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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi all, sadly but also gladly have tentatively sold my 47 today, to a another great Mopar Gent. The potential new owner, is a lover of old Mopar in a stock form, so I am very confident it is going to good hands. I have learned a lot on this forum, and have certainly enjoyed my time on here, and hope to continue, while I fix up the old Fargo. I wish all the best, and would like to say a special thanx to some Members, 40Plymouth, Tim Adams, Robertkb,Greg G, Don Coatney, Lou Earle ,Shelbizcoupe, Dodgeb4ya, Normscoupe,Norm Carter, Joel Okie, and all the rest of you fine folks...........Fred
  2. Okay, still have not bought a 12 volt universal sender to create a sender for my 55 Fargo. However today, I was able to test the gas gauge with of all things a 0-90 ohm fuel sender froma 1966 Nova. Yesterday pulled the gas tank from the 66, its being replaced with a brand new tank, so also removed the sender to test my gauge, and the sender itself. My fuel gauge of course read empty when the GM sender was in the near full position, being an opposite resistance of what i need for the Mopar gauge being 78-10 ohms. The nice thing, is this, the sender is in good working order, and so is my fuel gauge, now I need to get busy with it......
  3. My 1955 Fargo frame has this bracket as well......
  4. Read this link, http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?/topic/19362-lead-on-hubcap-clips/ Did you try a search? Would suggest this featurein the future, lots of good prior threads that can answer ?s quickly....
  5. For low amperage draw applicance such as a car stereo, plug in for Iphone, gps, you could get a power invertor from 6+ to 12-, and be done with it. What are you trying to create? If you need a pusher rad fan, and many other 12 volt -grnd items, maybe you need to convert to 12 volts-grnd. Besides this electric rad fan idea, what exactly do you need to the 12 volt power for, a car stereo only?
  6. Hi Don, did you'tally up" the yays and nays. We are waiting on you..
  7. This head gettin swapped "Er What".. just don't call anyone a "Bag of Hammers", or "Smart like Tractor'....
  8. Yup, did that 1st before install, tiny switched in back of tach, a sequence for 2-10cyl engines, but 12 volt neg grnd only, as my truck is.revved engine up over 3000 rpm a couple of times....
  9. Don't think Don C, needs a new engine by any means........
  10. Hey, acquired a used Sunpro tach, for gratis, its a 10000 rpm, a little bigger than what I would pay for, but it was free. Here it is, installed, still need to tidy up the wiring yet, I did put an inline fuse to it though. Engine sounds busy after 2500 rpm, seems to sound best at 2200-2400 rm, nice cruisin RPMs for this old engine..
  11. Very Cool Head, JoelOkie has 1 of those saved for me, someday I will retreive it. I vote for you to do the swap now, before the driving season. You of all Guys I have no trouble voting for the swap, should be a piece of cake, afternoon fun job.... Hey Get Tim Pym up, and make a day of it.
  12. Hi Don, have not advertised on this forum as of yet, really am trying to sell locally at this point, well in the region, say Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, with a population base of about 5.5 million, so a smaller market Yes Greg they really are, kinda rare, not many around, and production was very low,especially in Canada, our collector retail price lists then about 25% higher in price than in the USA.
  13. Thanx everyone for the replies and advice. I have some activity but not line-up of buyers. 2 promising potential buyers, are both over a 1000 miles away. I have used a Canadian and US Vintage car pricing guide, and I am asking in the right amounts, leaving room for bargaining. I did make some mistakes while fixing this old car up, which has resulted in a lower value,the car is a "Royal", being this it should have, -woodgrain dash and window garnish -no stainless trim on door panels -certain type grey colored grey type material for seats and door panels That was my interior mistakes, dash is painted solid blue as well as window garnish, somewhat like a Windsor model would be. Car has no fluid drive and 3 spd trans or optional M5 semi-auto trans. Paint is not a factory color. All of this has lowered the price value of this car, although it's an okay driver car, it certainly is not a survivor or a very authentic resto. If my car had all the correct items, it would easily be worth a few grand more, these cars are on the rare side, especially in Canada. I have never seen 1 on the road in my area, and have only seen 2 parts cars, never have seen a biz coupe, and maybe 2 converts....thanx all
  14. Oh, sounds good, thought you were trying to determine drum sizing for a DMV safety. Most likely you will have good brakes, and if not immediately, after some miles, and adjustments......
  15. If your looking for an accurate measurement. The shop that undertakes the DMV Vehicle Safety, will measure the drums will they not? Or are you trying to determine the mesurement to set-up the brakes. Dodgeb4ya, has provided the best advice in this area, #1 choice, arcing the shoes to fit drums, difficult to find a shop to provide this service. The Miller or Ammco brake tool, get get yopu close, but if you need arcing, you may need some miles to wear the shoes in. How about set-up the brakes real close, get all lines, hoses and fittings hooked up to MC. Bleed brakes, and see what you have. On my 47, had not bad brakes, when all was brand new, then followed Bob Hs advice, set Majors to factory position, let shoes wear in, adjusted minors periodicaly, and brakes seem very good. I just inspected the brakes and shoes, shoes have all even wear....
  16. yes this can be tough without the tool, or most importantly a brake shoe arcing. Get it close, or set anchors to factory, and allow to wear, and do minor adjustments as needed, that worked extremely well for me. If you slip over the drums, and make slight contact, with both shoes, then use your brake tool, and get even contact, back off just slightly if too tight......... Take drums into a shop for accurate measurement, you can be as oversized as 10.060, with machining total drum 30 over
  17. Post some pics if you can Joe
  18. Nope don't need a asking price or selling price, our market could be much different than many Members market areas. Just want to be fair minded and reasonable with regard to sale price expectation. No big worries, not much activity on my 2 ads, this really is Chebby/Furd Hotrod Country. I will post if and when it does sell........
  19. My Ad is not super specific, as my thread, i do have plenty of pics, so will try and sell, but it may not sell. I am willing to negotiate, but I am not going to wholesale her out quick either, times are tough, but will "drydock" this old boat, if i have too...
  20. Hey all, unfortunately I have my 47 Chrysler Club Coupe for sale. So far in 36 hours 2 interested parties, but no viewing of the car or offers. I have my 47 advertised only locally, at a fairly high price, people like to bargain/dicker here, and need some leeway for that reason. This car is in decent form, but still needs the following, headliner and wind-lace new windshield rubber,bumpers need replating, or donor bumpers, rocker trim needs polishing and repair or replacement, pot metal including grille is only driver quality. Steering wheel has cracks, as does glove box door, and radio needs some repair, all else works electrically. It needs a few mechanical items nothing serious to my knowledge. The negatives, interior cloth and dash and window garnish colors are not "Royal" period correct. This car also has a dry clutch, and 3 spd trans, no fluid coupler, with either 3 spd or M5 trans. The paint is in good shape, but i shot it on, and got some good runs, 1st paint job, and some things went wrong, but it looks pretty good for the most part. So , this is what I got to work with, but want to be honest with myself too.
  21. Make no mistake, times are tough, especially in my Household. But there are those with plenty of money out there. Some have it, and lots don't. I got a call on my 47 Chrysler todaY. the Gent is 71, has money, and had a 40s Chrysler in His youth.I am going to be firm in my price though. I does distress me to "Let Go" of this car......
  22. Thanx Don, she is priced high to start, will see what happens, never thought I would have to do this, but times have been tough...
  23. Sorry also Andy, hard to let go, once we have these old Mopars. I am in the same boat, have my 47 Chrysler for sale, times are extremely tough in our home. I have owned the car since 1988, and brought here back from the dead starting in 2005, 95% of the work myself, with most help and direction from members of this forum.. It does bother me to great deal to do this, but you gotta do, what you gotta do. I will hang onto the 55 Fargo, and keep at it with Her....
  24. Don't think I would need this for tiny rust repairs,or to weld in holes, major panel replacements, ie floor pans, rockers etc. I do recall their prices to be pricey, and I am a low budget Guy.....
  25. Nuthin like a "Cash Crop", glad your not growing Marijuana or anything.
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