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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Good place to start, but if you are going this route, maybe a good time to replace all components, MC first , rebuild, if bore is in nice shape, if not get it sleeved, same with wheel cyls, replace all steel lines, and flex hoses. Are the brake shoes relined, if old, get em relined, no matter how much material is if bonded and old, they could fall off literally. Have drums, inspected, measured, no more than .060 over, and have machined if necessary. Once brakes are all new, with lines, and such, you could use DOT 5 silicone brake fluid, very good for vehicles that have a lot of down time. Disc brakes, kits can be installed, for superior braking, save old parts, can be put back, if wanted, this is a good idea, in areas of heavy fast traffic and hills. Having said this, stock brakes can be pretty good if adjusted and installed correctly, others will disagree, but many will attest to this.....good luck
  2. 55 Fargo

    Thanks GK

    Back on the job Bob, hope to see lots of pics, of your excursions. Sent you an email from work last night, was doing rounds at 1130 and 130 in the morning with temps at -25f....
  3. He forgot to mention he has a more modern diff, not sure how he arranged the lower shock mount for it....
  4. shocks can be many different angles, would not travel/length be your biggest concern Less spring=more bounce perhaps, as the rear is much lighter. My shocks on 55 Fargo rear, with 80s mopar 8 1/4 diff, shock angle and even mount are different than stock. The shock travel is about right, and the ride and handling are good.
  5. E.Dorset Vermont, some interesting people came from that town no doubt, enjoyed the pics...
  6. You might want to throw this question on the forum itself. I would also do a search on here to see how many threads have discussed this topic too. While this is not a huge undertaking, sometimes because of wear and scratching/pitting, you may need a speedy sleeve too. Are you planning to drain and remove 3rd member for inspection and service, or just the pinion seal job?
  7. Chris I would like to say it is a fit, but should not from lack of "direct knowledge". The Canadian built engines from at least 1940, would have the 8 bolt crank, and the same clutch housing as the same as the 1946-48, all 3 spd standards from this period and beyond should be a direct fit. I would see no other reason for it not to.....
  8. Found this at Tanksinc, for $35, plus postage, looks not bad, and is the correct 78-10 ohm rating... http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=276/category_id=62/home_id=-1/mode=prod/prd276.htm
  9. Hey all, i have a old sender taken apart, and ready to transplant top mounting disc to new 78-10 ohm range universal fit sender unit. Up here only types I can buy are 33-240 ohm range universal senders, cannot make this work, unless I use there gauge. Any place i can buy a 78-10 ohm range universal sender unit, aside from JC Whitney, which has risen in price from $20, to like $45. My other choice is to buy a Roberts re-pop at $85, not sure how great they are either.....thanx Fred
  10. Thanx, will keep the pic files to a limit...
  11. This test upload has worked after deleting a bunch off my allotment. Some of my pics were 7 years old, trip down memory lane, scary thing is this,looked younger in them old pics....LOL
  12. Here is the message i get from 3 of our computers. It also states "upload failed", You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments
  13. I am running chrome, and windows 7 on this netbook, still get same results...
  14. Yes exactly, from my own computer Cdrive, and the files are much smaller in size than the 4mb max, they are small pic jpgs that I used for old forum format. I wonder what is going on with my end...
  15. Okay as I have reported above in this thread, and just got the same "error" message. And it is "this upload failed". This is with the basic up loader or the more advanced loader. I can see my pic file loading up, then it goes to failure message. Like I stated before, have never had this happen on another forum, with many different types of formats. I can upload pic urls with a host website such as Tinypic.com
  16. This is still not working for me, whether I use Windows 7, or this time windows XP Professional. I have no trouble uploading on many other web forums, not sure what is going on with this at the moment. I also notice this site is on the slower side, not sure if others experiece that or not. I have alos noticed othere uploading thumbnail attachments, but I cannot. I have uploaded pictures with Tinypic.com, but hope to be able to upload direct from my PC....any ideas
  17. Hey Mackster, hopefully Rob aka Dodgeb4ya will chime in, and advise you. I have known a few to convert to 12 volts, not sure if they used voltage reducers or not. Would the solenoid and governor survive on 12 volts neg grnd, quite possibly....
  18. Check out this wintery weather Tommy, this normal every winter in Canada
  19. Hi Gerald, yes it did, looks normal and loads the entire pic but then states an "error", and no pic uploads onto the post....
  20. I have had this tank drained before, do not see that big of a deal to drop her, I have another spare tank too. I am in the process of building a custom sender unit, from the old, combined with a new universal type. I will post pics as things progress....
  21. Yes, exactly how I did it, the jpg files are well below 1mb in size.....
  22. Yes in my test posts on this forum, will try okay here goes In highlighted mauve color, states with red exclamation mark, "this upload failed"
  23. Cannot upload thumbnails from my computer, says I am out of disc space, any ideas?????
  24. 20 minutes ago, we did not get that much snow, but now it is blowing like crazy. It is very dry and powdery, it is 0, with a 20 below windchill, living here is not for the squeamish. So you Guys living in the south or more temperate zones, don't complain, this could be your winter, and it's not overly fun......
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