Question... on this 50 special deluxe, Any problem swapping the dual action fuel pump for a single?
Anyone know if the pump arm is the same?
I won't be needing the vacuum assistance, I have 47 Chrysler electric wiper set on the way.
I've been working on this with a friend in weekends. I've got a lot of info lurking here. Thank you all!
So far she's had done;
Replace entire brake system sans master cylinder (Vette type on the way)
Split fuel tank and deleted the built in pickup filter. Installed inline filters.
All new rubber hoses, belts,lines.
Electronic ignition installed, timed
Rebuilt carb
Freed up and cleaned and lubed all switches and linkages and wiring connectors
Flushed heater core
Rebuilt heater box and blend doors
Replaced thermostat
Oil pan gasket
Pinion seal
All lube
Freed a stuck ring
New exhaust
Put about 100 miles on her so far ran great until the fuel pump gave out. Everything is working.
28k on her, 4th owner.
This weekend,
fuel pump,master cylinder, LED headlights, taillights and guage lights. Electric wipers and possibly a yf knockoff carb install ( idle orifice tube is worn at the tip and can't be snugged without cutting off the idle circuit, no way to get a replacement that I know of)
Near future
Ac installation which I'd love to share here, I have a few unique ways to overcome the issues of doing this on a 6v system.
Paint job and minor body work.