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OT** Google maps = scary **OT

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They have a "street view" selection on google maps now where its actually like driving down a street and you can look in all directions. My jeep was out in front of my house when they collected the imagery on my block last summer. At least you cant read the plate number. I have to admit it's kind of neat to see your house at a certain time and wonder what you were doing. At the same time, its kind of Scary the level of surveillance that is available now. Have a look http://maps.google.com/

Todd Bracik


Kind of cool. They didn't go down my street. Probably because it is a dead end. Someone was getting ready to cross the street at the end of my block though. I don't recognize the person.

The shots of my neighborhood were taken late last summer. A house down the street was added on to last year and in these photos they are getting the landscaping done.


Saw that info on the news last night. Don't think I like the idea of posting actual pictures of someones house on the net. Anyway, as usual google has it wrong. Just checked mine and they show a closeup of a house down the street as my house, and they also have that house address wrong.:rolleyes::D :D When I pan down the street from the areal view I can see my house. Looks like it was taken on a day when the coupe was out of the garage.:D


Norm the address is approximate. Probably good they arent being exact there. As for cars my house only has 2 of my buddies trucks visible(my stuff would all be in the alley.) and for some reason there isnt a car to be seen at my parents.

for the right money and NEED TO ACCESS..you can see your license plate..guarantee you...


Have two cars sitting in the driveway. Even if they did zoom in, they couldn't see the license plate from that angle. It's just the tops of my van and coupe.:D :D

The house they show also shows the wrong address for it or my house. If you go by the address shown, that house should be about a block west.:rolleyes::D :D


by that Norm I was saying if that if visible the tag would be very sharp and totally legible..the satellite shows enough to warrant a closer drive by inspection if needed....................Waring Will Robinson..no building permit......

by that Norm I was saying if that if visible the tag would be very sharp and totally legible..the satellite shows enough to warrant a closer drive by inspection if needed....................Waring Will Robinson..no building permit......

Big Brother is watching.:eek:


At dinner I was telling my wife about the new google map and all of a sudden it hit me.

When I punch in my address for the map it shows the wrong house as mentioned. Also it says the address is 5422, not my address. As mentioned the house number that is supposed to be my house is actually a 5300 number, not 5422. Now, the part that hit me during dinner is. There is no such address as 5422 on my street at all.:rolleyes: Our street is only about about a block long and its on a curve for the whole street. In the course of that block long the addresses go from 5300 to 5500 (actually 2 blocks of house numbers). Also, a lot of numbers are skipped. For example, if you go by the house numbers, the house number actually next door to me should be 4 houses down the street. There are no empty lots between either. So.......if someone was looking for my house based on that map they would be confused to begin with because the numbers are wrong, and second because the house doesn't look like mine does. Then they would really be lost.:D

I think google maps just guessed at the house numbers.:rolleyes: So much about how accurate those maps are.:rolleyes:

P.S. Also not only is there no 5422 address on my street, but the even numbers are on the other side of the street.

Its a conspriracy Norm..you have stumbled upon what your area is going to look like after the Homeowners Association get finished...you are not there..I think I would be very leary of what is being planned behind your back....

Tim, That's ok, I like being incognito. I just wish I was incognito to the city when it comes to them sending the property tax bills out each year.:D

I'm confused here Norm. If the # doesn't exist, why would it show you house?


That's the point, it doesn't show my house on the street level picture, even the areal picture is pointing to that same house google shows as 5422 (which isn't 5422, its 5300 something). I can find my house in the areal picture because I know which one it is supposed to be when I pan the picture.

Also when I punch in my house number on the search, after the map comes up it says above the picture 5422 approximate address (which isn't my address either).

In short, my house number does really exist, whereas, 5422 doesn't exist anywhere on our street. Plus, like I said my house number is an odd number not even. To make matters worse, the house the map is pointing to as my house and is supposed to be 5422 (that doesn't exist) also has an odd numbered house number.:D Google couldn't even get which side of the street was odd and even numbered right.:rolleyes::D :D :D

Did that help, or make it more confusing?


Evidently the street view feature is not available here yet. Only the

satellite view. It did point out where my house is in the subdivision.



I just wondered what the rich(er) people think about this, so I searched Beverly Hills and tried to zoom in.

You can't get in to such a high resolution, for that area.

So it looks like Google think it's OK for anyone to look at close-ups of our homes, but not the homes of the rich & famous.


I just wondered what the rich(er) people think about this, so I searched Beverly Hills and tried to zoom in.

You can't get in to such a high resolution, for that area.

So it looks like Google think it's OK for anyone to look at close-ups of our homes, but not the homes of the rich & famous.

Actually, the closeups of the house on our street that I looked at is also poor resolution and fuzzy. We are not in an area like Beverly Hills is either. So, it could be that who ever they contracted with to take the pictures had different camera settings. Some good, some poor.

The pics are furry here as well on the available satellite view. I tried the "10 market street" that comes up in Todd's link. That was impressive.

This is pier 1 from Todd's link. Picture was taken from my hotel balcony on my last SF trip.


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