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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Same stuff, comin your way next week. Now get on the deck with that cup of Coffee, don't wear socks either..
  2. Happy Blarneystone to ya too, Chris.....pour a nice big glass of Guiness
  3. Bob, I let my shoes wear in a few years, and had the anchors at factory setting, then adjusted minor adjusters to slight drag, brakes were great after that.By allowing the shoes to wear a bit, is that a similar effect to arcing? I have even wear on these shoes too.......
  4. looks good Tim, but how is that tree holding up the car...
  5. Wow Bob, glad you caught this now, before any major damage. Most likely all was still pluggin away, and you don't drive that engine too hard. Once you get things back together, gonna be a much better engine. Might as well have the head shave a bit, get a little more oomph from that, nice for those hills. You will be able to most likely cruise faster now, if you could get a 3.73 set of gears, going 60 mph instead of 45 mph would be much nicer..
  6. Bob, I just broke the center stud off the valve portion, as in your 1st pic. Does anyone have an extra, or how could I make something for this. The dual heater, is other wise in good shape. I had to heat this stud, and the nut cam off fine, but pushing it out of the housing it broke off.....thanx Fred
  7. zip cut wheels, and tin snips
  8. Neil, thats a good deal, and not much coin tied up either. Bob, I could well imagine, even 2 or 3, could be a lot of upkeep, never mind 11.
  9. yup, might as well Grin, before the Wife gets a hold of you..........LOL
  10. Hmmmm, over a grand each for parking, you drive those cars/trucks, much, All State must love you.....LOL
  11. Ever wonde what we spend on fixing up and old car or truck, I was was. I just estimated on the liberal side what i spent to resurrect my 1947 Chrysler Royal Coupe. On a liberal estimate, without going through all my invoices and receipts, and not including all the hours I put in either. I guesstimated about 6 grand,from 2005-2011, including the 300 I paid for the car. My car still needs a headliner/windlace, some weather stripping for front window, bumpers rechromed/stainless polished, and some mechanical items.....geesh, this can be an expensive past time I probably would have a hard time getting 6 grand for my car too..........
  12. Roughed in patch panel with a coat of filler, then shot on some primer. I have more work on this fender and will block and glaze, all at once. I am not going to go to crazy on the body work, was a super rough truck, at retirement, might pull it apart and do it right, for now fix her up and shoot on a paint job... Had to move truck out of garage today, wicked cold here especially being March. I ran outta gas, and got stuck a little too, lots of fun..
  13. How about a /6, actually how about a nice sensible 289...
  14. Yup, definitely not gonna be a winter car. Actually lookin forward to this project...
  15. Same thing up here Larry, when you find old cars, many times this undercoatment is well attached, but well preserved under it. How times have changed...
  16. 20 gauge sheet metal, butt weld joint, much harder to do with flux core, but penetrated well, burns through easy. Even this ground down, and fibreglass filled would be fine. If I practiced lots could get the sheet metal welds much better even with flux core, gotta live with what I have and can afford for now..
  17. This is about as good as it gets for me, on thicker material too. I have trouble with sheet metal 18-20 gauge, getting nice beads, and not burning through, even on the lowest heat setting. a pic of some thicker 1/8 inch angle iron I just ran some weld on, penetration was good on the other side too.
  18. Thanx Bob, these were very small rusted areas, but new metal welded in, and epoxy over that so far. I sure wished I could get better welds, but with a cheap flux core, its tough...
  19. Decided to weld in 2 small metal patches on right fender of Fargo. I cleaned the are well, cut 18 gauge tin to patch size. I welded in with .030 FCAW cheap junk welder, welds are very tough to get nice and purdy like a good mig. I then ground down excess weld, and filled with 2 part epoxy adhesive. I will go over with the usual filler next. The pics
  20. With DOT 3, did you pump the brake pedal say a few times a month?It is said if the brakes are left untouched for longer time periods, say 6 months , they tend to develop problems.
  21. Hi Dirk, I do have fluid drive bellhousing and coupler, M^ trans too, but really do not have the desire right now to do all the work to swap back. My car was a Royal model, it possible came with just a fluid coupler and 3 spd trans, like the Dodges, but am happy with the performance enough, a 3 spd OD trans would also bolt right in too......
  22. You most likely have DOT 3regular brake fluid, this is what you would want to replace that with. If you are planning all brand new lines, hoses, Master Cylinder, Wheel Cyls, then you could go with DOT 5 silicone fluid. Something you should do, is pump the brake pedal, periodically, if your car sits for periods of time, while your not driving it.....
  23. Either a Mopar 8 1/4 or 8 3/4, with 3.55 gears, might be the ticket. Did you take out the fluid drive? Do you now have a regular clutch and 3 speed trans? My 47 Chrysler has a regular clutch and 3 spd trnas, with 3.73 gears. Stock tired 228 Canadian flat head 6. I kinda wish I had the fluid drive for nostalgia sake, but this was removed by my Uncle, who did not know any better, or maybe he did no better......
  24. Yes, actually have adjusted some, and did not seem to need any added fluid, could have been oversighted I suppose. The brake shoe wear is nice and even, at least. I know with disc brake calipers, fluid level, can sure go down in the MC with a lot of wear.....Thanx for the idea.
  25. I hope thats not what happened to your MC Don? Forget to check fluid level in 6 years......LOL Actually checked fluid every spring and fall except did not check in 2012, the level was not quite full to top, in all checks, until now. So any ideas other than don't check fluid level again for 6 years?.....LOL Brakes are as good as these type get, but with any brakes, I do get very concerned if fluid is leaking....
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