Hey all, unfortunately I have my 47 Chrysler Club Coupe for sale. So far in 36 hours 2 interested parties, but no viewing of the car or offers.
I have my 47 advertised only locally, at a fairly high price, people like to bargain/dicker here, and need some leeway for that reason.
This car is in decent form, but still needs the following, headliner and wind-lace new windshield rubber,bumpers need replating, or donor bumpers, rocker trim needs polishing and repair or replacement, pot metal including grille is only driver quality. Steering wheel has cracks, as does glove box door, and radio needs some repair, all else works electrically. It needs a few mechanical items nothing serious to my knowledge.
The negatives, interior cloth and dash and window garnish colors are not "Royal" period correct. This car also has a dry clutch, and 3 spd trans, no fluid coupler, with either 3 spd or M5 trans. The paint is in good shape, but i shot it on, and got some good runs, 1st paint job, and some things went wrong, but it looks pretty good for the most part.
So , this is what I got to work with, but want to be honest with myself too.