pros/Cons, but in my 1 time only use with the 47 Chrysler, it has been great, and those brakes are excellent. I have heard others having issues, and some problems bleeding brakes with Dot5, but not me. The expense is IMHO< not over the top,unless you need gallons of this stuff...
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