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Pulled head (dummy of week thread)

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I removed the head after using the wrong adapter on the compression gauge. Looks like I got off easy the adapter being brass slipped up and stripped the adapter threads which is why it would not come out. There is a mark on the head of the valve but all seems well I ran it through a few cycles by hand and everything seems ok. Also the cylinder walls look nice and clean. so after I get everything cleaned up I will get this back together.




I did the exact same thing when I first got my car.;) I also had to pull the head and check the valve. Those valves are much stronger than those adapter ends. I wouldn't worry about it.

That being said, I'm the type of guy that would pull the valve and check it anyway.:D

That being said, I'm the type of guy that would pull the valve and check it anyway.:D

I would at minimum rotate the engine until the valve is closed, then put a bead of oil on top of the valve around the valve seat, and check it for leakage after a couple hours with the oil just sitting there. If the oil is still there you are good to go. If the oil is not there then you have more work ahead of you.


I do not think the valve was damaged but Tim's suggestions does make sense and I should check something however being basically lazy I will at least try Don's oil test.


I like the oil test idea. I have a real aversion to removing those keepers unless I really need to. Replacing them can be a pain.


The trick to installing keepers is to use grease to hold them in place on the valve stem.



Granted its been a while since I played with the valves in one of these. But I seem to recall some little device we used that held the keepers in place until it got pushed off by the retainer.


That luittle device you mention has magnets in it - works just as great as the valve compressor like Don showed in his picture. Mine came in a set of two puieces.

Also, were I concerned about a leaking valve/seat, I'd consider using lacquer thinner instead of oil. It'll show up right away if it leaks. JMHO


Here is a picture of a magnetic "KD" valve keeper installer tool on left and a better type 'Sunnen" installer on right.



Glad to hear your boo-boo was not to bad.

Some times the God of all mopars are on our side.


I think I had what is refereed to as dumb luck.

Just waiting for the head gasket had to order it at NAPA .


Heavy.... what do daughters know about cars anyways? :)

This one drools over old cars, when she first came to live with us (about 3years old) she told me I was to old when I went to change spark plugs on a 52 Dodge I had at the time. I wished I had taken a picture as she climbed into the engine bay and sat on top of the flat head telling me "I can change the spark plugs". but alas she thinks this board and all my jokes are lame.

I have an older daughter who at a tender age of 16 hugged a Hemi in a 54 Desoto we were looking at. My son and other daughter could care less about cars. Oh well two out of four car freaks are not bad even if they are (hard to say) girls.

To there credit, both of them can be couverd in grease with huge smiles on there face one minute and the next looking like a millon dollars. With dad ringing his hands ready to take any boy out. Just to let all of you know all is not rosy. The older daughter has a boy friend who is LAZY!!!!!!!!

I have went so far as to try and have him arrested before my hands choke the life out of his LAZY person! She has good taste in cars but Men, Help!

Just to make it offical all my kids think my jokes and singing abilities are lame.


Sorry one is only 13 going on thrity and the other one is 23 going on 13 and in LOVE with a loser and the thrid one is 15 with lots of problems from her birth mother. (Hay if I marred this one off I could rest easier at night knowing some one else is on the case). I just keep shaking my head and hoping it all works out. Sorry about hijacking this thread. On to more important subjects.


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